Life time of lifting natural

>life time of lifting natural
>400/500/600 strength
>Olympic lifting

Look at this duude

Oh no no

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What? dude looks great you retard

He also fucked up his spine and gave himself hernia. All of that to look like fucking dog shit. Now when it's already too late he is going for the hypertrophy

he doesn't look good, you look like fucking trash that's why you think he looks great

He literally looks liek a normal dude in clothes, there's nothing special about his physique at all despite lifting for 10 years.

Daily reminder this is what strength training does to you as a natty, you will never look impressive, EVER, in order to actually look like you lift you fucking need to do bodybuilding centered workouts, that's the only fucking way for it to work.
Inb4 retards using examples of drugged up genetically elite freaks of nature with 20" arms despite not doing any curls.

>as a natty, you will never look impressive
This, but it applies to bodybuilding too.

No it doesn't, anyone can build a noticeable ammount of muscle if they reallly put their heart into it, instead of doing meme shit spreadsheet strength programs.

>looks great
>literally barely fills his children themed shirt sleeves
>shirtless looks like a fat fuck
Yeah, ok omar.

Stop baiting dude. Natural bodybuilding is a joke

No it's not, if you actually do bodybuilding instead of meme shit at the gym with le compounds you can build a great physique even if you're a fucking woman, there's no excuse for not making impressive gains.
Maybe natural bodybuilding contests are a joke, but bodybuilding isn't, stop coping and put in the work or just accept that you are just lazy and don't wanna do what works.

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I dont know if this is bait, or if youre all delusional crabs in a bucket. he looks good. if he was a random user posting in /cbt/ youd all be sucking his dick complimenting him

you just dont like successful people

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Post body, faggot

It's obvious you know nothing about bodybuilding, strength training, or lifting weights in general.

He looks like a trannie.

competitive bodybuilding is a literal joke
>meme shit at the gym with le compounds
guarantee you look and preform like shit

They guy was a bodybuilder for fucking ages before he started training powerlifting and weightlifting.
He never when away from 'hypertrophy' style training until took weightlifting seriously for 3 months, he would just do a heavy compound and then 4-5 bodybuilding stuff for the muscle group he was training that day.

It is popular belief that if you get to a low bf as a natural then you look less impressive in clothes, so prove us wrong and POST BODY.

yeah, but a jacked tranny

So this is the power of the natty ppl

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Hey omar isoft here back again with another video on how to build your chest, so you just want to turn your wrist towards your neck and just squeeze the fuck out of it, hey have you see my calves they’re so small. Anywho so you want to squeeze the fuck out of your neck until you almost pass out, or until the Bbc finishes cumming in your girl friend. Anywho guys that’s the video and he sure to check back next time for the same mundane content.

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>false dichotomy meme
>implying you can't do both
Rick the Stick Del Hagen De La Bugez would mog everyone on Jow Forums both in terms of strength and aesthetics

There is only so much you can do on the simplest of shit for the lowest common denominator that is beginner/teen bodybuilders.
Same thing with alan thrall and basically everyone else.

Omar cringey ass flip flops around everywhere. Atleast Alan Tries to keep his content real and relevant, although it is kinda sad when he post shit from lifters in his gym that just nig his lifts.

Prove me wrong. I hope you don't mean to say Steve was natty. Not only wasn't he natty, he also based his training on big compounds.

time lifting? Stats? Pic?

Omar tries to cover a wider range of training styles but fails because he is nothing notable compared to top lifters and fake nattys.
Allan thrall is just vanilla brian alshrue who likes metal raw xd.
Allan had a good series where he disused variations but scraped it to talk about more generic content.

Post your bodies so we can all laugh at you because he has 10kg muscle mass on you DYEL estatting losers

Steve was natty, but thanks for the confirmation that you look like shit, because if you think that's not achievable natty then you must REALLY look like shit.
post your strength training body, what I say is what everyone that actually matters actually knows, fucking omar isuf himself admits this so why are you being so fucking delusional about reality? Bodybuilding training IS superior for muscle growth.
How about you post pics? Let's see what the magic of strength training is.
Another example of a guy who OPENLY ADMI_TS that following cookie cutter bodybuilding workouts IMPROVED his physique.
What is even your argument here? Do you even know how much better eric looks like now compared to when he was doing meme shit deadlifts everyday?
He even says this that he needs to improve his physique and that's why he's doing bodybuilding workouts often.
Also rick gets outlifted by several gymcels in this board who frequent /plg/ who look massively worse than him, how do you explain that?
he was a bodybuilder literally training for his bench and squat and deadlift 1rm you mean, which depended on him lowering his training volumes in order to express his power optimally while dissipating fatigue, which makes it worse for muscle building. He has literally fucking videos on this that if you want to get an impressive physique you need to do hypertrophy specific training, why aren't you addressing that?
you post body

