Hi Jow Forums

Hi Jow Forums
What are some of your favorite meals that don't ruin gains?
What do bjj guys like eating?

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I lift, train jiu jitsu, and train kickboxing.
90% of my diet consists of eggs, steak, chicken, quinoa, milk, coffee, cheese, and beer

Is there anything I should avoid?

I'm cooking for his birthday and don't want to ruin his diet or gains.
Is pasta ok too?

Personally I'll eat pasta every once in a while, but I'm extremely hesitant about it.
Bjj guys don't have a consistent diet, however, and I don't think I could suggest anything to you that would reliably fit another bjj player's palette

Not OP
How do you balance all three of those? I've been wanting to take up BJJ and Muay Thai for awhile now, and I don't want to overtrain. Also what type of place do you train at?

i too like Blow Job Jiu Jitsu

muai thai is a meme. kick boxing is way more effective in a real life fight scenario. Hell even go for boxing only

How does this look?
(Adding a creamy mushroom sauce)
I'm thinking of adding spinach too. Is the sweet potato mash ok or should I skip that?

Attached: chicken.jpg (450x338, 30K)

Not that dude, but my BJJ gym also offers Muay Thai and a strength and conditioning program. I lift twice a week and do bjj about 4 times a week without any problem. I think the key is to take light technical days when you need them, then pick a few days where you train hard.

I lift with a high volume full body routine Wednesday, Friday, and Sunday. I train live sparring and rolling Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. I train bag work and conditioning Tuesday and Saturday.
I train at a mma gym that focuses heavily on grappling and probably 40% on kickboxing. It works great, but I have to eat a ton to prevent injury and stay in good condition.

Op here, also Is bjj dangerous if I'm not competing? I've thought about signing up but I'm scared of getting my ass kicked.

That looks amazing. Sweet potatoes are good carbs for athletes, I'd keep it.

BJJ guys like eating other mens' balls. Don't believe me? Watch MMA

You will definitely get your ass kicked. It will be horrible, and embarrassing, and if you can't get over it you will drop out quickly. But getting over that insecurity was a huge deal for me.

I have seen a lot of guys at my gym get hurt, but it has the lowest injury rate of any combat sport, even less than wrestling. There is also a lot you can do to prevent injury, like tapping early, and rolling light and easy until you have a hang of what you are doing. The most dangerous person int he gym is the strong white belt spaz.

Bjj is pussy martial art will get killed by the amy wrestler and sampo practitioners, and kickboxing is dump do boxing amd sambo and your ready

It completely depends on the gym. My gym is very technique based and will very rarely go for all-out rolling, and if you do it's always with someone you're comfortable with.
I've cross-trained at a few 10th Planet locations and I ran into a bunch of wanna be tough guys there, especially since I'm in good shape and they want to tap the big guy. Even a white belt can severely injure you if they're being reckless, that's why you need to check out every gym carefully before joining. If you see someone being crazy and aggressive, either dont roll with them at all, or tap very early if you see any submission coming.
If you do that and watch your form, you should be ok. Competitions get rougher though.

Thanks! I guess this is what I'll make.

For dessert I'm making pineapple and strawberry kebabs with cream and chocolate on the side.

Yeah that sounds terrifying. I get a little bit jealous of other girls rolling with him but I'm not crazy jealous, I just wish I could roll with him too.

How come the jiu jitsu scene starting to resemble the hipster craft beer scene?

Blow job junkies like eating hot loads

If you ever feel jealous, remember that he also has big sweaty balls crushed into his face most nights as well.

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lol I guess so but I still feel inadequate compared to those girls

cock mostly

I eat an entirely burrito based diet and train BJJ 2x+ per day

I'm a little bit amazed at people talking shit about BJJ here. It's probably one of the most fun sports you could do. The injury rate should be low, but it depends a bit on gym culture, how you personally roll, and coaching.

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Incorrect sir

Muay thai is literally kick boxing except I'm gonna know how to use my elbows and knees and you wont