What religion is Jow Forums?

I'm tired of being le epic atheist. What's a Jow Forums religious tradition? I was thinking Eastern Orthodox. I enjoy chanting, bearded men, and hyper conservatism.

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join the one true faith you filthy heathens

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Not a fan of the current administration, you guys did have a good history till Vatican 2 though.

true just dont listen to stupid jesuits

>Bearded men
>Hyper conservative

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How's the eight grade going?

All churches promote or at least condone racemixing. They want to destroy ethnic and racial identities so that the mixed race mongrels make the church their identity. They're globalists and Jewish tools.

I believe there is a reason behind human consciousness but I don`t believe that a personified god could exist. Ok probably there is even a chance that personified god exists but he would be either not almighty and fucked up humankind pretty hard or he is just a sadistic monster shaking up our cosmic ant farm for fun and not a being a creature of mercy.

>Worshiping a non-European god
Never gonna make it to Valhalla

Paganism is the only way OP

Tell me more about paganism.

I have a giant Satanic tattoo that I got when I was nineteen. Horned devil, upside down cross, 666, etc.

Can I still make it (into the kingdom of heaven?)

I'm trying to reconstruct the religion of Evola's solar civilization

Slice the impurity off your skin


Tzeenchian cultist

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Non-denominational christian.
Too many factions skewing the truth of the word.
Jesus wasn't a pacifist, but he wasn't an authoritarian.

College is fucking hard for me bros.
>women wear pants vacuumed to their ass + wear crop tops to class
>liberals espouse the acceptance of open gay relations, and blindly believe rape victims while turning a blind eye when the fraternities do it
>fornication is not only praised, it is streamlined with """""""""dating""""""""" apps
>campus christian groups are often consumed in liberalism and only endorse full temperance, when Jesus himself encouraged moderate drinking to "gladden the heart of man"
>no one wants to listen, they only want to be heard

Got two and a half more years... then I'll start my love quest. Can't begin here. Never here. Maybe Tennessee.

>love quest
Be careful user

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Lutheran is the true Jow Forums religion. The belief that just as in life, you will only reap the rewards of heaven through hard work and dedication.

you're doing it for the wrong reasons

How do you find churches in your area?


The One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church that has changed for no man, no emperor, no Pope. Read St Cyril's Catechesmal Lectures and you will see that only Orthodoxy is reflected in the earliest Christian teachings.

LEAVE COLLEGE OR ATTEND A CONSERVATIVE UNIVERSITY - YOUR SPIRITUAL HEALTH IS AT RISK. Find a Spiritual Father who can help you get through this world. For your sake and your eternity, preserve yourself.

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If people actually read the Satanic Bible, they would know that Satan actually just wants you to worship yourself and treat yourself like a god, which can certainly include getting shredded af and fucking bitches.

The only true religion is a blood religion, all else is folly.

Anton LaVey was a hedonist kike. His work goes into the bonfire.

google maps "(town name) church", like a dozen pop up. All are free to attend, join what ever denomination best interests you (for the most part, it doesn't matter).

Lutheran? You mean Lutheran as in sola scriptura, faith alone, no work?

Would recommend Orthodoxy. By far the most Jow Forums

>not sacrificing your soul to Satan in exchange for gains
never gonna make it

Either this or Khorne. You could become an aesthetic daemonette pretty boy or a bloatlord killing machine.

Orthodoxy is the fullness of the Christian faith. Every other version feels very shallow after experiencing the Paschal liturgy

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Siva Tantra

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nurgle is the bloat god

God is a bitch ass fucking pussy. You want to pray to some fucking dick weed who gives babies cancer and steals your gains?

Fuck god right in his ass. The great thing about worshipping Satan is that it is about the rejection of God and greater power because you start to realize that you are Satan. Self-awareness, intelligence, breaking free from the chains that bind 90% of the people in this world.

I am the beast I worship, I am fucking Satan. Fuck God you fucking pussies.

For the record, I am a very nice chill dude but God is virtue stealing.

Self-reliance and loving your fellow man is the only way to go. Give everything, expect nothing.

