
How many eggs are enough Jow Forums? Also are eggs actually bad for you?

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Eggs are not bad for you, the whole dietary cholesterol raises blood cholesterol is a meme. How many you should eat is dependant on your daily calories. Bear in mind that large eggs have about 5g fat so you need to factor that into macros. Or if you want next to no fat just eat the whites which have about 4g protein per egg and not much else as it's roughly 90% water 10% protein

I see one of those rgg council creeps got to you too



Should I partially cook four eggs to bulk up but then smash the plate and cry about how I'm not making enough gain whilst my gf tells me I need therapy then?

>Egg council
Go on user
I haven't tell me

It is a meme that it is a meme.

Now I don't know who to believe!

>if you want next to no fat
What kind of retarded diet is low-fat to this degree

If you eat a lot of eggs it adds up

Wow sounds like this guy is an onions boy, because he is always crying.

I eat 6 eggs a day on average, it's certainly better than eating carbs.

Post body.

He is

You have to eat your eggs if you want to grow, Mason

When I was a lad, I ate four dozen eggs
Every morning to help me get large
And now that I'm grown, I eat five dozen eggs
So I'm roughly the size of a barge

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I eat 4 eggs a day desu


No idea. I've been eating 4 eggs/day for a few weeks, in two months I'll get a blood test and compare my cholesterol levels.


t. clueless user posting on Jow Forums giving dietary and health advice