Serious question Jow Forums

Serious question Jow Forums

Is doing greyskull 6 days a week retarded? Alternating ABABABx, pretty much double of what the program says. One user said it's stupid because you cannot work full body each day, but it's not full body since you dont target the same groups, some get hit slightly yeah, but why would that be bad necessarily? The problem is I cannot find a better routine than greyskull but still want to go 6 days a week because it gives me am hour of peace(even though it's ridden woth roidlets instawhores and terrible modern music, still better than crippling existential horror at home)

If you think it is retarded, recommend a good 6 day routine that doesnt do meme machine stuff

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>One user said it's stupid because you cannot work full body each day, but it's not full body since you dont target the same groups
end your life my man

Ur gonna burn out this way believe me. If you really want to do full body 6 days a week only do like 1 set per exercise

Not enough courage or reason to do it, still you are a cancer for making 0 argument but quoting a part you obviously disagree with, a priori thinking that everyone should know what you are thinking like pre-5year olds do.

Well I would like to switch, just not sure what is an alternative since I am on 5x5 and gslp for 2 years now. 0 progress though because of terrible eating habits, eternal skelly, but am trying to break this mental illness and will never give up

>One user said it's stupid because you cannot work full body each day, but it's not full body since you dont target the same groups

I've been on here a long time and this is easily one of the stupidest things I've ever seen.

you will burn out extremely quickly doing this 6 days a week
if you really want to do this and go 6 days a week, i'd rather do it as normal MWF and on the days in between do cardio or some other conditioning that you enjoy: kettlebells, rowing, prowler, whatever
plus just do push ups and chins every day
if you want to lift 6 days a week, PPL is probably the best bet
reddit ppl is not bad, you can sub the machine exercises for free weights easily enough with most days: dumbbell rows for cable rows, lying triceps extensions for pushdowns etc.

>5x5 and gslp for 2 years now
What are your lifts at?

nice blog faggot

PPL master race

You can go either PPLPPLX or PPLXPPLX. It’s just a template so you can pick whatever exercises you prefer.

6’3” 145lbs
B 100
S 130
O 60
D 150

Unironically SS+GOMAD right fucking now/thread

Who cares what Jow Forums thinks, try it and see if it works for you

If you stop making progress do something different

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>6' 3" 145lbs

you mean 245 right?

6’4 here 235ibs
D- 403
S- 340
B- 225
O- 140
Do SS and put on weight

Thanks user.

185cm 60kg
B: 60kg 5x5
D: 100kg 1x5
S: 75.5kg 5x5
Row: 65kg 5x5
Op: 42.5kg 5x5

Horrid stats but as I said I cannot go anywhere since food is not going anywhere. Trying to step it up with 6days a week since this month. I had no problems going like this 3 times a week and plateu/deloaded around 6 7 times during this period, always plateud around this. Since I finished college I want to get serious. I don't look horrible as face and skills pull my confidence, also use bicycle as the only transport for 4 years, except during dec/jan

You are a virgin with a putrid dick who has done no contribution to anyone and is viewed as a disgrace by the close family

Yeah that's the only thing I managed to find.

If I drink 1l of milk I get a painful diarrhea, is that lactose intolerance? Any alternative to gomad?

nice blog faggot

Retarded americans must have a note always displayed in front of them when reading or talking to normal people who are not native english speakers that all languages have different intricacies and that some meanings don't translate well everytime so some parts may sound weird in one language but not in another. Knowing 1 language really stumps your mental development regarding relativisic world views. Maybe you take something literal that others don't and vice versa

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I don't think you understand how this program works. Each workout is full body, over the course of two weeks, it should look like this:

- Overhead Press
- Chins
- Squats

- Bench Press
- Rows
- Deadlifts

- Overhead Press
- Chins
- Squats

- Bench Press
- Rows
- Squats

- Overhead Press
- Chins
- Deadlifts

If you are really working at or around your 5RM for each exercise, and REALLY pushing as hard as you can for your AMRAP set, you will absolutely need the rest in between.

- Bench Press
- Rows
- Squats

That's how I do it, and yes I do need rest and I always just deload as soon as I reach that last failiure. Which oddly sometimes isn't the same, I guess due to how mich you slept/ate, but spmetimes I go mon 2x5 1x8, and friday 2x5 and 1x4 on squat, which is weird. I don't time my pauses though, just wait until I feel ok to go again, usually 2 - 5minutes. You are right though it's not fit for 6 days if you are really pushing yourself

its not retarded, but you're probably better off cycling rep ranges.

3x5 3 days a week
3x10 on other 3 days

I actually had really good results doing starting strength 6 days a week for my two weeks getting started lifting again after not doing any for the last 4 or 5 years.

I switched back to the proper routine once I started stalling, but basically I did in 2 weeks what took me 3 months last time.

Going hard 6 days a week in the long term is 100% retarded though. Maybe you could maybe split everything in half so you you're just doing half of your A day on Monday and then the other half on Tuesday but it's probably still dumb.

I'd recommend you follow the program and do an hour of cardio every second day instead.

PPL isn't terrible but you're basically spending an extra 3 days a week at the gym for literally no extra gain.

You should not be doing a beginner program for 2 years. Also your gains are absolutely terrible and you weight literally nothing to the point that it looks like you're just pranking us?

You'll continue to get 0 gains as long as you don't adjust your diet and all going 6 days a week will do is make you feel like shit.

Do babylovers modified SS program and add lat raises to day B

Why don’t you use that time developing yourself in other ways instead of retardedly insisting to yourself that lifting and only lifting can fill the void? 6 days of compounds means guaranteed injury sooner or later, and then it’s weeks of no lifting at all, not worth it. Learn to climb rocks or play the cello

So you're going to lift for 6 days and do the bodyweight exercises as well? Jesus fuck, that would wear me out.

You have fun with that.

Not pranking mate, some of us really have a terrible experience regarding self development

Thanks everyone for the advice, sorry for blog posting to all contributors and a huge fuck you and a curse upon offspring of trolls and retards that came to provoke

I did greyskull every other day. I was also really eager to get in the gym and be lifting, but just pace yourself. It's more effective that way. The slow and steady approach actually ends up being faster. But I made steady gains for months doing greyskull AxBxAxBx. Also, I don't think there's much harm in doing an arm day on your rest days, just keep it light and work for the pump.

I'm starting greyskull and trying to fill out my accessories for aesthetics. Is pic related the best variant or should I add anything onto these days?

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definitely waste of time doing all that curling. Do some kind of triceps superset instead of one of those curl days. Do like, overhead extension, triceps pushdown supersets, very little rest in between sets. Bigger triceps, bigger arms. Bigger triceps, bigger bench.

Ok I'll add the tricep supersets. Do you think the frequency method push ups and pull ups are good to do every day of the week? Last time I attempted that my elbows started screaming after 3 weeks.

Lactose pills can help depending on how lactose intolerant you are
Also don't do gomad just drink milk to get to your required calories and macros,while eating as much food as you can

How do greyskull and fierce 5 compare for beginners building a strength base without sacrificing aesthetics?

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>AMRAP on last set

This is probably the worse bit IMO. Cranking up volume early in the program, getting failures each session, might limit one's linear progression over time. AxB rotation is probably enough as it is. The aim is to get weight on the bar for LP programs, not get sore.

Overhead press and bench press hits pecs, anterior delts and triceps
Chinups and rows hits traps, rhomboids, lats, biceps
The squat and deadlift both emphasis the posterior chain and legs

You would be hitting your entire body 6 days a week, end of story

You need to have a rest day inbetween each workout. You're supposed to do it monday wednesday friday but I just did it every other day