and NO you're not allowed to come here and make fun of us
5'7 and under ONLY thread
Id make fun of you for being an anime faggot not for your height
Well I'm 6' 1" and ugly but I'd take being 5' 8" if it meant having a good face
>tfw 5'7
>tfw I always get to be the little spoon
It's really not that bad.
Try being 5'5" AND ugly :)
when will they learn
WTF when I see that posted by twitterthots I cringe, but this guy? Love it
is 168cm short?
t. 165
Get Jow Forums, dont be a pussy.
Post boypussy.
I'm working on it, man. Still doesn't change facts.
>tfw 6'½"
Being 5'7 at a manlet country (5'4 average height for males) is a fucking weird feeling. You know you're extremely short but you still tower over 90% of the population.
5'7" reporting in
I am both the fittest and shortest in my group of friends
cuz women do it with their failures, not genetic dispositions.
10k salary KING
50K salary KING
200k salary KING
10lb squat KING
100lb squat KING
1000lb squat KING
fat KING
skinny KING
built KING
Youd hate any guy who posts these.
both of these dudes look silly
if I get dubs OP posts his twink ass
hi this is 5'7 and under ONLY thread please go and stay go
Seconding this
I was mostly memeing, but hey, good point.
Can I be your daddy?
probably india or indonesia
Who is daddy?
Surely not you, lanklet.
t. 5'5" KING
Philippines. Actually, I lied. I'm actually 5'8. Can I still join in this thread?
im 6'5 how are you going to stop me manlets?
Motherfucker I've beaten Shadow of the Colossus, you ain't shit.
We should make this a /general/, guys.
There's /fat/ for /fph/,
there should be /short/ for /manlethate/.
>hating people for something they can't even control
alpha males want to build other people up, not rip them down.
You'll never achieve masculinity so please die already if it's so fucking hard to stop shitting up Jow Forums.
>implying Jow Forumsards are alpha
Well, that's my point. And also having a moderately friendly /short/ wouldn't hurt.
You beat Shadow of the Colossus?!
You deserve her my dude!
fucking BASED
This is a fucking weeb site.
Also die, lanklet. I probably lift more than you anyway.
manlets should be required to take HRT and drink at least two bottles of onions a day. that way they could put their genetics and boypussies to good use
Post body and lifts.
This is a board for self-improvement. You can't improve if you're more interested in childrens' cartoons than real women.
>I probably lift more than you anyway
So. I'd demolish you.
Very much so.
>tfw 20cm taller than you
I'm 5"10, but living in Finland I feel like a midget .
look at all these manlets arguing over how much they can lift as if it makes up for their height lmao
Demolish your extra chromosome, lankie.
I've been there. If you don't do it yet, do a fuckton of weighted pull-ups. Shit decompresses your spine and gives you up to a couple of extra height inches.
Because it's a fitness board, retard
>tfw 5'7" and ¾
>Just tell people I'm 5'8"
pick one twinky boy. you can never compete in sports against properly grown men
Oh no no no no no
5'9 pajeet.
average is 5'4.
But I get mogged by most of my friends and classmates. feelsbaddesu
Neither can you, but for not putting down your fork and not for a reason you cannot change.
Sad reality
>S-Shit decompresses your spine and g-gives you up to a couple of extra h-height inches I swear...
daily reminder
If you're above 6'1 you're gonna die early and have back problems.
>projecting a bunch of random qualities on a person as a "comeback"
come on user. you can do better than that.
I like the spirit of :
basically, you shouldn't feel put down by getting mocked for reasons you can't change, because the people who do this ain't worth your attention.
Don't be sad, fren.
I think we should rather focus on discussing the lifting peculiarities for our proportions in this thread.
Same goes for you, but you don't.
5'8" but still feel short as heck. Can I join you sadbros?
Is that why the Tour de France, vuelta espana and Giro have manlets winning the hardest stages nearly all the time?
I think, 175cm is the cut-off, so welcome, I guess.
>you shouldn't feel put down by getting mocked
I dont care, but objectively Im a lot less valuable at this height. I always improvr my self, but I could be so much more as say 5'11 or 6'. Everything would've been much easier.
when did I project anything on anyone? I made a post about manlets needing HRT and then some manlet replied. you on the other hand assumed that I'm fat for no reason.
I feel you, but take it as a blackpill:
Would all the people around you be worth if, given that they aren't with the height you're at?
Okay, then post body and lifts.
Otherwise fuck off.
>tfw 5'4", ugly, overweight, has deformities in face, and poor social skills
Should I just end it here, lads?
Drop some fat, lift, find clothing that looks good on you, get a hobby and try making the first step with people.
You'll make it, brother.
fuck off? you're the one who started this conversation
I'm not. Seriously, with all the negative mocking and HRT suggestions - just post body and lifts.
Wow, thanks. Didn't know people can be supportive in this board, especially with the amount of manlet-hating threads that I see on here everyday.
yes you are. I just made a suggestion to manlets to take HRT and now you want me to post my pics. I know you're homo and shit but I don't swing that way so I'm not giving you any fap material. also this isn't social media so stop asking peole to de-anonimize themselves
Oh and research proper haircuts and hairdos. Maybe actually visit a proper barbershop and talk with the staff about what would make your face look better (yes).
Ignore the DYEL lankies who got nothing else going for them aside from their height, which really, only puts them at an awkward disadvantage with everything else being wrong about them.
Also you got some great waifu taste, so you deserve some genuine advice and encouragement.
cringe edge cringe edgy cringy cringe edge
No, you have to go back, lanklet.
How you react to facts is up to you, ugly user.
T. Marcus
5'3 dwarf strong mode squad WW@
tfw 6'2
How bad deformities we talking about here?
Not bad enough to make people feel sorry for me, but bad enough for people to make fun of me.
Like seriously, if I go outside, some kids will insult me by having that deformity.
Sometimes I just feel like flat out burning my face so that people will feel sad for me instead.
Hahahaha my parents are 5.7 and 5.6. Me and my brother are 6.0
Good luck with your kids
Yes. I wont say a girl is a bad person and has shit personality just because she won't date cuz Im shorter. Its absolutely legit to scratch me off the list if Im shorter than her despite all my good qualities.
What is it? I have bad teeth, big nose and an asymmetrical face.
Well, tough shit, I'd say she a skank
>asymmetrical face
um, sweaty, EVERYONE has asymmetrical faces, ok?
symmetrical face is weird as fuck
yes, what is it, sweaty?
Your mother may have been cheating
>6ft 4
tfw kang
No, you fucking niggers. Not a good point. Fat and skinny people have choices to a very large degree.
How much you lift is highely corelated with hight, so yes, infact this is true.
And salary is just as determined by upbringing and genetics as anything else. So if (sic)"youd" hate any guy who posts the former two you should be fucking shot.
well, first step would be dropping the weight and developing better social skills, you can figure out the rest later
What is it? can you post a picture of someone else with the same deformity? just so we have an idea of what you're working with