Does mewing actually work?

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0 anecdotes that aren't fake, 0 signs of it actually working, the onyl reason why it is a meme is because it prevents toddlers from getting shit oral posture, but pretty much anyone has correct oral posture, it's all a meme that only works in mouth breathing children and teens.

You're just a butthurt Chad that wants to keep the rest of us down

It doesnt hurt keeping your tongue in the proper position and forcing yourself to always breathe through your nose. Its questionable if it will at all be able to change structure of your face tho.

Chewing and neck training does work guaranteed tho. After all the masseter and neck have muscle that will grow when stimulated

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Just being honest and giving it to you straight, it's a waste of time for anyone that breathes through the nose 24/7, you would get more benefit from doing surgery and taking vitamin K2 and vitamin D3 and magnesium and calcium supplements.

It's the latest brosience.

I always had my tongue at the roof of my mouth and I'm still a jawlet

>It doesnt hurt keeping your tongue in the proper position and forcing yourself to always breathe through your nose.
Why do that if it's fucking useless thoe ?

Well I don't snore anymore and I keep my mouth closed during sleep so in that case it has worked for me.
Before I used to just keep the first third of the tongue up.
Also I occasionally get like a burning feeling in my cheeks which I believe is the front of the face slowly coming forward.
Also keeping the tongue up makes the part under my chin more tight which makes my profile look better.
Haven't really noticed any big changes in my face but I'm not really doing it for that.

Well gravity is constantly pulling your jaw and midface downwards. Tongue is also supposed to balance that force. This means that in time your face will get longer and more narrow.

Yes, it works. If you honestly don't believe in correct oral posture and it's effects on yoyr face you're absolutely retarded

Wtf is mewing?

Did I make it guys?
Does Jow Forums approve this jawline?

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You look like a baby with a nice jawline.

No OP.

Cranial dystrophy can result from mouth breathing. However if you're mouth breathing it's probably because you have allergies or sinus problems. Get those sorted out and you'll stop mouth breathing. That's is all.

This is the most retarded bro science Ive ever read.

You look like you pull pints in the north of England.

mewing is actually about preventing recessed maxilla and high gonial angle. It has nothing to do with the robustness of your jaw.

But like I said here if you don't mouth breathe you'll mew automatically and mouth breathing is a symptom of another problem making mewing retarded.

you have no reason not to make it. the rest is up to you.

Guys what I'm a mouth breather and my jawline is pretty good.

You call that a jaw? ha ha ha

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The entire tongue needs to be on the roof, not just the tip. The back of the tongue has to push backwards while the tip pushes upwards


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The muscles under the lips is called the mantalis muscle, and it's used in infants to suckle. Your mentalis is being used to much because you are not properly using the tongue to keep the mouth closed. You also have a slightly hooked nose, again not genetic but from poor oral posture. Your case isn't really that bad but you could make noticeable improvements by mewing.

Mouthing breathing, poor oral posture, and poor body posture all lead to Craniofacial Dystrohpy.

>You also have a slightly hooked nose, again not genetic but from poor oral posture

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No he wouldn't stop saying bullshit. So you're saying Arabs have hooked noses due to incorrect oral posture? gtfo
>Your case isn't really that bad but
Post jaw.

I am become longe boi, destroyer of short faces and broad chins

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If you look at stephen hawking you can see what gravity has done to his face. It's almost melted in a way. You can also observe this in stroke victims, they no longer have muscles to support their face they melt from gravity.

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So this means that I should sleep with my face pointing towards the ground so the gravity will pull my jaw forwards?

Well over time you're going to loose those features.

Hooked noses are not genetic, but they should not be confused with Romanian noses with natural curves.

Yes but you will also die from too much blood in your head.

If you do that the tongue will want to drop and rest on the teeth, when that happens you'll start to slowly develop an overbite.

Your face is very narrow you could definitely get more width from mewing.

Here is guide to Mewing, it also explains how it works so you can come to your own conclusions rather then listen to the overweight mouth breathing tongue droppers.

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What I get from this is that you should be doing this shit if you’re 4-5 years old. How does this work if you’re already an adult that stopped growing LMFAO?


Wolfs law sates that bones can adapt and morph to their current environment. Although bones cannot grow they can still be moveed by external forces. Obviously bones don't move when you lift heavy weights or do anything intense, but bones are susceptible to very long light forces such as the force from the tongue. An example of bones changing can be found in tyler1's head, the continual usage of headphones has begun slowly crushing his head.

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Here is someone who has been mewing for a year.

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I don’t get how to do this exactly. All I need to do is learn to keep the tounge at the roof of my mouth, and keep it there forever and slowly my face will change for the better?

"Mewing" is actually just proper breathing technique. Breath through your nose, lips closed, tongue resting on roof of mouth, teeth lighting touching. Over time this will change your face to look how it naturally should.

hard time believing that's one person

What this guide I made. The tongue needs to be holding the jaw closed by using suction.

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Balding gay alien skull reporting in

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How do you get the back of your tongue to the roof of the mouth?

this shit 100% works, im actually too embarrassed to post my before.

My nose is big, but it looks more proportional for my face now

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Well if your tongue has been dropped then it has atrophied. The tongue is a muscle and you can strengthen it. Try doing tongue click exercises, suck the tongue on the roof of the mouth and when it falls it will make a loud click.

