He doesn't drink mass amounts of water

>he doesn't drink mass amounts of water
>he doesn't have a routine for skin care
>he doesn't floss or use a waterpik
>he doesn't dedicate time to meditation and reflection

>but he works out

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Why is Jow Forums obsessed with meditation. Is it a weeb thing?

There seems to be evidence that a few minutes of meditation a day has big advantages for multiple aspects of health and well being.

Water picks are fucking awesome, I love feeling chunks of tartar getting blown out of the crevices between my teeth. And you sometimes get a wiff of it and can't believe that shit was stuck in your mouth for god knows how long.

All of the above is for homosexuals. I'm a straight male.

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I do all that stuff

Some people work out because they enjoy working out as a hobby. Its not all about self improvement

Why straight men think that women won't care if their skin and breath are disgusting is beyond me

>Implying you're not gay.
>On Jow Forums

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Good skin and breath come from proper diet first and foremost. Quit eating processed garbage and you won't need to spend hundreds on rubbing carcinogens into your skin yearly.

I don't do skin care, but if you take care of your overall wellness, you won't have skin problems. Do the other ones, working out was actually the one I started on most recently.

I try to meditate but I always remember the traumas and suffering that I had to go through and it just angers me more.

I drink at least 6 liters a day. I floss after I eat, got me on the skin care. My skin is nice though.

What’s a good basic skin care program? Copy paste the one from American psycho ?

Post skin.

You still have to fucking exfoliate. And for God's sake brush your teeth twice a day.

>I'm a straight male.
>on Jow Forums
Something doesn't add up...


I started using conditioner too instead of just shampoo and that helped my skin a significant amount

>twice a day
Why twice and not just when you go to sleep?

Redpill me on waterpiks

Lick your teeth when you wake up tomorrow.


Because [spoiler]It's brown[/spoiler]

Nigga just floss

>exfoliate every 3-4 days

do them in that order. Just find highly rated ones on Amazon.

>>he doesn't have a routine for skin care

I don't know which one to use. I've watch a bunch of beauty hoes on youtube talk about how they use product X, but I know that they're just lying. I know most of them are just getting paid to say it. Also they already have 10/10 flawless skin, so they product probably didn't do shit. The ones that aren't sponsored use products that cost like $100+. I'm a fucking college student, so I can't afford that.