Noises in the base of my skull?

This may sound crazy but there are times when i hear a sort if liquid/crackling type of sound in my head. I feel a faint tingling too, its right around the occipital region. Am i going crazy?

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Is it when you're moving your head?

Sounds like hernia go to doc soon

No, it happens when I'm sitting up. In perfectly still. I have a theory that its like spinal fluid or some sort of pressure in my head, but in not a doctor so I wouldn't know.

I had that too when I was like 13 yo. 5 years later I finally went to the doctor and got it checked out. Turns out a fucking cockroach(smaller) type thing was living in the back of my head. Shit was really fucked up. I still have nightmares from it when they pulled that fucker out.

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Sort of get that too, think it's just inflamation and the fact that everything in our body is wet and squishy. More annoyingly

>blow nose
>feel pressure in ears and hear a bunch of squeaking for the next 5 - 10 seconds or so

Well I'm no doctor either. I'm studying this stuff in my undergrad courses though so I could point you in the right direction.

The tingling is suggestive that something is tweaking your nerve. Specifically the C2 dorsal nerve dermatome since it's on your occipital bone. It's not a cranial nerve or else you'd have motor and/or sensory issues and it'd be unlikely to cause tingling on your scalp.

My guess is that you could have tight neck muscles or perhaps a tight cervical ligament. Unlikely to be a herniation or spinal trauma since movement doesn't affect it.

Ever had head trauma such as a concussion?

Yes, ive taken a pretty big hit to that region, the back of my head. My vision went baby blue (not shitting you) and saw stars.

I think everything was tinted baby blue because I was outside and I was looking up at the sky. But even when i turned away everything else was blue. It went away shortly after though.

Its not a tingling on my scalp but actually in the base of my skull. Like the very top of my spine connecting to my head.

that would fuck me up

>Chew on shit
>Crackin' noises
>Skull might have never recovered from that one fracture
You are like me but if you are hearing liquid, your eardrums are shot

there is no fucking way this can be true

99% certain he was just trying to freak op out. That's what I'm telling myself, at least.

A possible concussion then.
You may still wanna get a real doctor's opinion or see a physical therapist, but here is my guess:

Sometimes concussions can leave lasting tightness in the deep muscles that contract to extend the neck such as the rectus capitus minor and major and the splenius capitis. This can cause frequent headaches and compression of the nerves around the area. I'm not gonna rule out a ligament issue but I feel that would cause extreme difficulty with moving your head if that was damaged or scarred.

Try downward stretching of your head, and by that I don't mean hanging your head down. I mean as in doing that chin drop thing people do when they're making double chins for a funny face.

Also try sleeping in a position that allows those muscles to be relaxed. So that means using pillows that support the back of your head very well.

Do it yourself (may be a little difficult) or get someone (preferably some sort of trained professional) to do a deep tissue massage right below that bump at the back of your head. If you need a visual of what I'm referring to, it's called the external occipital protuberance. There's two lines on the skull around that where the muscles I mentioned attach. If my guess is correct you've got tight and scarred muscle tissue that's constricting your C2 dorsal nerve, tweaking it and causing the tingling.

I have this on occasion, I googled it and some guy on Reddit was saying it's spinal fluid redistributing or something along those lines, and the thread seemed to agree.

Its not necessarily hearing but I just feel a sensation crackling/slurping/liquid noise. Ive had neck problems before from incline benching too heavy weight. Arched too much, dug my neck into the bench and heard a loud pop and couldnt raise my head up. If I raised my chin past level I had a bad neck/trap pain. Surprisingly my left trap hurt pretty bad too

dude i get this too! Its so weird its like probably ocne every two days for me. For me its right where the next meets the back of the head

>5 years
>a fucking cockroach(smaller) type thing
rest assured, user, his story sounds as fake as my gain

Could be a little bit of C3 dermatome action then too. Still sticking with my guess that it's tight muscles, though, since the two spinal processes and their correspondent nerve roots and fibers are very close together.

Thanks for your advice, appreciate it man.

Of course, man. It helps me solidify what I'm learning to it's win-win. I hope you figure it out.