>go on plebbit
>see this on front page
Go on plebbit
How the fuck are these nigger dogs still not illegal to own
they fucking love these beasts, i swear, they have some defects in the brain area responsible for danger prediction. fucking retards
I want to see a video of a baby being mauled by a dog
every dog should be put down.
Poor kid is a dead man walking.
Oh fuck. That dog must have went through some ptsd shit.
If that baby makes one wrong move he is fucked, and that fucker looks way too happy to be dancing with death.
I'm surprised there is so much on pits and nothing online about german shepards.
In oklahoma and Kansas shepard's are the bastard dog. Every sleezeballs owns one and they are the meanest shittiest dogs you find. I got lucky I had the neighbors german attack me but my pit ripped its ear off. I got away and was able to blast the germans head off but it had bit a huge hole through my pits leg. Shes alive and healed but will always limp now. Idk why useless people feel.the need to take on animals when they can't take care of themselves
That's actually terrifying.
Not just because that dog's head is the size of the baby.
Not just because it's a bulldog.
But because he implies that he left the baby alone with a large animal and 60 THOUSAND people upvoted it.
fuck off lying about how you killed a german guy that tried to attack you
>expecting anything other than hivemind upvote whoring content on reddit
This, you're not supposed to leave babies alone with any animal
Babies are retarded and might make it angry by falling over on its tail or something
hey if the kid gets eaten thats natural selection at work
I remember YEARS ago as a reddit fag.
I said that you shouldnt leave your dog alone with a baby and got attacked.
I fucking hate normies
[spolier]dont fap to 3D porn anons[/spoiler]
god imagine that maw just cracking down into that little underdeveloped skull and tasting every flavor along its elongated tongue. really feel that in your marrow for a moment. it could carry the torso with ease and chomp on it all day, pull the sinew and muscle from bone and eat happily before chewing down on bare bone to get to the succulent marrow. god what a feeling that is. i feel so wild, so free.
>is reddit
>cant spoiler
makes sense
dumb cunt
God damn, I love 2D women. It was the right call to reject yet another 3D woman today.
If you still think there are 'right' calls to make you are always going to make the wrong 'call'.
Liberals have been shown to have smaller, less developed amygdalas, which is the part of the brain which recognizes danger. Notice how every pitbull lover is a flaming liberal.
thats a sporty agenda you got there pal, tell me more.
>pit bulls are bred to fight against other dogs
the virgin mini york
>two different breeds of a species that only exists for its different uses are comparable.
it's a pitbull, jagoff
I mean if the beast decides munch on the kid it's probably already too late anyway.
>>two different humans of a species that only exists for its different uses are comparable.
alpha fux beta bux
Anytime you want to prove a difference between one human being and another in a way that supports your delusion feel free. I am always here to prove you wrong.
Most people just think it's cute. Almost everyone knows it's dangerous. I know my dog, I know whether or not my dog would hurt random people. But I'm not gonna leave it alone with a baby, mainly because I don't want the baby to poke its eye out or some shit, but by proxy that keeps the baby safe too so it's a win win.
Seriously though people know it's dangerous, but the picture is still cute.
>it's okay if I go on reddit as long as a mock it by calling it plebbit
fuck off back there and never come back here
>most people
you have no fucking clue what you are talking about fuck off
based user
dude taht webm what the fuck man.
3D is gross as fuck
What makes you say that fellow user? Are we not all apart of the 3d world? Do you reject reality so readily? If so why are you living? Are you a coward that says things he does not understand?
>dog thats bred to kill
>most dog attacks are from pitbulls
>instead of breeding the aggressiveness out of them NPCs just make excuses and apologize for them
>instead of making a joke he himself came up with he will parrot it to fit in
>he will then wonder why people see him as boring
keep at it user
Go back to Jow Forums, dumb incel.
half your post doesn't make grammatical or contextual sense.
You do not know most people, speaking about most people is ignorance. If you want to continue to assume you know people you know nothing about you will only continue to look like an idiot.
Is that worse then being a parrot even in your own mind or are you just that upset, that you feel the need to use old memes you didnt even make to try and insult someone you dont know?
This isn't so bad. Any decently trained dog wouldn't even nip someone, let alone bite them. But like said, leaving a dog that big alone with a baby could end in like 1000 awful ways, since both of them are retarded.
How long until the baby gets mauled to death?
Dog lovers are subhumans
why are people who own dogs so fucking low IQ
is it just me or do i not understand a lick of what this fag is saying?
>Any decently trained dog
>OP's pic clearly says rescue dog
based illiterate
I want to fuck this person so bad
Do you feel the need to ask others to help you support your own feelings? Are your own feelings not enough to justify their own defense?
Is that f-m tranny?
no, that is not what you thought it was. it is a biological women, born as such.
I spelt the word wrong calm down lel.
>What makes you say that fellow user?
look how gross that is.
WHAT. Is this the smug anime trolling thing?
my circuits are braking. this does not compute.
i'll try to decipher this, although it may break my hardware.
>Do you feel the need to ask others to help you support your own feelings?
Nnooo, but i am struggling to draw a connection to the other posts.
>Are your own feelings not enough to justify their own defense?
i don't know what you are getting at but when it comes to pitbulls i think they need to be cucked out of existence.
Are you going to continue to not posting the source?
What you posted is garbage, are you joking? I can only assume you responded to the same user separately because you truly have no clue what the fuck you are doing.
