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212 lb
6 ft

Attached: D8A0EECC-EF1F-4442-AB21-163576D3CE98.jpg (2318x1283, 628K)


good looking, no homo m8
basically me with 30lbs extra muscle
mirin for sure

Work that chest brah

In looks alone? 9/10, you could use a bit more definition, particularly visible abs, but that is a nit pick. Your current bodyfat% looks easily sustainable long term, which matter most. Many of the guys who you see on IG actually don't have more definition that this most of the year, they just get a ton of pictures taken when they are shredded for a temporary time, then they ration out the pics all year to give the illusion of being shredded all the time.

For a realistic quality of life body this is honestly ideal. Going bigger would have zero social benefits, and possibly negative ones where steroid use gets obvious.

If you have taken steroids it certainly doesn't look like you have abused them. My guess is an advanced natty OR moderate dose test only user.

This is a better physique than 99.9% of other men in your age group.

Anyone who would expect more from you in order to find you attractive based on your body is delusional.

Maintain this, and focus your efforts of self improvement in other ways here on out.

You made it.

Would you care posting workout routine and diet/calories intake/protons/etc ?
Wanna look like this


You look good!

time for a diet big boy, your heart will appreciate it.

what the fuck is up With alle these positive replies? the fuck is happening?

>212 lbs
>Upper body slightly bigger than mine

Nigger I'm six foot four and 240 lbs with a very similar looking torso/arms. Do you not have legs? Is that why you didn't take a picture of them?

It's OP samefagging, you newfag.

>10 posters

decent but bf% seems high. you need a big cut and should focus on chest during your next bulk

Really? I mean yeah he's not ripped, but to imply his heart would require his bodyfat% to be less is absurd.

He's obviously right in the middle of healthy range of bodyfat.


Only niggers and twinks need abs

take this from the gayfag

you are ideal

You look great, I am bout an inch shorter than you and same weight, just mine is fat instead so you look like a good goal shape.

I don't really wanna be super cut just strong and bulky like you.

You look pretty buff bro, would fugg, no homo xDDD

Is this a pasta?

>right in the middle of healthy range of bodyfat
this is what amerifats actually believe

Goal body

Post routine!

Squeeze press and cable flyes could really help out your chest. Arms, shoulders, and traps are lookin juicy.

hey, im 6 months in, but can this body look good someday?

Attached: 1539120976243.jpg (2592x4608, 3.86M)

Hopefully I look like this at end of my bulk. Really at the limit of acceptable doughness

What have you been doing for 6 months? Decent arms at least

No its noodles

>tfw 3 months in and better looking

>the SL/SS progress

Legs nonexistent guaranteed

s0yb0y beta cuck

Do you even chest day?

every week
but my chest doesnt get bigger