I’m a skinny fat girl and am wondering what I should be doing in order to become skinny fit I guess...

I’m a skinny fat girl and am wondering what I should be doing in order to become skinny fit I guess. I’ve been running everyday now for 4 months but nothing’s changed other than getting better stamina and my body still looks the same as before. Do I need to do strength training like guys do?

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eat less and also marry me PLKEASE

you need to be my gf
i can train you in return haha

You need to do HIIT on muh dick

But seriously do,

But seriously again you need to focus on diet and yes resistance training is important

But yes seriously HIIT on this dick

read the fucking sticky

making me click like fucking 14 fire hydrants for this shit

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Running won't do shit to build muscle and keep weight off. It is good for heart health and burning calories in the immediate. Lift weights if you want a better looking body naked that burns more calories at rest. My diet is more free now that I lift, not constricted

you're perfect just the way you are please marry me haha

the amount of calories your intaking vs burning is gonna be really how your gonna lose the weight. Running dosent burn a lot of calories but is a good routine to supplement with your program. Really all you need to do is intake 500 less than what your eating every day and you should see results in a few weeks

>guys ironically pretending to thirsty as fuck to a guy ironically pretending to be a stupid woman

For fucks sake. Eat at a caloric deficit, strength train, do cardio. It's the same question with the same answer every single time. Sage.

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I feel like there’s a joke I’m not getting here I don’t really browse this place a lot but am tired of being out of shape and want to improve how I look and feel. Is this HIIT thing a weight lifting program that would be good for what I want?

Are you sure? I’ve read about simply eating less elsewhere but I already feel like I don’t eat a lot of food. I admit I sometimes eat some bad stuff that isn’t the healthiest but overall I feel like my diet was fine.

Calculate TDEE online and find out how much you eat. Eat 500 calories less than that eventually to 1200 cals a day. Do intermittent fasting 16/8 and then eventually OMAD. Make this a habit and over time you'll lose weight. I lost almost 40lbs now. I'm 5'2" and 115lbs. Still skinnyfat though, the stomach fat is really hard to lose but I've noticeably lost weight. Don't be afraid to be hungry it's just ghrelin spikes around the time you usually eat. It's okay to cheat just count it in your calories. You're welcome to do bodyweight excersizes and lift weights if you want. It's worked for me so far I used to be 150lbs. Let me know if you have any questions.

you cant lose fat from a specific place only, just calculate your meals and keep running
most dudes here dont know what women should do

bumping for my girlfriends knowledge. poor thing thought if she just ate more shed get thicc in all the right places. you gotta lift bitch, train ya muscles


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Thank you so much! I’m in love with your recommendations and will take a closer look at the dieting part of things after thinking about it, I mean even I should be able to only have one meal a day if necessary.

i luv hot trannys pls post dik pik

HIIT := High-Intensity Interval Training
> instead of continuous cardio like jogging, try sprints


its like we arent even rules anymore. tits or gtfo

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based rage poster

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The joke is your gender you dumb roastie

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Change your diet, cut out any grains if you haven't already, eat way more greens fruits and

Ohhh then I get it.

I’m new and don’t browse Jow Forums much. A friend told me I should get advice from either here or Reddit so I figured I might as well start here.

But I’m going to sit down and revise my diet and think about doing more weight lifting than running so thank you all! I’m really sorry for not being all that smart.

No problem. I started losing weight seriously last year after lurking here for awhile. You can find some great info once you blend in and lurk. For a long lasting effect and to keep the weight off, you have to change this into a lifestyle. Find what is sustainable for you. You don't have to fast, or do one meal a day if you don't want to. Just test out different methods to see what you can actually keep up with. Intermittent fasting 16/8 and eating 1500 calories is what I started with. I am now at around 1239. I get hungry sometimes but it passes and I eat my meal at home. Try and eat more fat to stay satiated, nuts, cheese, fatty meats like pork. I usually do crockpot meals with some veggies. You don't have to eat salads everyday. Use a calorie counter like myfitnesspal ir loseit! If you're too strict you may binge too much. I don't have that problem though. Like the other user said, you can't lose weight in specific spots. You have to cut and get to low body fat percentage. My stomach and thighs are personally where I store most fat so they're the last to go. Good luck and don't give up! Be patient it takes time and effort! Even if you fuck up it's no biggie you have all the time in the world.

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fuck off stupid fat cow

Not her but did you have any loose skin? My concern with losing weight too fast is getting loose skin. I wanna lose like 30 pounds (I’m 146 lbs at 5’2).

youll only have loose skin if you were like 300lbs

What’s the most I should be losing weight per week?

You need to lose a LOT of weight to see any effect in the problem area because you are genetically predisposed to storing fat there. After you get really skinny, then you can slowly rebuild your body from scratch.

[spoiler] TITS OR GTFO WHORE [/spoiler]

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What do you get out of seeing someone’s tiddies?


my peepee feels funny

well i dont know a maximum just dont do any stupid crash diets, you arent really fat so loose skin wont be a problem probably

OP, do a beginner weightlifting program like Starting Strength or Stronglifts 5x5. If you're feeling adventurous, mix in some HIIT cardio as well.

Whenever I see belly pouches like this on women I always want to bury my face in them then start tearing at them with my teeth. Not in an angry way tho it just seems hot

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Come here, I’ll make your peepee feel better

I hate this fucking meme.


>Aerobic exercises alone don't build an aesthetic physique
WHO KNEW. Jesus Christ. Read the fucking sticky retard


You gotta lift weights. There won't be anything sexy to see as you trim down unless you've built up sexy muscle definition.

Its much easier to eat less than it is to exercise into a deficit. But yes, you will only go from skinnyfat to skele if you dont excercise

Ah, I see you’re a man of culture as well

No since i did it gradually last year. Just picked it back up a few months ago. No loose skin because I still have a fat stomach ;_;
But I didn't rapidly lose weight and I wasn't like 200+ lbs. You should be okay

I still exercise though? Not sure why you're mad. I've lost fat. I'm cutting so I can then bulk and build muscle. Its not really a meme it's the cumulative advice I've gotten from fit, the sticky, and my own research. It's a great way to start getting into losing weight. Normalfags are the ones who think only excersize is the key to weightloss.

Sit on my face and grind the calories away boo

Please be in London, Ontario

Too much text for me to read! Looks like no nudes for you. Better luck next time teehee!

am guy, but if that'll do im down

If you post my picture pretending to be me again, I'll never talk to you.

I also get this feel

It starts in the kitchen. Learning to cook is more effective than running when it comes to losing weight.

Is the girl still around?

Stop eating bread. Bread is literally the worst thing for your body, so eat bread.