Cope, post body

You are attacking a YouTuber for his physique that he put out there, calling him DYEL, using him as anecdotal evidence to proof that you don’t gain size with strength training.
Post your body with a timestamp you little faggot

Omar looks like shite tho

I bet you he looks better than you

>he was a bodybuilder literally training for his bench and squat and deadlift 1rm you mean, which depended on him lowering his training volumes in order to express his power optimally while dissipating fatigue, which makes it worse for muscle building. He has literally fucking videos on this that if you want to get an impressive physique you need to do hypertrophy specific training, why aren't you addressing that?
For the most part he would train for hypertrophy apart from when he ran a peaking cylce to test 1rm, even then he never stopped doing bb exercises to maintain mass he grained from his volume and hypertrophy phase.
Just because you are training for strength or aesthetics hypertrophy is still hypertrophy.
>But powerlifters only care about 1rm's
Google macro-cycles, power lifters train for a larger muscle 80% of the time, 100% if they don't run a peaking cycle.

I am not attacking him, I am just being honest that he looks average, which is something that he openly admits on his videos, he doesn't look special in any way, which he never denies.
I am not "attacking him" I am being honest and about as honest as he is about himself lol.
Yeah sure, let me just post my strength training meme victim body that I just recently started to try and fix.

>le macro cycles
how is this optimal for bodybuilding again?
you have literal gymbros on brosplits with 20" arms mogigng the living shit out of the most strict powerliftingcel instagram celebrity, powerlifting or strength training in general are just not as good as bodybuilding specific training for muscle growth, why are you even trying to deny this lmao?
Yeah I know how programming works, trust me it's a fucking waste of time for muscle growth.
Hypertrophy is vastly improved with higher training volumes, and following a strength program REQUIRES YOU to LIMIT your TRAINING VOLUME for a good bunch of the year, and most of the training volume you're doing is on multi joint exercises that you try to make as efficient as possible and thus make every rep less and less stimulating from an anabolic prespective.

dude is strong as fuck. also unlike 90% of fitness youtubers, he's chill as fuck, interesting and funny.

I'm sad that he looks like absolute dogshit when he takes off his shirt, and that he literally just got a hernia and stopped lifting. he deserves better

>Yeah sure, let me just post my strength training meme victim body that I just recently started to try and fix
aaaaaahhhhhhhhahahahahah. its all clear now. you look like shit because you dont know how to program and think strength training = not doing upper body accessories (which is wrong) and are projecting onto some random e-celeb


holy shit everything in this post is retarded
>Yeah I know how programming works
>strength program REQUIRES YOU to LIMIT your TRAINING VOLUME for a good bunch of the year
if you know so much about strength training, why do you clearly know nothing about strength training?

Post body with timestamps.

The post that I replied to claimed that he looks “shit”, that people can’t even tell if he lifts, that it’s ridiculous how he looks after his years of training.
That is not saying he looks “mediocre” or “not that good”. That is attacking his physique and his training methods.

As the other user has said, powerlifters always train with a shit ton of volume achieved through various accesory, all of which aim for muscle growth of various muscle groups.
Now you claim that the fact that powerlifts sometimes have to taper off volume (a single deload week followed by a meet) makes him look like shit and like he doesn’t even lift.
All that why you yourself apparently look like shit.
That’s just retarded.

Obviously he says himself that he doesn’t look great. That’s being humble, because he is aware that he is it a body builder and he wouldn’t put himself out there comparing himself to actual body builders with may better insertions and overall more fortunate genetics. Because that is all bodybuilding is about.
He also says he could look a little bit better if he did even more BBB. Which is obviously true. But sure as hell won’t make the difference between what you see as “shit” and what you don’t see as shit.

If you know so much about hypertrophy, why do you have a shit physique that you avoid showing?
Do you know what peaking is and how it works? Do you know how to dissipate fatigue and how it must be done? Do you know that you're not just supposed to run peaking and volume phases back to back?
How are any of these optimal for hypertrophy?