Hail Satan

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Modern paganism is an incoherent mishmash of barbarian European maypole-dancing and forest elf garbage
You know those fat tumblr girls who claim to be "wiccans" and larp as Harry Potter characters in their moms' backyard? Paganism is the male version.
"Real" satanism is just idiotic hedonism and edge. When your entire faith centers around offending another faith, you might want to take a step back and think.

if you would like to pursue an abrahamic religion and you are european, you may have a connection to either catholicism or eastern orthodoxy.
visiting/summoning/praying to archangels is a vitalizing experience. could also do that outside of orthodoxy too.

Let me guess, Jow Forums and Jow Forums memes convinced you to leave atheism you fucking sheep
From one sheep system to another
Fucking typical.
Real men are pagan like are best ancestors. Fuck the jewish god that christcucks worship and fuck cultural marxism

> The great thing about worshipping Satan is that it is about the rejection of God and greater power because you start to realize that you are Satan.
Yes, you are Satan. What if you are also God?
If Satan represents knowledge, then what does God represent?
Which God are you referring to? The Abrahamic God?

He was a real devil worshipper according to his daughter but then later became convinced that the supernatural powers of Satan were manifested from within his own mind (which his daughter described as an asinine conclusion, since she was a real devil worshipper at the time of saying this)

>"Jesus explained, “I am the Way, I am the Truth, and I am the Life. No one comes next to the Father except through union with me. To know me is to know my Father too." --John 14:6

He loves you.

islam is the true religion, peep why it gets targeted so mucb

We is God, I is the Devil

>being this easily peer pressured

If you're choosing a religion it sounds like you're viewing it from the perspective of something to discipline you instead of something to actually believe in (I'm not saying they're entirely separate or that it's a bad thing to do). I'd recommend Jordan Petersons lecture series on the bible as a start.

love u user

do your ethnic background religious practices

the whole point of catholicism is to not quit when the going gets tough, like in a marriage. imagine you have 30 guys holding up a boulder and one guy just decides to quit and just walks away. then another guy sees this and thinks he could do that too and not have to hold his share of the weight. once people start doing that it just cascades and everyone starts to give up because they think they're gonna get crushed because not enough people will be holding the boulder. but the strongest will always stay and they will keep the boulder up no matter how hard it is, even if thre's only 10 left of the original 30. this is how God weeds out the faggots

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lutherans aren't very bright

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I'm atheist but mostly respect Christianity the most for philosophical reasons. I think a lot of Christians on Jow Forums are just knee-jerk reactionaries avoiding the left at all costs. But thats just me.

how into orthodox Christianity? i live in canada and all the christians here are cucked faggots

Fuck off Objectivist kike

Islam you cucks
>All the major religions

just make up ur own religion- you know like those guys that believe in "the universe" and shit. they seem to be happier

i like this pic

Catholicism has centuries of continuous philosophy, history, and theology backing it up against even tough contenders like the eastern orthodox. Additionally, being Catholic allows you to transcend nationality for a short period if you travel, a love of God and a shared set of values and morals does wonders helping you make connections and there are plenty of Catholics out in the world.

Check Google Maps for the closest, and come ~15 minutes early so you can ask someone about quick etiquette. You can sit or stand, no one takes offense to visitors standing. Both the Divine Liturgy and Vespers are exhilarating at first.


Or humanism

Really, just be a good, accepting person. And don't put people in power who aren't.

whatever is the norm for your race you stooge

Probably, I mean, it’s not actually that meaningful of a tattoo. As long as you trust in the mercies of God and belong to the church, you’re usually fine.

This guy is a bit looney, but he’s also not wrong. If you read the church fathers, early theologians, and learn about church history, it becomes pretty clear which branch of Christianity is closest to the faith the apostles preached. Look up the theology of the Orthodox Church and learn about it, it is doubtlessly worth it.

