What’s your daily supplement intake?

What’s your daily supplement intake?

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none 2 poor to afford sups and there's none of them worth taking that'll make a significant difference if there's something i should definitely try somebody red pill me on it

too many
>vitamin d3+k2 10kIU
>Iodine and selenium
>vitamin c
>boron/borax 20mg
>magnesium 500mg
>melatonin 0.75 mg
>celery seeds

20mg ostarine 200mg magnesium 5mg melatonin 5000 UI vit F, soon 10mg ligandrol

Why even bother with the melatonin?

i meant vit D

Omega 3
Vitamin E
Raw garlic
B complex

5 hour energy
600mg advil
2 scoops whey
5g creatine

>falling for the supplement jew

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Vitamin D, Fish oil daily

Zinc if I'm feeling low energy but I'm concerned about mineral imbalances of constant supplementation

>magnesium 500mg
jesus, that's a lot. I get toxicity symptoms with as little as 100mg daily

Way better sleep?

>600mg advil
Every day? besides potential liver damage, ibuprofen hurts gains in the long run

That's not how melatonin works

Yes it is

It tells your body that it's time for sleep but doesn't actually do anything to help you fall asleep or stay asleep. You're probably doing more harm than good.

Fucking retard detected

Omega 3

If you keep taking melatonin, your body would just stop making its own. melatonin is usually useful to fix disrupted sleep schedule.

also this

Creatine w/ BCAAs
Whey protein powder
Vitamin D w/ K2
Fish Oil


Horny goat weed
Fish oil

I am a sex god

Multivitamin with some minerals
Astralagus extract
Vitamin D/K3
Fish oil

>Scientific research shows that melatonin may help to strengthen and improve sleep-wake cycles, making it possible to adhere to more healthful sleep patterns and making it easier to sleep on a regular schedule. Research indicates that melatonin may shorten the time it takes to fall asleep, and increase overall sleep amounts. Melatonin also may improve the quality of sleep and reduce daytime sleepiness and fatigue. Studies also show melatonin may increase REM sleep.
>"According to our research, the physiological dose of melatonin of about 0.3 milligrams restores sleep in adults over the age of 50," said Wurtman, lead investigator in the study. "The adults who would normally wake up during the second and third thirds of the night were able to sleep through the night with the 0.3 milligram dosage."
The only people that fuck it up are the ones that overdose and take 50 times the dose you actually need. You only need 0.3-0.9 mg of melatonin. You know what also interferes with your bodies ability to make melatonin? Having any lights on past sunset. I guess your melatonin's fucked too then. I take 0.5-0.75 a night and get amazing sleep with no negative symptoms.
that link literally says to take melatonin.

hahahahah fuck this looks legit, will try


and a bunch of others vitamins, minerals and amino acids so that i dont get withdrawal from it and can keep the euphoric effect


Yo what is spirulina for?
My mom takes that shit but she watches Dr.Oz so everything she takes I just disregard it

does this really help?

Well I been using it with minoxidil and had great progress in just 3 months, also nails grow super fast.
Taking it for beard gains btw

I like how you cut out the part that says it's only effective for short term use.

>been using it for months
>still have the same benefits
whatever bud. I'm not gonna get into a citation war over something that irrefutably helps me.

>No withdrawal

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So many of these micronutrients can be found in sufficient quantity in a good multi-vitamin, but it sounds as if yall taking them separately...

The placebo effect is a hell of a drug

>stop taking melatonin
>dreams and sleep aren't as good
swing and miss. Try again.

Fish oil
Green tea

I'm on:

5000IU Vit D
30 mg Zinc
3 mg Boron

Definitely felt a test increase which is why I started supplementing. Any other recommended supps that would help with that?

no withdrawal is the easier part, i found out how about 3 months in of taking it, keeping the euphoria and the confidence feeling is the harder one

The placebo effect works negatively too dumbass

1000IU Vit D

Magnesium is because I was rather deficient with it a long time ago. Eyelid twitching and other things.

Other daily multi-vitamins and fish oil pills, no.

It’s not really for anything in particular, it just very nutrient dense and easy to add to smothies.

After four years of experimentation here's where I'm at right now.

Animal pak, only one pak a day
Now Tribulus Extreme
Now Fenugreek
Vitamin D

To run them all at the same time isn't too expensive, I got them from tfsupps. The supply last almost two months for around $80.

literally me

It took me longer to fall asleep objectively. I checked the clock. I woke up with eye bags as well.
Another strike for user. Would you like to try again?

Do you not understand what the placebo effect is?

I took it last year when my roommate gave it to me to try. I also thought it was bad for your own melatonin production. So if anything it should have gave me bad sleep due to placebo effect. It gave me the best sleep of my night and continued for like 2 months. Then I quit again when I got sucked into the lie again that it was bad for you.
When I stopped I noticed my sleep wasn't as good.
Where's your placebo effect now?

Please insert a more interesting argument if you would like to continue playing.

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Simple, when you first started using it you had a problem that it was effective at fixing. You should have stayed off it when you quit the first time. It's scientifically proven that it doesn't help long term just fucking google it. You probably think emergen c works too.

stop being such a know it all prick if your argument is 'just google it' its disgustingly obnoxious

You can just go back and read the link I already posted....

Helps me a lot to keep my mind under controll


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bro you must be raging
is this not overkill?

That filename is reallysome tryhard effort.

