Mfw you will never get a gf like pic related

Mfw you will never get a gf like pic related

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Thank God

>(visible) Tattoo
No thanks

lucky me

Be careful!

I did but she was a poverty mexican chick and I had to think long term

>dark lipstick
Guarenteed whore

How do you know if she’s mentally sane?

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> tfw qt gf with nice family, makes her own money and thinks Im too good for her

HINT: she'll eventually figure it out, and its usually when theres a kid involved

>shit makeup
>that 6 sti stare

How do i get a gf at all?


>creatura face
>trashy tattoo
>whore-style makeup

That`s okay I don`t want to.

why would I want to?


instantly disregarded

I feel bad but I'm the same way, live with predominantly mexican people (Tx) and I can not tell you how many girls I got with that were lower poverty wise. I mean I have a fetish about sweaty sex but I don't have a fetish going to this girls house and all she got is a fucking fan as air condition.

Sometimes I feel bad though cause they're struggling but then a younger beaner comes along.

I did, it was a fun few months

>Mfw you will never get a gf

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you're right user, the only acceptable tattoos should be on the inside of one's foreskin/labia, or just on the edge of one's rectum

I would love to see you faggots talk to her in real life and watch you melt before her like chocolate spaghetti.

please delete this

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Is this supposed to be attractive?

you can already see her hitting that wall where shell soon become some old peruano mapuche lady like all the others

I would not melt dude, she would grin like an idiot and then go with her Soiboi BF to wherever. You know why they date soibois? becasue they want to be in control so they can cuck you.

>tfw you're attracted to women that you know are bad for you
I end up daring girls with septum piercings and shitty morals cause they're hot instead of getting a traditional girl. Anyone else know this feel?

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Had one for 5 years, was pretty dope. Wasn't about to marry her though lol

They can be 19 pop out 1 kid and get that look it is actually really fucking weird.

>100% fake eyebrows

This creature is disgusting. Remove her from my sight!

this is the kind of woman that would only go for ugly rich beta bucks, you're delusional

Tfw you'll never get a gf

Hard pass

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you done triggered these faggots real good my man, watch all the cope unfold

I know where I stand optically probably fine on first look, but I`m also a mental mess and can`t tolerate people who unironically would enjoy reality tv. That`s a fictional scenario but this situation wouldn`t happen for reasons going both ways.

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lmao nice try armchair psychologist

lol, it's not about the scenario not happening, it's about the fact that people slating her would not have the social skills to hold even a basic conversation with her

Don’t fucking remind me OP.

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>Mfw you will never get a gf
stopped reading right there

>tons of makeup
>dumbass tattoo
>dressing that provocatively

Nothing at all indicates you'd need anything more than normie social skills to deal with her, why the fuck are you putting this mutt on a pedestal?

I fuck up conversations on daily basis no matter the looks. I`m happy I didn`t get arrested yet.

based. almost every fucking white and asian club slut on tinder and bumble looks like her, dresses like her, acts like her. There's a reason these dumb cunts are always on those apps as well (they aren't worth keeping around)

Already did and she broke my heart. That's what got me Jow Forums

you can't realistically assume that until you meet someone, but based on your angry attitude, I'm realistically assuming you don't socialise often.
>putting her on a pedestal
lol hardly, the logic applies for any stereotype, but nice little term you picked up on the internet there

God bless you sir, you're a humble man

This chick has no eyebrows, why do they do this?

what ethecity is she? She pretty but real trashy with the teary eyed, dark lipstick and shitty tattoo combo
>also not white

i don't get it, is that your face or the girl i'll never get

Love how this post is engineered to elicit sour grapes and all the poltards are lapping it up

I work in media, I meet these sloots all the time and have to pretend to be friendly to them.

t. roastie

Sad expression,weird face bc of plastic surgery,awful tats,man hands

Pic related are one night stands, not gf material.

>talk to her in real life
Im not attracted to her at all, why would i bother to talk to her

You will NEVER have a racially ambigous gf

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Yes I'm sure she has a lot of interesting things to day.

I mean, it's not like her entire persona, attire and behaviour is about being a walking sex doll.

If you're not interested in that, when literally what's the point of interacting with her?

In b4 lol cope virgin, I'm not socially awkward in the slightest. Girls like that are a fucking joke. They're mostly targeted by psuedo-Chads who think making it involves fucking as many skanks as possible while having the largest amount of fake friends and useless expensive items, they deserve each other. The guys usually develop substance dependences and their lives crash as the whole foundation and fake persona was built on a foundation of hot air. The girls get older and suddenly their only valuable attribute is gone, and they float around for eternity on dating services being passed around, as no proper man would ever want to settle with damaged and overused goods, while she'll eventually leave the betas that will due to her inflated perception of her market appeal.


italians are mixed with arabs

>slutty mutt with a trashy tattoo
>probably smells of other men
No thanks

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I'm not afraid of a chupacabra cocksucker.


Is she supposed to be anything special?

Lmao. She definitely is attractive, I don't know what these guys are talking about, but I'm fine with my fiance. She may be a 7 instead of a 9, but she's mine and she keeps me happy. Also, talking to women is a waste of time if you aren't trying to fuck them. It's a one in a thousand woman that has anything worthwhile to say, and you shouldn't be afraid of them.

this is why ya'll will never have a girlfriend. You just have such high standards you will NEVER even consider a woman unless she is exactly what you want.

I want a debt free virgin with no tattoos.