Aight yo, so i am done With SS and i am now doing barbell medicine "The Bridge" to increase my work capacity and volume tollerance. Its a 2 month program. After that i want to build aesthetics. What routine can you recommend? I am thinking something 4-5days a week. Is the Rennesaince Periodization programs any good? Any resouces you can reommend?

>you have literal gymbros on brosplits with 20" arms mogigng the living shit out of the most strict powerliftingcel instagram celebrity
Omar isn't a strict powerlifter, he tries to dabble in multiple 'disciplines' making himself fairly average at everything.
>powerlifting or strength training in general are just not as good as bodybuilding specific training for muscle growth, why are you even trying to deny this lmao?
I am not obviously i am not the whole point of bodybuilding to train for hypertrophy with zero regard for carry over.
I am stating that volume and hypertrophy cycles will create significant amounts of hypertrophy, this is not an opinion this is a fact as there is evidence.
>Yeah I know how programming works, trust me it's a fucking waste of time for muscle growth.
So your muscle will only grow if you constantly do bb exercises and nothing else?
On a serious note you can't train the same all the time as you will plateau, your body is good at adapting to things, if you know about programming you would know about the law of accommodation.
>Hypertrophy is vastly improved with higher training volumes, and following a strength program REQUIRES YOU to LIMIT your TRAINING VOLUME for a good bunch of the year
Again you begin to explain A PEAKING CYCLE, this does not give you any sort of noticeable gains and if you run it for too long you will stagnate and possibly regress.
A strength cycle requires you to hit moderately heavy weights for a high volume, you don't need to have high enough volume so that you can't recover for the next training sesion because muscle protein synthesis only lasts for 48 HOURS MAXIMUM.
>most of the training volume you're doing is on multi joint exercises that you try to make as efficient as possible
For the completion lifts, you are trying to make the maximum force you produce move the maximum weight.
This can be done by improving technique, improving cns (peaking) or make the muscle stronger.

>Do you know
>How are any of these optimal for hypertrophy?
hypertrophy takes place in HYPERTROPHY blocks as well as strength blocks. the only time youre not trying to gain muscle is when youre peaking, which is usually 2-4 weeks per meet, assuming you do at most ~2 meets a year, thats 2 months at most

Not attacking at all, I am being honest about his appearance he looks like an average gym goer.
>powerlifters train with a shit ton of volume
define a shit ton, and is it all year long or just in short phases? What do you mean volume? Do you mean localized mechanical tension or just setsxreps at a given intensity? You can do a lot of volume on bench and still look like shit specially if you bench like a powerlifter.
This is just one of the MANY reasons why strength training is obviously inferior for muscle growth compared to hypertrophy specific training.
Quads are given a lot of mechanical tension on squats, triceps get little in relation to what the pecs and front delts get on the bench press, lateral and posterior delts get 0 work from the big lifts and need to be trained outside of the main lifts, forearms are basically untrained even with fucking deadlifts, they get hit way harder by doing any form of curl or pullup exercise, calves get almost 0 work in all of the main lifts even if you include the classic lifts.
Traps? almost 0 work, depends on one's frame and deadlift technique but even then just doing one good set of shrugs would grant you far more gains than doing 10 sets of deadlifts.
Abs? literally need your spine to be flexed AGAINST resistance, which is exactly the opposite of what you do during the squat and deadlift, no lift trains the abs, it has to be isolated.
But if you do all that shit you are gonna have to be real picky about the type of strength training program you're gonna do because the more shit you do at the gym the more you impair your recovery.
Another reason why strength training is just not optimal for muscle growth.

whereas in bodybuilding type workouts you can just do hypertrophy workouts all year long.
How is this supposed to be an argument in favor of le strength training again?
yeah he does meme shit like peaking for a max 1RM PR overhead press or front squat and stuff, he's never been a powerlifter because he has never competed but he has been mostly strength focused the past few years, now he's on the bodybuilding pill and he is gonna make noticeable changes to his physique I bet.

If you know so much about hypertrophy, why do you have a shit physique that you avoid showing?
Show us what optimum bodybuilding train gets us.

I know Omar’s feel on being a geneticlet

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Because I haven't been "bodybuilding" for longer than 2 months, and have been "strength training" for 7 years straight, and despite that I am not claiming strength training is this god given gift to natties for muscle growth, I know first hand that it is not.

Oh hi Carter
Stop sucking Dr mike's nuts.
And I am not, I am claiming that it produces significant muscle gains, something Dr mike agrees with

Omar has bad bodybuilding genetics.
Thats bout it.

define "significant"
most people that jump on strength training routines make significant muscle gains, mostly in their legs and ass and lower torso, but they still look like shit.
The only way to look good is to get as muscular as possible in the upper body and you're not gonna get that with strength training programs as a natty.

