Jow Forums
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Anecdotes #480
What's the cringiest thing you ever said to a girl, that still haunts you to this day?
So starved of male attention and humanly contact that any small action that a guy does (stand behind me in line...
Sister in charge of building a PC for me
How do you stop yourself from becoming a massive faggot?
R9k minecraft server
Why are Hispanic grills so god tier?
Someone come play divinity 2 with me on PC
I'm a gastroenterologist. Ask me anything
You haven't ruined yourself, right user?
I've become a police officer. How can I get the respect of the local minorities?
Is heartbreak particularly hard for men?
The allure of sissy feminization
Tell me what to say my brain is equivalent to a 2007 windows XP processor
Help us spread the newest fake iPhone feature, the Apple Bounce!
Is technologically created paradise possible in my lifetime?
ITT: Boomer shit you do
Small dicks
Fembots, how does this make you feel? Do you think fat acceptance is okay?
Hey guys how was your day? Are you holding up well? I just woke up, sorry for a late thread
How to get my girlfriend fat without her knowing?
What is the optimal dick size?
Have FWB situation with artist chick
Late night /comfy/ Thread
"get ready to hit it, you've smoked weed before, right user?"
Sell yourself
Florida is the worst place for dating or meeting women. Too much trashy sluts, too many coalburners...
User's have any dark/messed up things you do that make you feel guilty?
Kek @ people who aren't true robots, like me. come join infiddle on omegle
Questions for Femanons
The absolute state of burger
Did good on diet all die
Jow Forums is dead
/r9gay/ - #444
Proving or disproving that fembots make tfw no bf posts for attention/because of dilutions
If you have no right to call yourself a 'fembot' if you are not a dark skinned black women
I'm so fucking lonely, anons. Can a femanon vocaroo something nice for me? Fuck...
Why aren't you talking to every hot girl you come across?
Big Iron is unironically one of my favorite songs
Sad girls best girls
Things that destroy you
Any Christians here? If so how do you it...
What are some things that trigger the NPC alarm?
Grandma dies
Is it bad to still play with toys at 19?
Is it immoral to start talking to young girls and slowly conditioning them to fall for you...
Talking to a girl for months
How can I confront my parents on circumcising me? Will they even take me seriously...
Do femanons play with their boobies
Your thoughts on this?
Manlets btfo
You mother fuckers killed Shuaiby
The pink pill is the liberating pill
Should I pay $160 for one hour to smash this Viet pussy?
Creative Robot Thread
Found this guy in my driveway
My Ballad
I-is it true anons? Do I not have free will
I need a new paypig, who wants to be the lucky guy?
Wageslave thread
Tfw you are a smol boi
ITT: post girls that are exactly your type
When your own fanbase turns on you
Boyfriend keeps calling you toot princess and brap goddess
I might possibly kind could be Jewish through genes. Where is my gibs? Jow Forums promsied me!!!
Officially /broken/ thread
Remember anons, free will doesn't exist. None of this is in your control
Go to UNC Wilmington
Why haven't you gotten your roast flaps cut off, fembot?
/femcel general/
How do you deal with seeing hot girls walking around everywhere at Uni?
Stacy privilege
Decide to upload video to YouTube just to share privately
Use Grindr
Guys I'm planning on buying these, and using it always at street, always when I left home. I got this idea based on Roy...
Wouldn't you feel better as a cute girl?
Is smoking cool
Was he a NEET?
Im 21 and today my qt 27ish yo FEMALE coworker grabbed my ass and winked i dont want to go there ever again
Sticc thread
If you were to start your own holocaust who would you wipe out?
Why on gods green fucking earth do non-jew parents still circumcise their kids?
Tfw have a poordroid phone
My friend and his gf are going out to macdonalds with a coworker and they really want me to meet her...
All I want to do is help you fags get some pussy...
NPC topics started out as interesting and philosophical, but now NPC has just become a synonym for normie
He uses Apple products
So, we can all agree that H is clearly the best one, right?
ITT only guilty ass women with something to hide would get mad at these questions
Is there really anything wrong with letting your wife be satisfied by another man if your sex drive has dulled while...
What's you definition for perfect woman body?
So, having visited /ic/ for the first time I have acknowledged it as a shit hole
Me with my white girlfriend
hey kid, got a cigarette?
This seems to upset you, doesn't it black boi?
30+ Thread
Florida is the worst place for dating or meeting women. Too much trashy sluts, too many coalburners...
ITT: bands that make you want to rip your ears off
ITT we share methods to cope with loneliness
Be me
How the fuck does one even kiss, what the fuck, does it come from instinct or what?
Vocaroo wednesdays
Is it an accurate representation of fembots?
Can't wait for watching 3 seasons of Netflix this weekend. So exciting, i love Netflix
Why is it bad for grills to be different, even when they're very humble about their interests...
Why aren't more girls into double penetration?
Why can't girls be more smart and introverted like Kurisu? Are real females just inherently dumb social bimbos?
Jow Forums on abortion
30yo here. It does not get better. It gets a lot worse a lot fucking worse
What was the last thing you guys fapped to?
I have a date with mum tomorrow
Qt grils
Hey Jow Forums
Do you like the winter?
I'm a 30 year old virgin and everyday I feel subhuman and suicidal
Why don't western roasties understand this?
Any fembots want a bf?
28 years old
Why is a woman tasting her juices seen as sexy but a man tasting his own is gay?
How are we doing lately? free (you's)
Do something useful on your life for once
mfw no gf like everyone else here
Age of consent is 16 or 18 in most countries
Onahole thread
Fembots, why don't you meet with robots and give them free blowjobs? You would cure depression and maybe save lives!
