Hobbies thread



You're fit now, go out and use that thick, solid body of yours SOMEHOW, TODAY.

Post some fit friendly hobbies.

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what hobbies can i do to stop being an NPC?

all i do is browse Jow Forums and lift on weekends tbqh

>tfw the only hobbies other people seem to have are hanging out with friends
>they always have stories of fun things that they did with friends
>tfw no friends

Sniffing thot braps

I did! Night time is my browsing time. I like doing BJJ, that's the most fun I ever have during the week

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Playing league of legends and runescape and getting permabanned 18 times and league and twice in RS for botting

>heavy music shows and listening
>still NPC
You can be a fucking rocket scientist and you will be still boring for women if you are UGLY

Like sports? Go to a park and try to join a pick up game in something. Great way to meet people.

Hiking, bike riding, anything outside, really. Sets you up to meet others. You don't even have to be a social god, just say hey, talk about what you're doing, then leave/share contact info.

Go to a rock climbing gym. Ask for tips how to do hard stuff you keep failing. Then ask that person to be lay with you. Ask if they ever do outdoors stuff.

If so, on another occasion when you see them ask to go with them [when you get better]


You now have a friend you're doing rad stuff with

You're a faggot, even worse you probably play RS3.

I bought a motorcycle that I want to completely restore and eventually ride with. It's my 4th motorcycle project and I had to learn everything from scratch because I never learned to use tools in school. It really helps your problem solving skills and needing to think creatively

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>Tfw motorbiking is a hobby of mine but I live in the upper midwest.

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>tfw want to get good at guitar
>tfw live with 2 other roommates and don't want to annoy them
I have an electric but idk if this will piss them off too much.

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If you have an electric, most amps have a headphone jack they're just larger than your standard 3.5mm so you'll have to get an adapter

Yeah that's what I was thinking, idk I'm gonna talk to them about it.

Adapters are cheap as fuck dude just get one

I'm trying to get into electronics, then bitches will think I'm smart.

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>Learn different languages to mog other countries
That's about all i got other than aut/o/ work and /diy/ shit.

just did 20 push-ups.

thank you user you make me feel good

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I can literally only lift something absurdly heavy 1-5 times then have to sit down for 10 minutes, what can I do?

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Chess. I play it at a professional level. It calms me and trains my mind. additionally chicks love that shit because they often confuse it with intelligence. And I get to jokingly refer to it when they ask what sport I am doing. Downside is that every gf I've ever had wants me to teach it to them and they are usually just too dumb. That wouldn't be so bad though if they weren't also slow af with their moves. I have definetly fallen asleep over a chessboard with my last one more than once

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Wildlife photography
Also mountain biking

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idk if they are Jow Forums approved but
>hanging with friends
>/morning run/

Roommates or flatmates/housemates? I'm at university and playing guitar is never a problem for me in my house of 6, though I can imagine it's a lot more difficult if you share the same room with someone. I've got electric too and most of the time I cba to even turn the amp on, it's not the right purpose but you can still learn to play just fine with the amp off.

Martial arts, a pickup sport like bball/frisbee/tennis, parkour, dirt bikes, board games (nerd), woodwork/painting and sell it at community events, etc

skiing, flying real planes, flying model planes, cars, goin innawoods

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Seconded. Climbing gyms are good places to make friends. You tend to end up trusting each other really quickly, having a beer together, meeting other climbers and forming a social group.
Climbers also tend to be into other fit activities. Hiking, slacklining, yoga etc. And slacklining is great for meeting people.

you should add cleaning your room to the list

Hol' up. So this bitch is tying her running shoes, ready to play footie/soccer....on a tennis court. End my life. Existence= suffering