I'm no virgin, but have only ever had a few girlfriends/fuck buddies which was mostly due to dumb luck (crazy stupid retarded luck)
Getting Jow Forums has maybe boosted said luck, but aesthetics will only get you so far. Confidence, humor, conversation, dominance, style, and money are also needed.
Banging sluts isn't rocket science, but some of the pick up videos I've seen make it seem like it.
So my question is: what pick up guide or channel is most effective?
Obviously there's lots of bullshit and gimmicks. I'm leery of Real Social Dynamics since there's been accusations of their videos being faked.
I heard Book of Pook is required reading on the subject.
Anyway I realize that it takes practice. I will probably be mercilessly rejected before I start pulling high quality bitches, but it is a skill worth the risk of embarrassment and bruised ego.
Keeping it Jow Forums related, hows your OHP doing?
Basically 3 rules apply to getting girls: >1. Don't over-pursue Basically if you come off as desperate, or even just as a guy that doesn't have any options, she is gonna rapidly lose interest. Outwait her. You're gonna have to ask her out and make basically every move, that is your job. But when she pulls back, just know she is testing you.
>2. Don't text her Texting is literally only for putting together dates. Its ok to exchange a little bit of info so she doesn't think of you as a complete stranger, but keep it minimal. Otherwise there is no point to go out with you, and nothing to talk about. Always appear to be busy, and fucking wait to text her. If you ask her out and she says no, don't ask again until a week has passed. If she says "maybe", withdraw the offer and say she is too busy and you're going to make plans with friends instead.
>3. Be mysterious Don't let a girl know where she stands with you. Never confess to talking to other girls (you should be talking to more than just one), if you are coming off as busy she is going to assume you are. And that drives girls crazy. If she knows she can land you on a date at any given moment, she won't care because she knows she has you if she wants you. If you appear to be up in the air, you will be a catch though.
Hope this helps brah. Ultimately the key to all of this is not caring and having some confidence in yourself. Some girls will blow you off. If you're talking to multiple girls, you shouldn't lose any sleep over it.
Oh yeah and before anyone greentexts >confidence like they always do, it is literally true. Obviously you can't be an ugly mother fucker, you have to at least pass her minimal requirements for looks. Which isn't hard. Look at all the skelly/skinnyfat guys that bang thots on the regular. If you're at least passable, playing your cards right will get you the rest of the way.
Henry Powell
Good song nigga
Carson Barnes
Any tips for picking up girls at bars/clubs etc? I've only dabbled in doing this recently and noticed it's really easy when you're drunk and just ask them if they need a cig or a drink, any tips on how to do this without the need for confidence potion?
Go somewhere you have an excuse to go up and talk to and physically touch girls other than just to bang them. The best example is dancing but I'm sure there are others. Note that I'm not talking about club dancing, I mean the kind you actually have to know what you're doing. I go swing dancing all the time with an occasional night of country/western dancing. I can go up to literally any girl there and ask for a dance without needing much confidence at all because its expected and they have no idea if I'm interested romantically or just need a partner. Even the ass ugly dudes who look half autistic can dance with the hottest girl there occasionally. The key is to also dance with the fatties and uggos and just generally act like you're there to have a good time. Keep an eye out for any signs of attraction on the first couple of dances with a girl you like. Make sure to keep your eye on multiple candidates. Then towards the end of the night make another sweep and ask for a phone number.
Julian Perez
project go torrent it
Jeremiah Sullivan
This shit doesnt work
Samuel Collins
>ask them if they need a cig or a drink Lmao idiot, if thats your convo starter enjoy getting cucked. The way to do it is to have genuine fun at a bar, ignore the girls at first be awesome with ya brohams nig then after a while if you truly have fun the girls will start giving a fuck sweetie
Zachary Ramirez
Dont read Roosh V because he is retarded, Start with RSDMax for core knowledge. Then move on to RSDTyler for inspiration and someone to to as a role model.
Dylan Robinson
I got an 8 number last weekend by just raging most of the night, then going up to the girl and telling her I was going to "breed the fuck" out of her. t. chinlet and manlet. Literally nobody other than a straight up downsie uggo nigger has an excuse not to have a few options. I've only been here a year or so, before talking to you spergs I didnt even know such self defeating lunatics existed. Sort your shits out m8s
Jaxson Gray
Lol I like the line will use it
Christian Young
youre gonna dislike this user, the secret, the true hack to getting laid and it litterally doesnt require Confidence, humor, conversation, dominance, style, and money. legit treat women like you would a man, all that respect and shit u got for a man, treat a women like that. like a person i mean if you dont understand not just as a cum dumpster and youll get laid.
Blake Thomas
It wasn't the first thing I said, but it was probably around ten minutes into the conversation, as I was about to leave. She said, "I'm not sure about that" I said, "sure about what?" She said, "maybe four or five, but not twelve" Then I just told her to give me her phone, I texted myself off it and handed back . Haven't called, dont really see the point, since I'm gone all week.
Jaxon Edwards
those guys are legit but it's not for everyone because most people can't handle the nerd talk and woo woo. However "blueprint decoded" by rsd tyler has all the information you need to know and it's up to you to apply it.
Anthony Reed
>Learn to love yourself; if even you can't, how is anyone else going to? >Be healthy: Lift, cardio, eat healthy foods, sleep lots, stay hydrated >Find your passions; what do you like to do and what do you want to keep doing? TL;DR: As said, >Sort your shits out m8s
Don't buy any RSD products, some of their videos have great value sure but most of their products are just garbage nowadays. If you want to do Daygame google ToddVDating check out his website and Youtube channel he's one of the best PUA's out there. If you start crushing it one day remember poon doesn't make you happy, too much gives you herpes, find a wife, learn to keep her, settle down.