/fat/ Eat your mushrooms

>Who is /fat/ for?
For plump pot-bellied roly-polys who want to better themselves through meaningful hard-work, strategy, and dedication.

>This is not QTDDTOT, ask questions about fat loss, but use that thread for general questions.

>Calculate your Body Fat Percentage
fitness.bizcalcs.com/Calculator.asp?Calc=Body-Fat-Navy (Gonna need waist/neck measurements)

>Calculate your TDEE (Total Daily Energy Expenditure)
sailrabbit.com/bmr/ (complex)
fitnessfrog.com/calculators/tdee-calculator.html (simple)

>Plan your weight loss week by week

>Track your calories and macros with MyFitnessPal, works best on smartphones

If you ask for help, remember to include your
>screenshot of MyFitnessPal/Cronometer/fatsecret food log
>confirmation you've read the OP and the sticky

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I'm hitting the weights but dont think i look any different. The scales say I'm getting fatter

Eat less my child

I'm drinking beers alone to numb the pain.

Back on the keto horse lads

Lost 2.5kgs in the last week and a half (at 106kgs now)

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I lifted for two years and roided then transferred from community college to a university where I became an alcoholic and gained about 70 lbs of fat.

Finally got back in the gym and currently roiding again, hitting new PRs every other gym session and melting away the fat. Everyone's wondering how I'm making so much progress, so I tell them I work very hard.

It's hilarious being a fat fuck right now.

I downed 1000cal of rum last night...
didn't even go out, i just played uncharted all night.

Goodbye 2 days of progress.

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You can't be anabolic and catabolic at the same time. Your bf% may go down as you gain muscle mass but the actual weight of the fat will remain until you cut

almost shit meself at the gym

I didn't go to the gym today. I attended one of those job hiring events and it took so long I just said fuck it and went home.

I put a little bit of cream in my coffee this morning

I want to binge on chocolate. I'm at my limit right now.

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I browse fph and watch videos of lard youtubers to motivate myself through hate, I'm sorry /fat/her..

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I'm no where near as big but this just gets me through the day whenever think about cheating. sidenote I can't believe this guy is still alive.


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Nice get

And is this true? I know people who claimed that they gained muscle and lost fat, what you're saying makes sense though. Would they just have lost bf% because their weight has gone up due to gaining muscle, and fat unchanged? I'm a fitness noob btw

What the hell do I do to lose my gut? I've lost over 90 lbs down to 166 at 5'9 and while everything else is pretty solid my gut is just some annoying reminder.
Ive been pushing cardio and workouts daily and am still losing weight at a steady rate but its prettyvannoying.

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looks like its the last spot you lose weight, spot reduction is a meme.

Thursday was weight day and I lost 1.5 kg so I allowed myself to be naughty but still going strong lads

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/swim/ user here, look at the chart, you know what to do.

>tfw bald eagle for two weeks now.
>tfw checking the scale is either the same or worse always

I haven't gone swimming in three days and i'm afraid i'm falling out of my good habit. I'll probably go today even though It feels worthless. i'm eating only one or two meals a day on /keto/ and i'm not seeing results. I'm craving so fucking much too.
>oreo thins
>cheap glazed donuts
>coffee flavoured ice cream
>strawberry milk 2 go's
>subway meatball sub
>deep dish pizza

Just so fucking sick of looking into the mirror seeing my stupid man tits. ugh.

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Irish setter reporting in
less than 100lbs to go now

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elephants heart here
96kg -> 75kg 178cm since May just doing cico and not drinking alcohol

got to keep going as my waist is still larger than it should be ffs

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Holy fuck you're doing good user. What are you eating every day?

mostly chicken, rice, eggs and burgers, cereal bars for energy - nothing special

i've been doing a boat load of cardio also in the form of mountain biking since june(about 10 hours a week), it's really fun

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How would you fellas go about tightening all the loose skin that comes with weight loss? I've been looking into it but so far I've only heard about Vitamin C helping out with that a bit...

What other things can a guy take to increase the recovery of loose skin?

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pregnancy cream

potatoes an average amercan eats every year

have eaten TDEE+800 for the last three days.
doing my best to make a quick fix now.
currently running on insane amounts of coffee, yohimbine and cigarettes.