I'd very much like to see a before picture but very nice results!

Please please please post a before. I'm compiling a series of pictures to prove mewing.

post before!

~1 year ago, my lower third is a lot better and forward projected. Face looks less "fat", nose looks more proportioned, chin is sharper, buccinators are atrophying due to proper swallowing and getting minor sunken cheeks.

This is the best old pic I can find that's somewhat recent and shows the side profile

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Can I have a better side profile picture user? Also the muscle under your chin is called the mentalis muscle, it's a muscle for infants to suckle. it shouldn't be used as an adult but the adults who do use the mentalis muscle use it to keep the mouth shut. You could make noticeable improvements by mewing! Also are you balding in the back or front?

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this is worthless if you don't post before

what did you do exactly?

This is worthless. You can't see any progress with this trash. Confirmed mewing brainlet squad

your hair looks like a bear's pussy

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Mewing religiously, I really focused hard on widening my palate (i could barely fit my tongue now i can almost fit the whole thing) and building up the habit of doing so. Mike mew talks about how you can get over the "hill" where you can fit your tongue all the way and thats when the big changes start happening. My wisdom teeth now have room to come in (on the bottom) and are starting to erupt. Forcing myself to breath properly while doing cardio was the best even though the people next to me probably thought I was dying or smoked 4 packs a day.

Here's me ~16-17, as you can tell my maxilla is severely recessed with evident mouthbreathing

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>there are still people denying the effects of mewing
If you don't mew you are missing out on one of the easiest ways to facial aesthetics

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He looks like a mouse.
Tbh his maxilla and chin are projecting outwards too much. He looks too feminine.



Not in a gay way

This are sisters, not the same person.

Yes they show the effect of mouth breathing.

Doesn't work in adults, work great with children.

Want a chad kid, make him mew, chew hard things, and pump him with hgh

For an adult, wait for CRISPR

You’re a fucking retard, it works well with adults the fuck are you talking about

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Lol it doesn't, your growth plates are closed, no more growth anywhere

Literally pointless, people only care how you look from the front not the sides.

You’re not growing new bones retard, you’re pushing your bones around. Read Wolff’s law, watch Mew’s videos. It’s almost like if you have no idea about mewing

dude, we can't let the NPC find out about this. I want to make a harem with my face/confidence gains. If everyone is a Chad, this will be difficult. If everyone gets fat and drinks onions, I can at least ride the tiger comfortably while society collapses.


You are like baby

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I still don't know what exactly mewing is.

Every explanation online makes it just seem like you just nose breath while pushing your tongue against the roof of your mouth.
There must be more to it than that, no?

Doesn't matter, they still develop, which can't happen post puberty

The check is where i have my tongue placed and X is ware i try to avoid, am i mewing right

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>He actually believes sucking your tongue to the roof of your mouth with change the shape of your face
Truly low IQs we're dealing with

They aren’t supposed to grow idiot

Niggas mewing is just normal oral posture, there is no reason not to do it

I have no idea if I am doing it correctly. I know that I have the tongue on my hard palate but I don't know about the soft one.

No man, the further you go back on the top plate, the more you focus the tip of your tongue. The point is to get all of your tongue to the palette. The tip of your tounge should be right behind the gun part behind your top front

Watch my playlist for Mewbies

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Teeth. Accidentally posted, sorry

>decades of scientific research that proves this. Countless before/after pictures. There’s an accepted medical law called Wolff’s law that’s studied by doctors that says bones can move under pressure over time
>no lol you’re dumb lol, there’s no way your bones move

You’re both truly NPC’s

You're clearly uneducated in Human anatomy nor did you even bother reading wolffs law. It's not that hard to comprehend if you don't have any learning disabilities.

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Bunch of desperate retards clinging onto some meme practice, I seriously feel bad for you

Someone fucking explain to me how keeping the tongue at the roof of your mouth would cause a better jaw/chin development, you think if you're a chinlet and your chin is receeded by 1cm you're gonna fix this shit with some meme tongue excersises? you think you can change your bone structure by doing some stupid shit especially as an adult?

Watch the anons playlist damnit

no unless there's some way to suspend your face over the air where it doesn't affect your neck and nothing is pressing on your face
even then it wouldn't be healthy for your spine or organs to lay on your stomach

that doesn't explain shit, I'm asking again, how is the whole mewing thing gonna help with better jaw/chin? someone explain this to me, you all just believe this like brainlets without even thinking how stupid this is.
>let's move our tongue up, that's gonna make my jaw/chn bigger
/ft/ logic at its fnest

over 70% of americans are overweight my man
and mewing can be fairly difficult to get down pat, especially if you have a thin maxilla
if you're over 6 feet, in shape, and mewing for good facial aesthetics you'll literally be in the top .1%

literally what the fuck are people doing that this isn't your default tongue position?

I have no idea, it's the dafult position for me and I'm still a chinlet, jaw is mediocre at best. I position my tongue exactly like they preach without even knowing about it before and it didn't cause me to be an 8+ chad, quite the opposite.
It's the same as manlets thinking that hanging off a bar for hours everyday will make them taller. Accept you genetics and move on