After 30-40 seconds i already ejaculate, i already try to do kegels but that aint working
Ejucalating too early
Learn to edge. You may be too late. Tuff shit. I'll be outfucking your broad while she begs me to stop pounding her cunt into hamburger meat and cum on her eyes already.
Its sign of high test
You're not supposed to fuck for hours. Just impregnate the slut and leave
There are two types of kegels.Which ones do you do?
Has anyone tried death grip when fapping to fix early ejaculation?
What works for me is having my gf suck me off before I put the sick in. Kind of desensitizes it and makes me last a few minutes. Gotta blow the first load into her mouth otherwise if I go straight for normal intercourse I last 1min tops.
Had sex first time blew so fast. Fingerblasted and made out till i got hard again. Blew again so fast. Fuck me pussy is like nothing else.
How can anyone last I didn't even know I could cum twice so soon.
My first pussy was so fucking loose I couldnt cum
Get really drunk so you can't feel your dick. Had same problem but after drinking i was fucking 3h straight.
the copest cope of copes
take the mc ride pill and death grip your dick when youre gherkin
>A wizard is never late, nor is he early, he comes precisely when he means to
That’s funny, cuz I’m the opposite.
I tried listening to them but hearing Stefan's voice just made me bust even quicker
also, his chest hair so fucking weird
black men hair
at least you're not a virgin like me buddy
watch porn and masterbate more
I have the opposite problem. Can't nut but I get the wife off a few times then I just go soft. Any advice anons?
t. Cope Mcgee
Does your dick dissapear after one load? just keep fucking her fagoot
If you're not a weakling who goes soft after one round jack off beforehand and you can go forever.
Either way more foreplay and toys if you want your girl to be happy.
The one you squeeze your muscle below your balls
Meh kinda makes me cum faster
Trying this atm
Stop SSRIs, had the same problem. Sex for 20-30 minutes but on the other hand little to no sensation
She doesnt want to sadly
take an antidepressant .. my normal orgasam time went from 5-10 minutes to 3 hours
>she doesnt want to