ITT: Trigger Jow Forums

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>deadlifts make you big

Attached: VID_20181006_135048.webm (1080x1920, 2.55M)

Attached: concentrationcurlsontheinclinebench.jpg (275x183, 7K)

5 plates is amateur tier

That's from a deficit though

Attached: 1539209218987.png (1440x2560, 1.14M)

holy shit that seems dangerous

>Someone designed and built this

it probably cost like 10k too

cardio is good for you

Attached: worthless spotting.webm (640x360, 668K)

after reading those erectile disinfection threads, i feel like cardio is necessary to have better erections

Mirin dude's posture, his back is like a fucking ruler

Faulty spotting at IPF Worlds 2016

Attached: lolspotting.png (1276x682, 1.24M)

>the manlet on the left has to stand on his tiptoes to even get the bar up

The spotting at USSF is soooo much worse.
15:20 :

Attached: ussf.jpg (1760x854, 233K)

A. why so much weight?
B. why the gay shoes?
c. is he being paid to be stupid?

Haha the guy on the right looks like the annoying guy that gets his ass kicked in Superbad. He tries to play it off all cool after he catches the bar

A. buns of steel
B. they're adidas
C. He's being paid to be dry humped

phuckin lanklets

Attached: 1rIUQcy.jpg (1500x1000, 233K)

most pointless spotting award

those plates could be anything


Based and shortpilled

Attached: 00.gif (500x281, 2.67M)

>tfw natty 6'2"

stay mad cucks

Attached: Snapshot_20180126_3.png (640x480, 352K)

Where is your chest?

>tfw I have double your muscle mass but carrying too much fat so I look worse

Attached: DMC_10545641.jpg (800x644, 85K)

>not doing dead bench
They work pretty gud senpai, one of the thing alpha destiny is right about.
To be fair it is from a large deficit, he is weak at them compared to his comp deadlift.

hey user, could you grab that jar from the top shelf for me :3

Attached: 079e9e665db962656145b8515ffda8fc.jpg (800x1192, 112K)

the first lift after the retarded incident was pure kino

yikes nice 15” arms

>that commentary
>those spotters
>lack of chains which easily make pling safe
holy shit modern PLers are literal retards

Zoom in and you can literally see they say "45lbs"

fuck off roastie whore.

Monolifts are a joke

Plz do not defame manlets

Ok. You won.

Why not just get bumper plates and drop the fucking weight if they fuck up. That's what Olympic lifters do.

I look so much better than all you manlet cucks

Stay mad

Attached: Snapshot_20180126d_2.jpg (2204x2938, 1.27M)

>off the height chart
>tfw below

Attached: 72D7469C-F429-47DB-A6F5-6EF7E9EB70D2.png (657x527, 33K)

Stay coping Mr skelly

Doesn't it say 25lb on the closes plate?
So it's a 2.5pl8 dead? I did that after 3 months of lifting

If they had waited they could have got a great cleavage pic right before their spines snapped.

Why do you need a spotter if the bar doesn't even touch you when on the ground?

What could possibly go wrong

stay small lanklet, bro your dyel

Still 500 pounds, though

Aren't you like 5'4?

Nooooo. Like wtf, if one of them just bails, the other one is fucked

>I'm complete a dyel.
>Know I'd be responsible for someones death if I had to spot someone squatting +150KG
>Watching this
Who's idea was it to get a kid to squat? Why did he not say "yeah I'm not comfortable doing this"?

The fuck happened to the last guy? Looks like hes having a stroke

goal body

NOICE self killing grip mate

Attached: siracusa powerlifter lol panda fit.webm (720x404, 2.15M)

Exactly, and seeing as this is a professionals only board you can see why such a weak lift would trigger us


Why not just kill yourself?

Attached: shotgun airbag.jpg (1237x2011, 231K)

>Why do you need a spotter if the bar doesn't even touch you when on the ground?
So she doesnt accidentally rolls the bar into some unaware innocent bystander

Attached: howtolift.webm (640x640, 2.2M)

fucking home made claymore mine fucking hell.
Are rockfags the dumbest people alive?

Bumper plates take up much more space than steel plates. Powermemers sometimes lift too much to fit it on the bar using bumpers. Olympic lifters rarely touch weights over 300kg and you can fit those weights on the bar using olympic bumpers easily. But in reality rarely do powerbloggers use so much weight, they often lift less than weightliftets and with half the ROM, kek.

>grow, grow, GROW!
sorry Brie not happening

Attached: 098CBD59-7FDE-4714-B012-B18D28D33F72.jpg (640x960, 172K)

Leave my boi alone I'll fuck you up pussy

>those platform soles
>that flat sad ass
2018 marvel is a disgrace, why the fuck did they take sexy costumes away

Is it a boy or a girl?

lol imagine the bored look on her face in that shot

Dislocated his elbow getting out from the bar. Extremely fucking painful injury.

Attached: women10.jpg (1513x960, 381K)

This is vastly different m8
You are comparing skin damage (and a hand) with quadriplegia
She still can perfectly take care of herself post-recovery
The dude is a vegetable, not to mention that severely handicapped people turn bitter and resentful way too often, to assume he remained the man he was

can we just make crossfit illegal?

Post body

You mong, the issue is
>suicide grip
>elbows flared at 90°
Too bad the safeties can't save his shoulders.

you can actually feel the cope coming through the thumbnail without clicking

>Pleeease don't make me pay the damages! It was an accident baahaa

Attached: doeeys.jpg (498x520, 32K)

That guy that comes flying before it even clears the left part, he saw that a mile away.

Attached: almostcaughtbar_USSFfail.jpg (1243x656, 103K)

I can almost hear him ripping through his shoulder tissue

>trips (checked)
>4 is number of death in Japland
>that tandem monstrosity
Yep, checks out.

me on the far right

Attached: o.jpg (540x495, 35K)

Isley Isley isley.....

Jesus christ just fucking shave it

Attached: het.png (156x145, 58K)

nice but work that chest brah

Guess how I know you don't lift, faggot

what is this hairstyle called?

Nothing makes you big when you do sets of 1.

On the outside. The rest could be Fisher Price for all we know. So he diddly 1pl8, big whoop. You wanna fight about it?

Big if 5pl8 deficit

The Reverse Mohawk

>t. fat powerlifer
When did you last see a close to 300kg clean and jerk? Oh, never? Weightlifters maybe sometimes squat around 300s, their goal isn't to squat some fucking 500 to parallel with gear. Or are you implying that you powermemers all pull 400kgs and over daily and I'm insulting your "strength"? lmao faggot

Attached: iiuhbxh1ikr11.png (432x768, 297K)

Also excellent glute activation.

>let's try to be cutesie first in stead of instantly stopping that barbell!

That's what you get from not skipping hip thrust day

okay, that's my new goal.

Attached: life.jpg (642x9556, 989K)


crossfit helping the natural selection once again

>shit talking a woman who is stronger than you


Not even manlets will stand up for u, sorry ubermanlet

imagine waking up every day seeing this in the mirror

No one ever said that, diddlys are for strenght, not mass

at least I get to take the subway and don't sit in traffic

sorry are we supposed to know who that faggot is in the deadlift vid? some tripfag I take it?


>guys 5'10 and under can look ripped in an incredibly short amount of time
Where the fuck does this disinfo campaign come from? After 2 years a 5'10 guy just looks like a guy thats been lifting for 2 years, nothing remarkable.
t. 5'10 guy