I stopped lifting a year ago because of knee issues that wouldn't go away. At the time there were alot of meme workouts like SL5x5, SS and fat blaha ice cream eating routine.
I want to start lifting again, are these routines still recommended for someone who can lift 3 times a week? Or should I just do a brosplit and be done with it?
Main focus is not looking like shit
I stopped lifting a year ago because of knee issues that wouldn't go away...
>most effective beginner programs are memes
>obviously wants people to tell him it's ok to do a retarded brosplit
Do what you want idgaf.
Yeah SL and ICF5x5 are decent routines. Anything that has you adding weight every workout to major compound lifts and has you working each muscle at least 3x a week is gonna be good.
I asked a question. I always did strength programs but you can't tell me with a straight face that SL5x5 isn't retarded because it is
>squats build the bicep
>you don't need anymore volume
>Squat all workouts because reasons
SL as written is dumb desu, but everyone adds in accessory exercises and alternates squats/deads anyway
SL isn't bad, it's just too simple for his own good. There are always ajustments every workout and SL strips you of this for the sake of simplicity. If you read the page it advocates stupid shit like starting with the bar to build skill and other stupid stuff. I used to do this Reddit tier workout with added volume like incline bench, pull ups, arm work etc. Way better than any shitty generic routine in my opinion but i tailored it myself so it might not be ideal. Hence the thread I'm making
Do a brosplit then, it'll probably work fine.
you stopped lifting because of knee problems, and you want to start lifting again by doing a program that has 5x5 squats 3x a week?
think about this carefully
The workout I forgot
Well, I tried avoiding squating entirely and started doing machines instead. Didn't fix anything and probably made it worse. To this day I don't know if it was the squats that messed with my knees or if I already had fucked knees and squats only made it worse.
If I don't do squats what should I replace my leg work with?
Penguin, stop posting on Jow Forums and activate a hot period. I want my NP5 hag!
you should reintroduce yourself to squats with a sane level of volume, not 15 working sets a week
it's entirely possible your knee problems were from overuse if that was the type of programming you ran
Are you even capable of shitting naturally in a squat position? Can you do a pistol squat?
It fucking amazes me that people put hundreds of pounds on a barbell to squat when their body can't even handle basic human movements.
>If I don't do squats what should I replace my leg work with?
Trap bar deadlifts
I quit doing squats because of degenerative disc disease and lower SI joint issues. I couldn't safely go over 200 lbs. I just deadlift and use the hexbar. It's not quite the same but its not worth hurting myself just to do squats.
squats mess with your degenerated discs, but trap bar doesn't? how about conventional
Never did a pistol squat but I can squat naturally, not the most mobile around and my mobility when I started working out was next to shit but it improved
That's hot
So instead of putting hundreds of pounds on a barbell to squat in an unnatural position like most idiots do learn how to stay in a natural squat position for a half hour and build up some knee strength.
>most idiots
The thing is, I only did what SL recommended which is a beginners routine. Starting with the bar should eliminate mobility issues when it really doesn't. Even if it did you can't expect a beginner to be able to self-evaluate according to what some retard worth on a website. Sadly I learned my lesson the hard way and ended up with issues down the line. Thus my point that these "beginner routines" are next level retarded.
i started with SS and it worked pretty well for me but depending on your level of natural athleticism or preexisting issues it could be such a fucking disaster waiting to happen, no idea why it gets blanket recommended like it does
you read the SS recovery forums and it's full of snapped up boomers and snapped up unathletic boomers who were thrown into an aggressive progression on technically complex lifts and will now have to spend months (hopefully) recovering
unathletic zoomers*
Yes, people shit on CrossFit but this is the exact same thing. People (myself included) put in a
Lifts like the squat or even the bench are way more technical than people realize. Took me months to even find out how to use my back to stabilize my shoulders properly. Add that to Linear progression and it's snap city. I don't think I fucked up my shoulders but I do hear a clicking that wasnt there before I worked out
*Put in technical athletic envoirment without preparation or decent guidance
SL took me (a couch potato boomer) from the empty bar to a three plate squat for 5x5 in about four months with two deloads along the way to fix form. Sure, my experience is (very) limited, but I can't imagine a faster way of getting strong than these programs.
that's freakish progress assuming you were doing actual squats and not just bending your knees a little, most people will not get close to 315 for 5x5 on a novice program and that would put your max close to 405 probably
go compete in powerlifting
Bullshit: The Post
It probably helps that I was big to begin with. 6'2" and overweight.
Well you didn't start with an empty bar and you've clicked the all timeline and the x axis isn't marked. Those gains are too impressive to take you seriously, there is bullshit somewhere, whether it's your true starting point, the timeline, your form or a mixture.
most likely his depth is just piss, but there's a possibility he isn't lying and he did legitimately squat 315 5x5 in a few months of training
genetics freaks exist, and he wouldn't even be the biggest genetic freak on this board considering there are guys in /plg/ who pulled 500lbs their first time attempting a deadlift (wank, norsefat)
I firmly believe that these SS/Powerlifting type squats are fucking retarded.
1. Take a natural shit squat stance
2. Master staying there and doing bodyweight squats
3. Master pistol squats
4. Start loading weight in that same exact natural position
>there are guys in /plg/ who pulled 500lbs their first time attempting a deadlift
I doubt this too. Sure, freaks exist but it's always healthy to remain skeptical until video proof is shown.
Young guys reading shit like this (like OP) fuck their shit up trying to match your pace.
i mean one of those guys had a junior record in the deadlift like 1.5 years into his lifting career and now pulls 750 for reps so i'm not skeptical
guys with those types of genetics don't work their way up from 225 like normal humans
>i mean one of those guys had a junior record in the deadlift like 1.5 years into his lifting career and now pulls 750 for reps so i'm not skeptical
Hmm, if that's true that would definitely help the story's credibility.
>guys with those types of genetics don't work their way up from 225 like normal humans
True, I don't doubt that, I'm doubting that some of these people are those kind of genetic freaks. After all, it's Jow Forums and everyone here is full of shit.
I dunno if this helps. But you're right it seems I did BS, I started at 40 Kg. My bad.
yeah ik it's very likely this guy is just fat as fuck and half repping his squats, but there's always that chance you know?
Do you have a video of your form? 3pl8 half squats are still kinda impressive, especially for a boomer, but parallel 3pl8 in 4 months is really impressive, even more so if you went atg
I'm not discounting the chance
It's not necessary to do squats every day for 6 months before starting a split, despite what the morons here say.