>having bad genetics while being a fitness youtuber


Mass Mogs most in cbt desu

Just fucking roid if you want to get huge

Body dysmorphia is a bitch but fact of the matter is that if you lift decent weights and arent absolute trash genetically speaking you will mog normies around you super easily.

People comment on my fatceps and arms when i skip arm isolation like motherfucker.

Would i look like skeleton manlet next to kiril? Of course
But that doesnt change fact im 6'2 with wide shoulders and more muscle than average dyel.

Just fucking do lifts that you like and stop caring about others fags

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80% of people in CBT are under 12% bodyfat and 5-10 years younger than me, and they’re all terrified of gaining fat so they never eat much to begin with. The other 20% is roiders/geneticchads

But these kinds of people are smart. There is no point in bulking and gaining weight if you’re a geneticlet like me, you might aswell just stay lean, or you end up turning into a michillen man.

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>define a shit ton
So much that you can't recover from it anymore
>what do you mean by volume?
>all the muscle you mentioned
Literally all of them, except for maybe calves, are trained by most powerlifters with accessory
>if they train them then they impede their strength progress
what a load of bullshit, literally the same would apply to bodybuilders in the same fashion
you are mentally retarded if you think powerlifters don't train their abs
>I said he looks like an average gym goer
here is what you said "He literally looks like a normal dude in clothes"
And even if you did say "average gym goer" instead, you would still be wrong - he doesn't look like an average casual once-a-month gym retard.
You have retarded roider standards if you think that he needs to be much bigger to be "impressive". Protip: You won't ever look better than him, probably never even as good, no matter how much BB training you do from now on.

Literally no one here is trying to argue that strength training is NOT ultimatively inferior to straight out body building training when the goal is to compete in a body building show.
What everyone here is arguing against is your retarded claims that you don't build muscle mass with strength training, that "you look like an average dude" after a decade of training and that it's entirely inefficient for building muscle. That is what is being argued against, because you are simply wrong. The difference for natural lfters is very small.

what? he is extremely fat with barely any muscle

it all depends on fat distribution. If you don't look too bad you can get fatter. For me personally, all the excess fat goes straight into my lower gut but nothing goes into face

1/10 fuck off retard

by strength programs we are not taking about ss and it's copy cats, ss is more of a stronglifts conditioning program designed for old people,fat fucks and skellys who look the the virgin meme.
I personally agree with you that power lifters should do bodybuilding shit to not looks like shit and not get muscle imbalances, but where is disagree with you is that training the power lifts gives you significant muscle growth, if you bench twice a week using 5x5 you will gain muscle as a symptom of the training, if you get past the beginner and intermediate stages then additional mass has to be grown to progress so you have to do additional work in order to produce larger muscles to produce greater force.
The reason people gain lots of muscle in there legs and not anywhere else is because 3x5 on squats produce way fucking more damage on the leg muscles compared to a 3x5 on bench.
So additional work is required.
My whole point is that training the with significant volume with reps above 5 you will cause hypertrophy.

Pic related for 'significant'

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>extremely fat
>barely any muscle
He has pretty good developed anterior deltoids, chest an tricepts.
He has mass on his back and significant amount of muscle on his lats too.
Now i ask you to post body.


"strength training" =/= starting strength you fucking moron. how fucking retarded do you have to be to no understand that powerlifters already know about hypertrophy, and do it. and that "bodybuilding" is literally just doing powerlifters accessory work without the main important shit, and then fucking up the periodised structure with ppl/brosplit garbage

The only part where you're right is that about calves.

100% agree here.

> still believing you can separate strength and size in training as a natty
Even roiders have issues doing this. How the fuck are you so dumb that you think you can do it.

The ultimate red pill of natty lifting is strength. You should aim to be strong in a variety of rep ranges and exercises, and lo and behold, getting strong overall more or less covers all bases. Take your bench from 225x5 to 245x5. Youve gained strength and size. Weighted pull up from 45x5 to 80x5. Youve gained strength and size.

Its all bodybuilding and all strength training. Barring a peaking program for a competition, they're one and the same. No one can escape the need to get stronger.

It's another episode of delusional dyels with ridiculous standards hating on successful people out of jealousy

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damn strong motherfucker, he should do bjj or wrestle now


What's the problem, you dont look bad based on these pics. Post a front pic though