Can "muscular men" be intelligent and go against stereotypes?

Can "muscular men" be intelligent and go against stereotypes?

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>hufftington post

dont give clicks to this trash

>the last acceptable stereotype

what a dramaqueen.

It's probably the last acceptable stereotype because
1. People who aren't muscular and smart will always be jealous of those who are and will want to keep the joke alive to feel better about themselves, and
2. People who are actually muscular and smart are the last type of people to start complaining about stupid shit like stereotypes

Go to your gym, find some guys with above two plate benches, ask them what books they’ve read or what they got their degree in. Chances are they are brainlets, just like you OP.

Reading books doesn't make you smart or sophisticated.

t. Booklet

You just proved my point.

I know one guy whos super strong but high body fat % and hes the biggest retard I've ever talked to

like full blown monkey

that being said I'm a wrestlingfag and i look ottermode /normie jacked but i also am working on my degree so

No look at Jow Forums the most low iq brainlet board right after /b/

half the faggots in here are STEM majors.

>tfw 1/2/3/4
>90/110 classic lifts
>graduated with first class honours
>read several books a month

the other half are braindead retards doing 7 day fasts or eating raw meat exclusively

i’m pretty dumb but if asked i could pretend im smart bc i get good grades in my STEM major and read advanced (literature/scientific) books in my 2nd language i guess

Reading novels (like, I don't know, fucking harry potter or shit) doesn't make you smarter, it definitely improves your language skills though - other than that it's just like watching tv, a mere form of entertainment.
Reading philosophy can be quite eye opening however.

All that intelligence you supposedly have and you resort to 14 yo shitposting memes.

the thing is, improving language skills actually does make you more intelligent

if you aren't able to communicate your ideas coherently, your ideas are fucking useless.

>tfw 1/2/2.75/3 lean aryan god
>tfw investment banking analyst
alright guys that was my lunch break, see you all in 36 hours

I have never meet a fat guy who is smart

I dont live in america tho

Isn't dolph lungdren like super smart and muscular?

I don't live in america either

I agree. Fat people are usually brainlets with developmental disorders. But so are super jacked guys.

reading literature will make you smarter. Harry Potter is literally for children

Ever since I started getting Jow Forums I have given up on most of my artistic endeavors, so maybe they have a point

>the basedboyton post
haha ok bud

People said i was smart before i got muscles and now they think im a dumb dumb. Fucking stupid fuckers they would have called me a nerd two years ago.

>he doesn't read fiction
>he doesn't know anything about narratology

Any of you guys in college? I've noticed a lot of gooks infesting my uni gym. Something's going on.

>strong intelligent right wing men
>this needs to stop!
why are they so afraid?

Fit Lit detected

Hey bud, don't you have a lecture to pay attention to?

All the guys at my gym above 2 plate own businesses or are successful finance people. The women I can't say the same.

Lol this sterotype is so stupid. I have an advanced econ degree and can squat 1.5 plate.

this would really only be valid if people outside of the gym gave different answers

>3plate squatter

We make fun of your kind of weightlifter. Like, you're just so weak and you keep grinding the classic lifts and wonder why they're not going up. And then you post about how your superior to powerlifters because muh atg or muh druggo Chinese athletic freak.

But hardly anyone here is actually fit so...

but not reading makes you dumb though

>reading huffpost
Choke on a dick, OP

Found the STEM major


>Lol this sterotype is so stupid. I have an advanced econ degree and can squat 1.5 plate.
lmao yea i can leg press like 250 lbs and i have a degree in marine biology

ask some random people what they've read and their major and odds are theyre brainlets. even you sound borderline brainlet based on your grasp of logic


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The guy I see most often at the gym is an electronics PhD student and he has just created a startup some investor gave him 120k for 10% of the share.
Lmaoing at you rn

does three plates mean three plates on each side? whats wrong with that?

Yeah, three 20 kg plates which amounts to 140 kg if you are in Europe (143 kg in USA). Nothing wrong with it except that it is literaly early intermediate tier sq that can be reached soon.

only interact with successful positive people if there is nothing to gain like sex or money

You mean fat people, right?

If anything it’s the reverse now
>working an office job and getting diabetes because you have no self control
Talk about a brainlet

That's why I mute the TV and turn on closed caption

Is rather do a 3 plate HB squat than the 4 plate squat-morning you power lifters do. Which you are sure as fuck you reached almost parallel.

Harry Potter teaches people how to defeat Death Eaters.
You'll regret not having read it if you ever meet one.

Who hurt you? Only got a 2.1 in your finals or what?

Post body

Harry Potter prepared me for Trump

>Reading Terry Pratchett to cope with stress
>Get laughed at by people who only read newspapers
>Get laughed at by booklets who read popular self-help books and mild dramatic/romantic/social novels
>Get laughed at by oldfag memers because muh Dostoevsky etc

Harry Cuckhold and the Prepping of the Black Bull

I'm working on my phd in phyics and I'm past 1/2/3/4, go figure

Attached: christopher-langan.jpg (339x382, 23K)

This dude is so many standard deviations away from the mean he makes genius level IQ people look like retards.

I understood this reference.

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you're probably autistic as fuck tho

Philosophy is for pretentious pseudointellectuals

Not all philosophy is hegel.

philosophy is still just masturbation and inhaling your own farts

No, not at all.
For instance Marcus Aurelius and Seneca are legit lifechangers.

A good portion of the Jow Forums population is an engineer of some kind

christ alive imagine unironically believing this

You understand it underpins most other realms of study?

Professor Leonard on YouTube. Probably smarter than the writer who majored in some meme major like sociology or journalism.

Doesnt body fat correlate negatively with brain function?

Do the same to random people on the streets and you'll get the same exact result. Breaking news: Most people are brainlets. The majority of modern society is uneducated.

this has always been the case, and always will be

based 2040 poster

How do they define being intelligent? Applying knowledge in real life? Knowing how your body and nutrition works and successfully applying it on yourself and clients is pretty intelligent to me. Or are we talking about IQ here?

yes. it's beta butcket crabs and sour grapes roasts that push this meme

idk im a stereotypical swole nerd

We're talking about lame ass flabby fucks who want to paint healthy people as dumb to satisfy their own ego. They say they dont have time to work out because they're too buy pursuing intellectual crafts like posting on r/politics. In reality, strong alpha males dont have to engage in their petty dialectic or act pretentious to elevate themselves, so they label them as dumb

According to that logic they don't have time to eat either. Going to the gym 3 times a week for an hour or 1,5 h is not possible for them?

So you count the bar?
