can a auschwitz mode guy get muscular at all?
Can a auschwitz mode guy get muscular at all?
your DNA is programmed to build a muscular body, IF you challenge it AND get the right food intake.
The only question that matters is: Does the auschwitz man has the willpower??
How auschwitz we talking m9?
5'10 145lbs
arbeit macht frei
70kg 185 cm
Not really desu. You can only gain 3-5lbs of muscle in your first year and 1.5-2.5lbs of muscle in following years. It'll take 10 years to make at least some visible changes.
>inb4 "but he was on gear!!1!"
Gear is not a magic potion, you still have to achieve a good physique on your own
That guy is not even that muscular and he looks like a shitskin.
Don't be a bitch, eat like Jow Forums tells you to eat and lift weights consistently two or three times a week. I don't think I have muh body type/genetics to become the big guy I want to be, but I've made it to an ""athletic"" build at least and I've still got a ways to go.
t. escaped Auschwitz in a year
Yes thats not as bad as i was thinking brah.
I started at 18YO, 6 foot at 120lbs
Couldnt even bench 60lbs, ye not KG, actual lbs.
Now weigh in at 224lbs, got to 200 lbs natty and then used gear for the last year.
Its how much you want to dedicate and sacrifice to the lifestyle but its definetly do able for you bro
Compound lifts and eat a 500+ surplus calorie diet.
I really like lifting and the ideal of bodybuilding because its actually something that you're rewarded for when you work hard for it.
In many other areas of life you can cheat and use other people to get what you want. Not when it comes to bodybuilding and this is why people acknowledge a well defined muscular body.
If you think you don't have to sacrifice in order to have gains then give up already.
>Its how much you want to dedicate and sacrifice to the lifestyle
I mean you lift weights, eat properly, get enough sleep and do this for 5 years until you see results right?
What exactly do I have to sacrifice?
Work/school, relationships, other hobbies are all secondary when it comes to sleep, lifting or eating.
That's the sacrifice and its not easy.
Basically, Again Sticking steroids in my ass helped immensely too
>You can't cheat in bodybuilding
Yeah ok brah
I was 5'10 145lbs starting, I was 170 after my first year. Was still really lean, visible abs and all. Just gotta eat and put the regular work in. Check your ego at the door
Quite a lot of time and effort, also week in and week out. Eating too.
You can't cheat yourself.
>Lifts for recognition
nice meme
Replace 5 years with 1 year for amazing results and you'd be right. You're not one of those idiots who think noob gains isn't real are you?
shit bait
From what I've read here you gain about 3-5lbs of muscle in your first year. And half of that in following years. If that's true then it'll take many years to see some results.
>talks about people acknowledging your body
>"I only lift for myself bro"
I'm the steroid-user from a few posts back.
My newb gains were actually great, going from 120lbs to 140-150lbs ish in the4 first year.
Buuttt i was still only 140/150lbs, so still didnt look like i even lifted.
People forget than when you are severe skelly it takes a long time to look average and then even longer to look like you lift.
Everyone with an average body or played even some sports in highschool has an edge on you already
Are you implying that people can't tell apart people who uses anabolic steroids ?
Or are you just arguing for the sake of argument ?
All the strongest lifters come from athletic background or played sports before.
Haftor Bjärnsson - Basketball
Eddie Hall - Rugby/Swimming
>Are you implying that people can't tell apart people who uses anabolic steroids ?
I am absolutely implying that. Dudes who don't go overboard are never found out.
See pretty much every single actor with shirtless scenes.