No dirty bulk for you, mate!

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u got a license for those macros m8?

golly mate do you have a liscense for that 'za?

>its the governments job to run my life

holy shit euros are fucking pathetic.

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would support them doing this in America too

Oi!! you got a peoperoni license?!??

Imagine this unit citing you for an excessively large crunchy slice.

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Jesus how many licenses do I need to live like a normal human being in the UK?

just order double pizza with dipping sauces rather than a pizza with a bunch of bullshit on it


Thank god I live in a Euro paradise instead of some shitty island

Zero if you are a poc :^)

This is exactly what a fascist government would do and yet here we are bitching about it.

Why do their uniforms look so autistic? It's like they don't want perps to comply.

Imagine actually being criminalized for selling a pizza

>can I get extra cheese and pepperoni on that sirrah
>no can do mate queens law, suck me off and order ‘notha pizza, see then?

Imagine being so pussywhipped by your goverment that you let them decide when you should stop eating.

Obesity is a major problem in the western world and you guys are bitching about someone trying to fix it?

It isn't criminalised as anyone with even a minor level of the law would know. The items are just sold to be under a certain level of whatever thing they decide is unhealthy.
So no one would ever call the police because it would be a civil fine for the company.
Granted that costume the guy is stupid but the new CTFOs wear looks awesome.

maybe they should fix the poo epidemic first

This isn’t going to fix shit. But it will punish us for fatties’ choices.

no, a real fascist government would rev up a propaganda campaign to shame and ostracize every citizen who's fat and glorify healthy lifestyles. there wouldn't be a need to outlaw fatties if they all get fit or commit suicide.

instead, we have fat acceptance and tranny propaganda. so progressive.

Fatties are the majority and they need help.

>oi mate can I get an x large pizza?
>no mate deys been banned you do don’t gots no pizza loicense
>ok make I’ll just three mediums then
real great plan ya got there bongcel

>Draft guidelines unveiled by Public Health England (PHE) would see recommended calorie limits set for regularly consumed items
>limits would not be mandatory

Do you people even know how to read? some org no one gives a shit about asks restaurants to cut calories on popular foods

oi i dont think so sugar theres bloody bacon in it and you know thats haram

>thinking that Anglo hell hole represents Europe

fuck off you stupid cunt pizza and burgers are prime bulking food

Based UK, wish they'd do that here in the US too.

then you can't possibly understand FREEDOM friend.

but if all fatties get fit, that would be fatty genocide

>their facist ideals dont align with my own so they arent facist
This is your brain on autism.

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You think the rest of Europe is freer than the UK? You faggots have it a quadrillion times worse than we do.

i think he was being sarcastic

no we don't

You really want politicians deciding what you’re allowed to put inside your own body?

totally support this and anybody who is against this is a complete utter retard. You can still enjoy good food, just now you wont have guilt from eating disgusting oily heartattack foods.
This is a god tier policy for cutting weight.

Take your shilling back to pol, faggot.

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A better idea is to introduce a tax incentive for being Jow Forums.

I hope so but ive met too many Natsocs who actually think like this.

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What if I don't want to cut?

>fascism just means something I don’t like

based npc

If you have your bulking license they'll make you a pizza with whatever you want as long as you okay it with the Ministry of Health a fortnight in advance and wait in the designated queue when ordering.

have you been in the UK?

the english look like inbred, mutants that weight 500lbs and have fetal alcohol syndrome. the women look like they got beat up with bats on a daily basis and the men look like bulldogs.

At the very least trying to make them less obese is fine.

The irish/scots are fine.

But then ppl will just order 2 small pizzas
Why not tax unhealthy stuff more?

25% tax on any pre made food, use half of it to educate people on nutrition and the other half to subsidize fresh fruit, veggies lentils beans and rice. No tax but no subsidy on dairy/uncooked meat.

Boom, obesity solved, gimme my Nobel prize, I'mma wear that shit out and crush mad puss

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Unironically this. But just tax the hell out of it so the fat fuck can subsidize things like public gymnasia, walking/biking paths, etc.

jesus fucking CHRIST bongs get it together.

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>the Scots are fine
You know how I know you’ve never been to the uk?

>People who value individuality and personal liberty are retards

So what, mindlessly complying with everything some bloated politician decides is the path of the intellectual? You could cut weight without being restrained by external forces, it's called having responsibility and making the right choices.

Amerisharts defend this

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The unhealthy shit is subsidized more than healthy foods, making it more economically viable and attractive than it should be, leading to excess consumption and obesity

We're bitching about the pants on head fucking retarded method they're choosing to employ in an attempt to fix it you dummy. desu allowing health insurers to deny fatties past a certain bf% as well as bringing back cultural fat shaming is the way to go.

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It's the NYC large soda ban Mk2

Heck I'll admit it... I loll'd

This guy gets it.

That's the price of FREEDOM you fucking commie.