Holy shit take your schizo meds and think about what youre talking about before posting
If you have trouble following basic conversation in a virtual space where you have the entirety of the world wide web to assist you I would suggest staying in school until you can understand basic sentences.
All this post said was 'I do not understand'.
Are you mentally ill?
That's a proper woman. Ears like that...
Truly what we need.
3DPD cannot compete.
You going to continue to be a newfaggot cunt that cant find the source?
Well that's disapointing. I'm going to pretend like it is a tranny and fap to the fantasy.
>user asks out loud if its just him that feels a certain way
>next user responds asking him why he feels the need to ask others to reassure his feelings
>you come in unable to understand a basic convorsation
Take your meds?
Excuse me? You're the illiterate one here; I said 'any decently trained dog', and I'm pretty sure a service dog fits with that description.
But no matter how well trained, it doesn't change the fact that it is an animal and shouldn't ever be left alone with a child.
Go brush up on your English before you go correcting people, jackass.
Its impressive you can find anything disappointing considering the life youve chosen to live.
are you mad because you fap to 3DPD?
I dont blame you, roasties are cancer
Im not mad but if youre going to 'fap' to drawings why do you chose such garbage? Are you underage or something?
i'm writing a complaint to the programmers, this must be a glitch or a botched attempt at an NPC AI
lol I think some guy walked in at the last minute, you can see that quick reaction.
My (you)'s arent worth anything, you know that right?
It's more that liberal politics requires denial of the fact that genetics influence behavior. It's liberal heresy to think a dog's breeding could make it more or less aggressive.
The girls you post are. Artists sure know how to depict glimpses into the perfection that is the anime world.
I'd love to see a source on that claim.
>spay / neuter - No
Why tf do these people own animals and not get them fixed. Unless you have a license with a yearly fee to breed or own a farm and it is livestock then all your damn animals (if safe) should be fixed.
No questions asked, failure to do so should result in criminal charges and removal of the animal and given to a family that can afford such simple shit.
Not saying that would have stopped it but it may have helped.
Pixels or worth less then nothing, your interest is base and banal. Dont pretend you are more then the dirt you walk on.
>implying those shovel faces are "perfect"
The way that is worded is that of a teenage reject trying to fabricate stories to appear more interesting. We all know you play games and nothing else with your time.
I like this artist personally.
I actually enjoy fapping to loli the most but I cant post loli and a lot of my other stuff I enjoy is too big of a file size.
why do you not like this art?
stop posting 3DPD filth
So the anime where the monsters dick is so big it makes the stomach protrude could actually happen?
For you alone, desperate and lonely user. I only hope you learn there are easier boards to scam.
You're just an NPC. I don't care what you think. Go do some job, have a family, and die.
It's amazing to see how fast this thread derailed into shitty discussion and moronic banter.
You zoomers can't hold a discussion anymore.
they are really fucking bad and your taste is shit. if you dont have any sfw loli you dont actually enjoy loli. you have no fucking clue what you are talking about.
its impressive you dont care, considering you would chose to respond. odd you think i need a job to live. die in a gutter poor faggot trash. pray your parents saved enough for you
>accidentally posts a picture of himself in an argument
the absolute state of 3DPD posters
>if you dont have any sfw loli you dont actually enjoy loli.
I had a little accident and my PC deleted all loli I had.
You are posting gross stuff and proving my point.
you dont have much to say do you user?
My responses are to satisfy immediate desires, much like looking at 2D goddesses.
Go eat a potato and whip yourself for your impure thoughts, NPC.
>muh natural selection meme
you don't understand how it works do you?
only adults can play that game
you dont have a point worth proving beyond proving to yourself. your excuses mean nothing to me, you dont jerk it to loli.
when they come up with a new word for what you where told not to like, will you use that readily? or feel some nostalgia for what you currently parrot?
Hey lads... I actually recently got a pitbull puppy because my older brother loves pitbulls. Now I don't know if I should be afraid of the pitbull killer meme?
I was using it long before your programs allowed you to perceive it.
keep posting your filth user, it makes you more dirty by the post.
>you dont jerk it to loli.
Im not going to try prove to you I fap to loli when I do retard.
has 3DPD porn actually rotted your brain?
that doesnt answer my question, does it user? scared to answer?
>rescue dog
you didn't need to write a paragraph to prove his point
>replying to the same user separately
>claims to like loli while not even posting any
solid cognitive dissonance user-kun
What? Your questions stemmed from the assumption that I'm merely parroting others when I call you what you are, a dirty NPC. I'm glad more are waking up to the reality things like you parading around like you're a real being. There needs to be a push to have your kind eradicated.
your pic you posted is disgusting.
flesh holes are gross
Toll is paid
Not that guy but source on what claim?
That liberal policies require denial of genetics?
Or that genetics influence behavior?
why does that pitbull have such a nigger face? i can't be the only one who sees it.
I thought the SAME thing op. These people are fucing morons that dog doesnt even look mentally sound either
Y'all idiots. The reason pitt attacks are so common is because pitts appeal to retards, then retards do retard stuff. The aggression gene is a thing, though not a defining factor. It can also be bred in or out over two generations, which any breeder will tell you (because they all sell some off for dog fights on the side). Otherwise pitts are less unstable than most smaller dog breeds which are unpredictable because their brains don't fit in their smaller skulls giving them brain damage.