/STICC MODE/: Auschwitz escape edition

Share your experiences in escaping low weight high metabolism hell.

Gained 10+kg(22lbs) in a year and went from absolute skinnyfat to dyel.

Eill it always be uphill for me or thing are gonna change?

6'2 18yo 71kg(155lbs)

My diet is eating ~~4k calories with high calories and carbs.

Training focused on upper body, calisthenics and compounds -deadlift and squat cause I have problems with form and noone to spot me

Advice and help really appreciated, cheers.

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I really want to stop being a twig no gay mogs or Imma get mad

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Also, this is me in my skinnyfat mode

Attached: 1.jpg (750x1334, 135K)

That's some massive progress between those 2 pics, im not sure what you're complaining about. Another 6months-1year and you'll be looking like a sick cunt.

calories with high calories? more like proteins

You think so? My friends make fun of me for going to the gym

They dont see the progress at all fucking assholes

At your age theyre probably just jelly and dont want you to progress any further

Also, should I just add in deadlifts and squats to my compounds?

I dont feel like it there's a chance I might do them wrong to some degree

Talking the time, and investing the effort to learn, is also part of training. Learn them, they're absolutely great. Start with super light weight if you want, don't even treat them as a lift just do them in some spare time going through the movment.

It's not hard to do them safely, just never ego-lift.

Honestly you need to eat more. I'm only 6feet but I gained 10kg from 70 to 80kg in 3 months, did SS while at it. Granted there was some fat but I've never in my life been over ~15% bf which is the optimal bulking area

Deadlift is also the single best mass builder there is, you should really try to start doing it. There's no exercise like it if you want that adult 3d look, fill your clothes

>Granted there was some fat
It was only fat.
You gain 3-5lbs of muscle mass in your first year of training. Half of that in following years. Please bulk up properly next time. There's no reason to gain unnecessary fat.

Any MVP foods that make it easier to gain weight?

I eat a lot of eggs, drink milk, shitload of meat, buckwheat and rice

thank mr skeltal

one of my friends says i look the same, girls notice when i get unfit and honestly you're flexing in good light in a pic for us. maybe they really can't see it.

I hope you keep going OP

Stop trying to push this horrible fucking meme
You can easily gain 15lbs of muscle in your first year if you put in some fucking effort and don't have subhuman genetics

fuck off you humongous faggot, I don't know what the fuck is up with your retardation but stop spamming it here day after day

My personal MVP food was jimmyjoy, pretty cheap and easy to down, good nutrition

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Okay, Ill check this out, thanks!

Can someone explain why almost everyone here censors their face

The point is to show the body progress and not to show face that distracts from it.

I've seen numerous times that someone posts not censored pic and just gets roasted instead of getting useful advice

I was

respecting the anonymous atmosphere of this website because it doesn't exist anywhere else


If you follow the 5 step setup for the deadlift and make sure the power comes from the butt you almost can't mess stuff up. Film yourself (from the side) to locate any form erros and if need be ask for some form checks on the online coaching segment of SS. Best of luck user, you'll get there!

show face

they're jelly, it's how kids are at that age. They don't want to see their friend progress and become better than them, this is how people are even into adulthood. They're like crabs in a bucket, try and claw your way out of NPCdom and they'll try and pull you right back down. Keep it up, use them as fuel.

I was 74kg and looked like shit, skinnyfat. Now I'm 64.4kg, lots weaker and still look dyel just not fat.

Here’s me at 5’11” and 110lbs about 4 months ago

Attached: 109FB9D6-80AC-474A-9A35-E5A2E1F58D83.jpg (4032x3024, 1.49M)

And here’s me 4 months later at 140

We’re all gonna make it eventually guys

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How did you do it user?