Humanism isn’t a religion, it was a movement in art and philosophy that was inspired by Christianity you doofus.

think you mean wiccan birdboy or ADHD cheeto fingered autist

demonette = slaanesh
bloat = nurgle

If you're going to give yourself to a lesser god, at least get your facts right.

tfw no thicc slavic eastern orthodox waifu to go to service with

i'm probably gonna shit on by Jow Forums for this but i'm a mormon and i like it a lot. i don't agree necessarily with a lot of the history or technical theological beliefs, but what i can tell you is the lds church is one of the few that refuses to back down on a lot of the changing social aspects of this world. they were one of the biggest contributors to the BSA (something like 40% of all boy scouts) but broke it off solely because of the gay leaders and scouts thing. They excommunicate members for premarital sex and take it very seriously, they also place a big emphasis on ancestry and language, most mormons have completed family trees going back generations and most are bilingual. Although you'll never hear the church leaders say this because they maintain good PR, but race mixing was punishable by death in Utah and blacks weren't allowed to do much 'till the 70s, and even now the church promotes marriage within "ones own culture and people" which is frankly amazing that they're such a big wealthy organization and are willing to say shit like that. About 95% of all mormons are of northern european descent too. There are many mormons in the FBI and "secret" tapes have been leaked of mormon politicians in utah discussing how to fight the LGBT and left-wing agendas. I think the mormons catch too much shit for how much balls they have. They also ask every member to own food storage and guns, and own a giant bunker and armory in the mountains near salt lake. They don't intend to go out like bitches

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Ask me how I know you're a larper

>mormon in 2018
Seriously bro, read the CESletter. Mormonism is a shitty escape room (cult) with really clear hints— like Joseph Smith’s pedophilia, or the “translations” and plagiarism. It only works when you make it work and run all the mental gymnastics

>I'm tired of being le epic atheist

Was it nothing more than a fad or fashion to you? Either you think its a reasonable position or not. A model of how you think the world operates. Not something you get bored or tired of. If that's your attitude you probably won't fare better under any religion either.

lmao there's a lot of bullshit in mormonism but the ces letter is hilariously inaccurate and so much shit in it is straight up fabricated, look up the farms response to the ces letter and watch it just fall to pieces. again, there's a lot to be said against mormonism but that letter is embarrassing

>trampling down death
Why state it as if death is some opposing force he's fighting against? Doesn't God literally have an angel of death?

Undivded or nothing

tfw atheist but the rampant degeneracy makes me wish I was a Christian again

Nice the FBI just read this

Just read the Bible lol, it's not that hard
Don't listen to the cathokeks who openly commit idolatry, sodomy, pedophilia ect.
One is saved through faith only, which is expressed through works

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You got a source on that

I'm thinking about becoming muslim

I wonder who could be behind this post

Serious question, how did you grow your relationship with Jesus? How did you start loving him/feeling his presence to be able to trust him Him?

Only true answer is Lutheranism or Shia islam.

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That is pretty based

Yeah real life. So many countries in Europe today happily accept Christian 3rd world shiteaters just because they're Christian instead of Muslim, as if it changes anything.


All you faggots forgot the obvious one

Sure, we all do cringy rebellious shit when we’re kids, to prove how badass we are. He understands, just like a dad rolls his eyes when his kid throws a fit, but loves him all the same. Sucks to have that eyesore on your skin, but God’ll take you back, and you both can kek about it in heaven.

thats because you stupid dumbasses listen to socialists and jesuits

Damn, someone’s up way past their bedtime.

Fight for the emperor.
It is your duty.

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Orthodoxy is pretty neat, no one expects you to do anything concerning religion, priests don't care about your private business and the girls are pretty nice I guess. You can also try worshipping Khorne to get insta ripped.

this. Jow Forums like it's retarded little sister board Jow Forums is Islamic.

Orthodox bros help me
what's the intro song?

t. Evangelical "Lutheran" Church of America

You honor warrior gods and exemplify them in your life, standing up straight, instead of praying for shit to happen to you on your knees.

and dont forget letting africans rape your daughters

Be in the Word. Regular devotional reading is really the most basic step you can take. Faith isn't anything we can make ourselves; God gives it to us and enables us to trust him, and he promises that his word his powerful and effective. Don't focus on yourself, asking how you can start loving and trusting Jesus. Focus on what he has done for you, and the rest follows. I'd say pick one of the Gospels, read through a solid chunk every day, write down a couple notes about what that section teaches you, and pray based on that. It's about the simplest devotion format, but simple isn't bad. You can also pick up a devotional book or look for a reading plan online.


U served mission, user?

If you think the pope isn't compromised you need to take another red pill mate.

Become a celtic christian brother.......the Cliffs of Ireland await you

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