What is this shit yggdrasil.
Not one word how it works, what it is really doing.
Bullshit marekting.
Hassan from McFit may be stupid enough to buy it.

fucking julia

Multi Vitamin
Protein powder
protein bar with fiber

PWO sometimes.

who cares if the price is good

vitamin c
vitamin b12
vitamin d3

> hurr durr herp derp

What does it do?
> absolutelly nothing
Why are you buying it then?
> I get 90 pills for only 5€ !
But they are absolutely useless.
> who cares if the price is good

Göbbls, ramp up your propaganda skills.

this guy is just trying to get you to stop arguing

It's gone past whose right or wrong he just wants you to submit

Zinc and fish oil.



The argument is already over

Enjoy going bald at 25


First time supplement shopping waiting for this to ship now.
How'd I do?

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creatine 3-5g
arginine 3-5g
multivitamin + some zma
d3 4000u
sometimes 1mg vit C

I can get that stuff way cheaper on my protein at the moment.
-50% on pills an aminos and -30% on anything else.

2 scoops of pic related every morning before working out
Also 4 scoops protons daily

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>100 mg daily
If I consume less than 300mg daily, I get the worst constipation and muscle cramps.

6 days on, 1 day off
>9mg boron
>90mcg K2
>4000iu D3
>4g Vitamin C
>2.4g EPA&DHA combined from fish oil
>10g Sunflower lecithin
>540mg ZMA (500mg Mag, 30mg zinc)
>600mg root extract Ashwaghanda
>Caffeine, coffee, if that counts
>WPC, 1-2 scoops, if that counts
Every few days or so
>1.2g beta alanine pre-workout
>8g citrulline malate pre-workout
>4g citrulline malate on rest days
>12mg Astaxanthin 1-2 per week, not close to workouts (and/or when getting sun exposure)
>1.5g taurine 3-4 times a week (in coffee or nights after pre-workout)
>1g L-Lysine 2-3 times a week
>18mg Iron, once a week
Have some maca to start taking and I got a decent multivitamin, going to phase in taking that some days in place of some of this stack.

you need help, mate

you should really throw some carnitine in the mix

Vitamin D and Fishoil masterrace

>all the addicts in this thread praising their unhealthy supplement addiction
Why don't you guys just eat... you know.. a normal healthy diet so you don't need artificial supplements?

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Mate, I don't think taking Vitamin C to boost my immune system or a multivitamin to get a load of micronutrients makes me an addict when I can very easily forget to take either for a week with no symptoms of withdrawal.

2000 IU vitamin D3
50 mg Zinc
2000 mg Krill Oil (of which 440 mg is Omega 3)

Don’t think any of them help but oh well.

>Raw garlic
dumb question, but I take garlic pills, he composition literally say "garlic" + some vitamin C as glue to keep the pill together, I take them cuz it's comfier than raw garlic but red pill me

obviously raw garlic is better because it's well raw, but why i should sacrifice comfiness over rawness

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Sungazing, either a dirt or mud bath weekly, and eating plenty of meat is enough

Fish oil
Vitamin D

Aged garlic extract or fermented is what you want

Nothing, hopefully something after I go to the doctor because I think I'm fucking anemic, my resting heart rate is like 30 bpm higher than my chubby middle aged mothers

>it's an americans hooked up on a bunch of pills episode
I was hoping it's a meme, doesn't seem like it is now

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2 of these and 2,5g creatine

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Steroids cause being natty is gay.

Desiccated Thyroid
Desiccated Adrenal
Desiccated Thymus
Desiccated Testicle
Desiccated Prostate
Desiccated Heart
Desiccated Pancreas
Desiccated Brain
Desiccated Bone Marrow
Desiccated Liver
Desiccated Spleen
Desiccated Kidney
Desiccated Trachea
Desiccated Lung

Fermented Cod Liver Oil
Fermented Skate Liver Oil

>fish oil

>b complex occasionally
>b5, b3, b12
>d occasionally (it stores in your fat, if you've been taking it for a while you will have much more than enough)
>iodine w/selenium
>zinc w/copper
brain gainz
>ginkgo biloba
>alpha lipoic acid
general health, not always taken every day
>l theanine
>l tryptophan
>high potency fish oil
>hemp seed oil

5000iu Vitamin D makes my heart hurt, i cut back to like 250iu, but why does it hurt?

maybe because dietary vit d is the complete oppose of natural

Do some cardio you fag

Any supplement is the opposite of natural though?

creatine and a magnesium supplemnet(50% of the RDV since I take 1pill instead of 2)

Thinking of copping a multivitamin, just to be sure, and take half the dose or less than they recommend but I need some suggestions on which
looking at kids chewable gummies since they don't overdose them with minerals and vitamins

Yeah I'm sure that's why I hit like a dozen symptoms

well no. vitamin d is basically a hormone produced in the body created from being exposed to sunlight. you never get vit d orally unless through supplements. whereas basically everything else can be attained from food.

>Citrulline mallate
>Beta alanine
>Algal EPA/DHA
>D3 because the sun isn't going to be high enough for me to produce my own until April
>1/4tsp iodized salt for iodine

I know the omega 3s are good even if I don't feel any effects, so definitely going to keep taking them. Will probably discontinue the chlorella when I run out.
Endurance sport volume is at a bit of a lull after the Twin Cities marathon, so for now I also have hemp protein, but usually my TDEE is high enough that I can get my 122-166g protein without it.

Instead of advil, go to your nearest head shop and try kratom. Psychoactive effects are comparable to a cup of coffee, and it won't murder your liver and kidneys.

animal foods contain vitamin d

Per Chris Masterjohn, watch your copper levels if you're supplementing with zinc. Deficiency can present in a similar way as anemia

Are you doing IF? That's the only reason I know to supplement with BCAAs peri-workout. Otherwise you might as well just replace them with another scoop of brotein.