I call bullshit on this one.
have stayed the same weight for a long time now, but gained strength and lost fat around the stomach.

currently at "fats and oils the average American eats in a year"
two cinder blocks sounds better actually
or three automobile tires

good job, user!
you should really lift if you wanna look nice though
the skinny fat limbo is very real

not all of us want to be golden gods, just not being a fat fuck is enough for me

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I've ordered a pizza 5 minutes ago.... At least it's a "small" one.

what are your measurements now? depending on its might not be that bad just cut harder for the next week.

what kind of pizza
you can fit it in if you do thin crust

It hasn't been very long (2 months) but here's what I'm doing.
>Cut out Soda
>Cut out french fries and chips
>Eat burgers plain with one slice of cheese and only bottom bun
>40 minute morning walk
As for my normal meals
>Breakfast: Nothing I skip it
>Lunch: Bread, Turkey, Cheese, Mustard
>Snack: Fiber Bar
>Dinner: Typically either steak or chicken with rice (half bowl now)
>Drinks: Green Tea (unsweetened) and Water

Anything else I can do?

Cutting out the cheese would be a good idea, especially if its that shitty fake cheese byproduct. You could also enjoy fries if you have them oven-baked, namely the steak chip variety. Hell, don't have fried anything if you can help it.

Thin, 4cheeses
Only ate 150g chicken breast in the morning so it should be fine, right?
109,9 kg, 178 cm
Big guy

>Eat burgers plain with one slice of cheese and only bottom bun
if you're eating packaged cheese you should either switch it out for deli cheese or just stop eating it altogether

>cut out fries
you can slice up one of those small red potatoes and bake them if you're into that

Lay off the inulin are kid.

Maybe, but you don't want to to go over your limit even more right? Also, good little chocolate snacks, Fibre One and they're like 90 calories per square.

>if you're eating packaged cheese you should either switch it out for deli cheese or just stop eating it altogether

Nah it's not packaged. It's fresh mozzarella I melt ontop.

oh, sweet


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>get closer to my goals
>fuck it up for a couple months and undo a lot of progress

Fuck, this is so frustrating. I'm losing weight that I've already lost before but I don't have a choice.

>Cuts out Soda
>Cuts of sweets
>Cuts of potato chips
>Loses 15 pounds
What the fuck? Aside from that I'm still not eating super great.

food like that is high in calories and don't fill you up
it's no surprise you're losing weight cutting them out

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iktf bro, I was 10kg from my goal then I gained all the weight I've lost before. look at it this way, atleast we know what it takes this time.

That's the thing, I hated feeling low energy, hungry and not being able to eat the foods I wanted, especially alcohol. It also takes time, it's a slog. The only good thing was that feeling like it was all worth it, that I was accomplishing something and seeing results on my body and the scale. It's a really great feeling and as weird as it sounds, the struggle is worth it when you finally feel good about yourself.

What routine do you use?
I'm thinking I'll go back to fullbody 3 times a week. I'm 190cm 114kg. Brosplit seems kind of wasted during kcal deficit when I need to lose so much weight.

Dietary cholesterol - good or bad?

I'm enjoying Stronglifts 5x5 atm, however I do wish it was more than 3 days a week. Can do cardio on saturday though.

Lost my first 20 lbs by doing this while still eating McDonalds twice a week. Not making much progress past that point even though I've cut the McDonalds out.

How is pasta while I'm dieting? Had only cornflakes today and I'm about to have mom's spaghetti with bolognese sauce.

mcdonald's isn't bad if you don't have too many sugary drinks or huge portions of fries

everything in moderation my dude

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my mom bought my two fucking burgers and i ate them
i swear she don't even care if i starve to death im starting to feel she does it on purpose

I was terrified when the scale barely moved last week heading into leafsgiving but, I actually dropped from a mid-sized microwave to a pound more than an elephant's heart. Great feeling, but I think I'm gonna go collapse in bed since I just got home from the gym, I can't wait to eat in 5 hours

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15% of total cholesterol is dietary. Most of cholesterol is genetically influenced. Still that 15% could lead to heart problems if you decide not to eat right. You might just be unlucky and are going to die at 50 of a heart attack as a vegan. You might live to 100 eating eggs for breakfast and cheeseburgers for lunch and dinner. Get your blood work done. Figure out whether you're at high risk and strategize from there.

