Post your plyometric work if you do any. I am a noob in this and my vertical jump sucks absolute shit. I cant even jump a foot off the ground. Also is this excercise meant for working out or just testing maxes? Should I have done squat and depth jumps instead?
6'6 here
Plyo thread
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Per The Rippetoe, vertical jump is mostly genetic. Obviously if you're fat then that's different, but for someone who is already fit, it's not really something you can train for.
That's precisely WHY it's a test at the NFL Combine. It's one of the best measurements of raw, genetic athletic talent.
I am 25% body fat
Also what about sprints
sprinter here
jumping high and sprinting fast arent correlated
generally sprinters arent very explosive when long or vertical jumping but they are extremely explosive at very low ground contact times
so if you have it easier at increasing your vert you may not be the best at increasing your sprint times or viceversa
maurice greene vertical leap was 29 inches
and usain bolt vertical is not over 33 inches so there you go
pylometrics are good but be specific on what you want to improve
when im running my fastest times i sont have the best leaping ability... and im talking about 50 60 and 100 meters let alone 200 or 400 lol
Please teach me how to I get in sprinting. Out of everything plyo, sprinting and throwing are the most useful things I would say.
Also yeah 40 to 100 thats what I would want. But I am also training for strength... so a stretching routine would be great
Muh genetics
No, he's right, it's not a meme this time. Jump height is incredibly hard to improve more than a small amount.
Blacks are too ugly to be allowed to exist so muh jump is jow they cope
sprinting is very taxing or the CNS so be sure to stay fresh at your sprinting sessions
if you already have a strong foundation on your lower body (strong quads, glutes, hip flexors and hamstrings)
then go ahead and start with full sprints for 5 or 6 seconds then rest 10 mins and so once your times start to lower go home
i dont lift at all on season,only upper body stuff you know, but i dont touch squats or deadlifts when im trying to lower my sprint times, once i hit a plateau on speed and i cant lower times despite how well i mastered the technique, stride lenght turnover or whatever i start lifting again with less emphasis on speed...
im very stiff and still have a good stride, as long as you stretch after your training session you'll be ok...most sprinters i know dont even stretch but that have naturally more mobility than i have, i happen to be incredible stiff
also your starting sprinting UNTRAINED time matters a lot...generally the guys running a low 10s after YEARS of training on the 100 have a untrained 100 meters of 11.3-11.8 hand timed on GRASS...qhen they were teens, so you have an idea
pylometrics are usefull on off season...forget about them if you want speed specify
sorry for the late answer you can ask more i will be here
i am i can tell you, the genetics to jump high are way more common than the genetics to run fast
when i wasnt even onto sprinting i couldnt jump as high as many guys in college many of them volleyball, handball and basketball players but i couls outrun them specially the latest meters
yet the group of sprinters i later started trained with have silly vertical leaps but they are all fast
of course if you are a sprinter you will have a naturally good vertical 28-40 inches on average being 28-30 inches the more common and maybe higer if you focus on it, but the time ground contact is damn short in a sprint that being able to jump high has nothing to do with running fast at the end of the day
I wanted to incorporate sprinting as hiit on a gpp day... what do I do now and how much do I sprint? Again, can sprints be increased or is that genetic too?
how much sprint times can be improved are much related to your genetics and techbique wise
if you are new to sprints i suggest you to do
60 meters sprints x 5 reps and go home, when you are new its pretty taxing on your muscles once you get faster with times starts to be more taxing on your CNS and joints because you are aplying a lot more force per step
Here to confirm that vertical is mainly genetic.
I have played mainly volleyball and also some basketball for like 8 years and my vertical has been pretty consistent (30-32 inches). My vertical when I first started jumping (6'0" 140 pound skeleton never lifted) was the same as when I was 6'0" 190 (260 pound squat, bulked too hard) and the same as when I was 6'0" 170 with a 300 pound squat.
how about your sprinting speed ?
I did 3x5 at 40 meters
Is 60 better or what?
60 meters are more top end speed related
also improving your 60 ALWAYS improve your 100
but having a killer 40 doesnt always traslate into a killer 100
Oh ok thanks for everything
Should I do this once or twice a week?
depending and how you feel like
but i think twice a week is enough
Is it too much though?
no unless you are very untrained, overweight or you squat/deadlift twice a week
Well I do squat and deadlift twice a week lol
then focus on wich you want to improve the most
you can improve both if you are new to lifting and to sprinting...but once you are advanced you need to focus on sprints of you want to get good at sprinting, you can improve your lifting numbers even if you sprint once or twice a week but improving sprinting numbers is harder
i personally when i focus on sprint training i dump lower body lifting
louis simmons methods are unironically great at developing fast twitch muscles