>The unhealthy shit is subsidized more than healthy foods
almost like they're trying to make their population fat and retarded. What is the actual rationale behind this?

Somebody please just blow up parliament successfully already

Okay britbong

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>He thinks that the taxes will be spend on walking paths, gyms and libraries
>Not immigrants, gender studies and the thought police

I pity your optimism

OY!!! Yew got a loicense fo tha picture, M8??! That's it! It's of ta tha slammah fo yew!!!!

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They already do..

You wouldn't get shit unless you tried to sell it

I'm British and I'll defend it. It's unhealthy shit that people can choose to buy if they're too stupid to figure out what they should and shouldn't be eating.

The thread is about the government doing something, which means you don't get a choice what to do. Or in other words, why collectivism is a bad thing even if it means you getting something you want.

That doesn't answer the question..

I've seen one of those.

Austrian here. I enjoy only taking as many "refugees" we could handle and sending the rest to rape germany and enacting sharia law in the UK. I also love how they threw out 23 imams who where radicalizing youths.
UK, Germany and sweden are the worst places to live, everyone else is great.

>government literally mandates what foods you can or cannot eat
>this is somehow acceptable becaus muh obesity

every day my hate for fatties grows

Yes, I do. Fuck off, junkie

Fuck britain, they take our porn, they take our memes and now they take our pizza. Robot May won't be happy till we're sitting in our beige living rooms, eating crumpets, clicking our fingers to the fucking lighthouse family whilst reminiscing about the fields of wheat. Peados, all of em.


amazing. it's not enough that i have to pay double for pic related to make fatties feel better about themselves. they now want to take my gains away just because they don't have self control.

i want to watch Brits suffocate in their own shit like the pigs that they are.

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go on, show us where fucking pizza joints are subsidized lmao

Yea, you guys are pretty based.
Would probably be the best country around if you weren't 90% unliveable desert / couldn't walk in the dark to take a night piss without fear of deadly spider bite

im in manchester, havent seen an inbred scotsman yet.

well, theres this ginger guy at work with a long ponytail and wears a trenchcoat whos clearly a metalhead, but he seems fine

>Or in other words, why collectivism is a bad thing even if it means you getting something you want.

ironically, nobody actually benefits from these meme regulations. fatties gonna fat, removing the XL pizza from the menu will just result in them buying two mediums instead, or get a triple cheese lasagna, or a triple meat kebab plate, or whatever the fuck they want.

point is, you can get fat on literally any food. it's not as much about what you eat, but about how much you eat. so unless the govt. implements full state controlled food rationing, they wont be able to deter fatties from eating themselves into an early grave.

Does facist mean you discriminate purely on facial aesthetics?

vroom vroom

Oi you got a licence for those calories mate?

Island Monkeys aren't euros you ameritard.

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Vroom vroom

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Exactly right, and if you're obese and fail to stick to a prescribed weightloss regimen, you get zero taxpayer funds for your healthcare until you do.

The least intelligent comment of the week

You're right, but nanny-statists always want to reduce the entire population to NPCs.

Then end the subsidies, you tards.

Guy Fawkes is the hero we need but don't deserve.

Bulking is a meme desu

B-but m-muh loicense!


Austrian government is a bad joke
>We will give the people more speak in political matters
>Except when their opinion differs from ours

>You really want politicians deciding what you’re allowed to put inside your own body?

you're saying it like it's something new

This was the inevitable endgame for living in a nation with socialized healthcare. If I'm paying for your healthcare, why should I subsidize your poor decision to eat irresponsibly? Fast food restaurants are also basically incentivized to make their slop calorie bombs, because that is how you use cheap shitty ingredients while still remaining competitive in taste.

I've brought this shit up for years and people laughed at me. Will this help fight obesity? Probably. But philosophically it still sucks.

Attack the fatty, not the food. The fat people will find other ways of stuffing themselves, while the rest of us who have self-control and understand the concept of an only sometimes food will be denied the enjoyment of a greasy, cheesy, sweet, etc. guilty pleasure.

socialism in a nutshell
>some people are retard better make it worse for everybody

Good god Brits, please pull yourselves together. You're embarrassing yourselves

they've gone too far this time
what is that visa hunter tv show, time to marry a fat texan landwhale

>novelty food eaten once or twice a year at fairs
Nobody's eating this shit everyday, you limey bong.

Fucking hell I want to start a fucking civil war. I need to leave this shithole but I'm too much of a patriot.

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You fuckin soiboy cuck faggot, weiber- und rauchervolksbegehren are literally communism.

>Bit of light hearted bantz at the Australians expense
>They like it

It's just like /sp/ told me
Gotta remember that when i visit

France is monumentally fucked as well.

>Seperate from the EU
>Continue to cuck yourselves
Britbongs are pathetic. Sad!

>be a britlard
>need a license to watch TV
>need the government to count your calories
>need the cops to arrest you for saying things on the internet

what a 3rd world shit hole LMFAO

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