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Fuck you you're not helpful

Talked to a guy in the gym the other day, nice guy.
He was benching 3 plates and I asked him for tips. He told me that doing different kinds of benching would help you gain more strength as well as aesthetics.
Try doing decline, incline, and flat benching in order to hit multiple parts of the chest.

This is what I'm doing now, user. Good luck!

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Tbh when I started out my chest didn't get larger until I did slow 4 x 12 cable flies. Then later did some weighted dips and incline benching. You can also up the frequency to 3x a week and eat more

Do you...do you think twice a week is a lot, or something?

Fuck brosplitters are fucking stupid.

Cable flies are remarkably helpful, lol. Can't believe I used to think they were just something cool that people like Zyzz use to do in order to show off.

Do I add inclines and declines on top of flat in my current routine or do I substitute flat for decline/incline ?

My chest days are mondays and fridays. I could do flat bench on monday and some incline / decline on friday ?

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Did you buy a belt for the weighted dips?

4 times a week

if you're training for size why the fuck arent you doing bench and incline bench in the same day?
get on a fucking routine you mongolian and stop making your own garbage

Add them, don't substitute.
Try adding it to your Wednesday workout too if you have one.
Not on consecutive days though.

Don't neglect back though or you'll end up weird as fuck.

How bout you actually bench more often. 2 times a week is only acceptable when you're starting out and your chest is still adapting.

I just upped the volume at my current intensity and I’m finally seeing some growth in my chest and arms. I have to hit chest and arms both AT LEAST 3 times a week to see any sort of development.
So I switched from GSLP once I got my bench to 2pl8 and backed off to about 175lbs and now I do that for about 20 sets of 8 reps per week and my chest is not only burning- after literally one week it’s gotten bigger. So I’m going to maintain this program until my body tells me it’s fucking up

just in case anyone is curious, here's routine:
Hypertrophy Training (ABxAxBxABxx) non-7 day week: it fits my recovery cycle
A: Bench 3x6
OHP 3x6
Dips 3x8
dumbbell flies 3x8 (Superset w dips)

B: Row 3x6
Chin ups 3x8, Pullups 3x8
Deadlift 1x5
ez bar curls 3x8
squat 3x6
ab wheel

Post chest routine. Guarentee its not enough

No because my gym had a few belts to use.
they're extremely good for hypertrophy

That's retarded as fuck

>5 exercises
>literally no volume
Holy shit no wonder. Your not trying at all, user. Do 8-10 exercises 4x 12 no counting warm ups for 6-8 weeks then come back

Literally everything about this is fucking retarded, how did you come up with this and how long have you been wasting your time with it

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Have you thought about training your chest?

My routine:
Barbell Bench 4 x 6
Incline Machine Press 4 x 6
Incline Dumbell Flyes 4 x 8
Dips 4 x 6
Machine Flyes 4 x 8
Cable Crossover 3 x 12

Once every 6 days
I train:
Day 1 Chest
Day 2 Shoulders
Day 3 Legs and Glutes
Day 4 Arms
Day 5 Back
Days 6 Back to chest
Days 7 Rest
Day 1 Shoulders etc.

In addition to this dead bench and paused reps really help, especially if you have a bad sticking point. Varying your training is usually a good idea for any type of exercise.

Ok so guide me a bit here.
Could I keep the same “train chest/arms every other day” routine and just up everything to 4x8-12 and add skull crushers, close grip bench, incline dumbbell bench, and shoulder press?

Why would you?

You need a minimum 3 day split and even that means light volume

do flies instead for chest gains

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m8, they are trolling you.
See Icecreamfitness 5x5 for some tips