>6'2, 115 lbs >manage to eat 3500 calories a day for a month >gain 5 lbs >lost most of it within a day
should i just embrace it? i fucking hate food and forcing myself to eat this much is miserable. i hate my body, but i don't really know what else to do.
Learn to count, get a scale, pen and paper. You aren't tracking correctly.
Henry Brooks
I wish I could eat 3500 calories a day and not put on weight.
Jaxson Jackson
i tracked everything by hand, but i'll double check that i was doing it right
grass is greener
Zachary Perez
Cutting is a lot worse. Stop whining, eat that 3500kcal (easy as fuck) and lift.
Matthew Thompson
>should i just embrace it?
no, you should go to a gastroenterologist and find out if you have a malabsorption disorder of some sort. 6'2 115 is not within any normal range. have you been checked for marfan's?
Gavin Martinez
get checked for worms, not joking
Zachary Jenkins
what kind of fat fucker are you. how do you manage to constantly put things in your mouth all day every day? do something else jesus christ there are people out there like you that enjoy eating like its a hobby i seriously dont get it
Colton Anderson
Also check out thyroid.
Brayden Torres
You have a disease of some sort or you aren't counting right. See a doctor. Your body must obey the laws of thermodynamics.
Eli Ross
You're probably just mentally retarded, it's pretty easy for people with normal intelligence to understand.
Alexander Fisher
yeah, this too.
get thyroid blood test, it's pretty cheap, and see a gastroenterologist. see a general physician. something is going on with you, i wager.
Evan Watson
thanks, i'll try.
no. marfan's would make sense but i don't fit a lot of the symptoms (eyesight is perfect and my blood pressure is hilariously low) i'll look into it more though.
i'll see a doctor. i've been like this since i was a toddler (my parents could barely get me to eat baby food) but if i've recently contracted something in the last couple of years it would make sense
thanks all
Christopher Baker
Im currently on 4500 a day, eat more at 115 though you might have worms, im 225 lean for reference
Tyler Kelly
>but i don't fit a lot of the symptoms
that is not for YOU to diagnose. go see a doctor. people do not generally have all the characteristics/symptoms of whatever syndromes they have, unless it's like, down syndrome.
David Brooks
OP I am 6' 1" or 6' 2" on a low gravity day and I start looking sick at just 200 pounds how in the fuck are you 115? Do you look like a holocaust victim?
Jackson Cox
>Eat 3500 cal per day > Don't put on any weight
Don't lie to me and don't lie to yourself. You didn't eat that much. You just are in denial.
Guess what.
1. Nobody has any sympathy for you and you'll remain a skeleton.
2. If you struggle to eat enough, the problem is not eating enough; the problem is your food sucks. Of coarse its hard to ram down 3500 cal if you're forcing down bland porridge, white bread and water. I'd hate eating too if I ate that shit. Why not put some effort into cooking / buying amazing tasting food that is a joy to eat and tastes amazing? You know the majority of the population is obese and cannot stop themselves eating too much, right?
3. I don't have any sympathy. I was the skinniest of skellies when I started lifting and I know how hard it is to eat alot. But now I am probably one of the best eaters on here. But that's because I choose to eat nice food I enjoy.
TLDR: Stop bitching, nobody will help you except you. How important is making the physical changes to you? More important than making excuses on an anonymous imageboard?
holocaust victims definitely look worse than me but yeah, i look about as bad as you'd expect
you're definitely right on a lot of fronts. i'm reaching a point in life where i need to trade the self-hatred for accountability. i wasn't looking for sympathy as much as i was just looking for insight and advice going forward, but i guess it's hard to make a thread like this without coming off as the former. i'll try to do better for myself, thank you.
Connor Wilson
Pic related: it's OP.
[spoiler]Just kidding, Bale is 121 lbs in this picture.[/spoiler]
+1 for gastroenterologist I was in the same position and it was allergies wrecking the villi in my intestines stopping me from absorbing food also made me stop feeling like shit all the time
be warned though you'll probably end up with a camera up your ass
Jordan Parker
funny thing, i have really bad allergies AND i feel like shit all the time.
Austin Sanchez
>cut at 1500 mon-friday >down a lb >drink a couple beers friday and sat night >eat big lunch sunday >up 6lbs monday lamoing at your life op
>but seriously fuck you
Cameron Perry
why even bother when no one is going to ever love you anyway