Just watching that triggered an insulin response

What the fuck is that? Do people really eat those "things"?

Just ate like 350 or 400g of boiled lentil soup. Tasted fucking amazing.

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I think the problem is I ate two meals and didn't shit before going because it was getting late. I still haven't shit :(

I knew I shouldn't have weighed myself dry fasted last week.

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fasting is an unsustainable meme

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It was just for that morning/afternoon. I ate normally the day before but didn't have time for breakfast/lunch because I had a bunch of shit to do.

completely agreed, I was so happy how my body was starting to look, I have the added bonus of finally finding out how Id look at my goal weight this time. good luck friend.

I'm at Irish Setter so far in 2018

Please tell me you're counting your calories.

Had a violent fight with my family 3 days ago. I'm in a binge cycle right now. Trying to get back on track but lost all my weekly progress. I feel miserable. I don't even have a proper gag reflex, so I can't purge. I hate myself so much...

How much does a blood test cost? Where do I go to get one?

Which country do you live in?

Monthly cheat day incoming!

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don't do it

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I’m 180 kg, as I mentioned in previous threads, I’m fuckhuge, unit tier, etc. The most common question I get irl is “dude, what the hell are you eating?” It’s like people think I eat some absolutely insane portions or tubs of lard or something. A single pizza and some ice cream a day is enough to fuck you up for good if you keep at it long enough. I know cause I did it.

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Been at it for 1.5 years, I've lost a newborn calf

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Oh man I can wait, full English fry up with all the trimmings for breakfast, chicken wings and large mixed grill and chips for lunch, 2 pizzas for dinner. A bag of crisps and a few beers during the day.

Needless to say, the /fat/ gods will be frowning upon me tomorrow.

I have a confession to make. I've actually never been above 15% bodyfat, which tells me I don't eat enough.

I don't know how you pigs do it. Just eating all day like a bunch of animals. I'll never be a successful fatty and it kills my dreams that I'll only have one stomach covered in 6 pack abs rather than 2 :(

Enjoy your fatness. Some of us wish we could be like you.

t. Ripped Athletic Male

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You may as well have not dieted for two weeks out of the month.

I prefer it like this

Went to a Chinese Buffet today. Had 2 plates, 2 ice creams, and a scoop of banana pudding.
But it's in preparation for a 5 day /fast/ that I have to endure due to the rule of not being allowed to eat during work days.

Tisnae a wise strategy, anonicus.

keep strong dude it'll pass

Would you forgive me if I tell you it’s my birthday and it’s never usually this bad (usually have one cheat meal a month not an entire day)

Ah man I love Chinese buffet, fortually my gf hates the places so it’s easier for me to stay away

You're going to have to get on insurance if you don't want to pay $1000. Even then it depends on what they're testing and what your insurance covers. My insurance doesn't cover Vitamin D testing for example so while I didn't have to pay for anything else at all I had to pay about $250 for that part of the test.

Oh yeah that's ok, more like a yearly cheat day. However I would say cutting the shit out completely is a better option overall, if only to condition your mentality for when you ascend from the fat stage in to the gains stage.

it can creep up on user, don't think it won't happen to you
>t. recovered alchy/fatty

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I love them too but every week there seems to be an article about one being closed down due to hygiene which puts me off a bit.


can I eat one of these /fat/?

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One down our way got shut down because they were caught shooting the ducks from the local duck pond to use in their dishes (from britbong)

8k calories, HOW?!

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You are never alone Jow Forums is here with you. Now let’s workout together.

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I was hungry so I had a second meal for the day, I didnt exceed my 1,500cals for the day but I feel like shit for eating a second time, someone cheer me up pls


Yes if you are below your TDEE after you ate the meal

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You didn’t exceed your calories so it makes no difference, if anything you probably did yourself some good not following some meme OMAD fad diet

It fine. Just below your TDEE & you will be fine else work off them calories

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>cheat day
it's cheat meal, not cheat day