Who do you lift for? pic related

who do you lift for? pic related

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Mashallah, brother

khabib my habibi

Oh shit is doing the ISIS salute?
Also pic related

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Do people consider this guy to be handsome. Im not sure why he’s so popular with normies

Post face, he looks more alpha than you

Muslims are the new Christians.

What do you mean he's popular? No shit people are talking about him, the fight was huge and it just happened

the glory of Dagestan.

Me? I lift for twink bfs.

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What kind of fucking haircut is that? Looks ridiculous

Well he's not ugly.
Also he just fucked up that potato cunt and made a bunch of celebs and casual UFC fans cry. That's why he's getting more popular.

Man I wish I wasnt balding
I lift to get big and strong

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i know you guys don't like this


Attached: khabib smashes conor.webm (728x410, 2.63M)

bend the knee

Attached: conor-khabib.jpg (640x432, 72K)

Its a hat you idiot

how dumb do you have to be to think thats his hair ahahhahh

I lift to beat up muslim manlets after they get uppity and think they're hot shit for beating a potato nigger

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i will smash you and make you a tap machine. alhamduillah

NPCs hate McGregor so they like him

Lol go rape a child shitskin

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that first punch gets me every time i see this webm. It's got to be some kind of artefact of the framerate, no human is that fast

if you notice he shoots his left leg backwards as he does it, so he's literally dropping his entire bodyweight with that shot right on conor's face

how can people even give credit to this cretin for beating a nobody that didn't stepped in the ring for 2 whole years

I lift for Mcgregor. Through and through. Not a fairweather fan. Win or lose

Most normies are switching to khabibs side and shitting on conor. Its natural i suppose. I don't care. I fight for the notorious.

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