Tfw no fembot to take me in and let me cry in her lap everynight. Cooking together and playing vidya...
/drugs/ Drug Thread
Would you date a girl who has had two abortions
Tfw not born in USA
Tfw no femanon to cuddle with while watching old horror movies
Wagie, wagie, get in cagie
Friendly reminder
Mom found the self recorded bed humping videos
In what ways are you preparing to give and receive unconditional love with your future girlfriend?
It passed
Borderline men have the most sexual partners
What type of shirts did you wear in High School?
Hi Im sneaky, Im here to pick up your daughter
Why are so many fathers insecure about their daughters dating other man?
Video Games Thread
My university degree is useless. All the work Ive put into education turns out to be useless...
Fembots, would you consider yourself a good person?
Who else
Admit it faggot, you are a failed extrovert
Tfw your niece is staying over your house and sharing a room with you
Can Chad actually be the best friend a robot could ever have and vice versa? Is this the superstar team of friendships?
Things NPCs say about male genital mutliation (circumcision)
/NHK/ NEET hikki thread
How do you find someone to turn you into their cute and obedient submissive GF(male) who cooks and cleans and they can...
Oh god
85% of college-educated autists are unemployed
Are men getting uglier?
First day as a CS freshman
Roasty rage
Battlefield 1 is currently $5 and premium is free
Anyone wish their parents hadn't circumcised them?
Be beautiful girl
Going to bed
Yesterday I pretended to have a gf again
Everyone's concept of a perfect world is slightly different. What does your utopia look like, user?
Porn is degrading to women. We are more than your little fuck toys
I say nigger and nigga in public a lot. I havent had any problem for years
Anybody else willfully inducing schizophrenia because, as dark and horrible as it is...
I'm so jealous of my best friend I can't fucking stand it anymore
Had loving incestuous relationship with older sibling
It's Late
Posted a suicide note on reddit last day
Why are you incapable of making women want to be around you?
ITT: Post your real name and rate other names
Why are Hispanic girls so god tier? Why are they so delicious looking?
Where are you at the moment?
I beat the shit out of my girlfriends cat when she's not home to satisfy an increasingly hard to control bloodlust, ama
What is your dream?
Anyone else can't get a gf because you have a big butt?
I chew minty gum so my breath doesnt smell
/r9k, what is your most lewd fantasy or experience?
Incels are incels only because they have high standards
Current/last job
Who else non edgy sociopath?
/Femcel thread/
Love Trope
Music thread
Any truth to this?
What is your ideal gf?
ITT: originally soul crushing phrases
Where my New Jersey robots at. No one knows the crushing feeling of being a robot in the nations capital normie state...
People are nothing more than a game to me
Npc questions
How do i reject sex without seeming gay?
Anyone truly content in solitude?
ITT: Your walking down the street and a man in a hood approaches you, you see he is a white beta fag...
I met a bpd girl and she's at the point where she's threatening to kill herself
My prostate massager came in earlier today...
I Cant get a cute trans off this damn app, thought theyd be easier
Sticc thread
What kind of people browse r9k at the moment?
Why dont you date a hot indian girl...
Why do tomboy/andro girls all have to be lesbians, libtards, or feminists...
Who here actually hugged at qt?
One of my daughter's friends saw me with a client
Absolutely do not go to college
One chance at life
Someone found the newgrounds posts
Why is she so perfect?
Hello, we are running a Discord community and are recruiting new members. Its active...
"nice posters" need to get OUT of here. Fuck OFF you normalniggers
What does someone cumming in your butt feel like? Asking for a friend
Finish Persona 5 and NG+
Any anons here from Michigan? It's lonely and I want to know that I'm not alone
Howdy Jow Forums I got 40 dollars in bezos bucks and an itch for something new
Lowest point of my life right now and kinda lost in life in general. Can some robots cheer me up
Jow ForumsMillionDollarExtreme banned from reddit
Cowtits thread? cowtits thread
Is the love between mother and child the only true unconditional love in the world?
Why are people racists?
"Opinion I disagree with"
I wish I grew up in the 90s bros
Why are Hispanic women so god tier?
Hi friend, how are you doing today?
Once chance at life
How are u feeling user? how was your day, do anything interesting?
When was the last time you talked to a cute girl, Jow Forums?
If you knew this is going to be your last day alive, what would you do?
How do you kiss a girl?
What do you say when normies try to ask about your political views? I just say
Failed tranny general
Would you frot with another robot?
There is nothing physically stopping you from ripping out your own eyeball right now
That Girl Thread
You're upset because you're a virgin user?
ITT Your Fam is NPC
ITT: people you have zero sympathy for
Get that off your chest, user. Write a letter to someone who may or may never see it
Apu has joined isis and is holding anyone who enters this thread hostage
Who else here /fatasfuck/
Itt: the only thing/person that keeps you alive
/r9gay/ - #443
Literally going to kill myself because I don't want to work
Ywn experience the hook up culture
How many abortions is too many?
Select all crosswalks edition
Says mean shit
Age difference
How many abortions is too many for a young girl?
"Hey user, word around the neighborhood is that you are still a virgin"
What things are absolute dealbreakers for you, anons...
How big as you compared to the average guy, Jow Forums?
How is anyone a virgin passed 25? It makes no sense
Post dancing gifs
Is everyone else seeing this shit or do i have malware
How Do I Purge Myself of BBC/Interracial/Cuck Addiction?
Done with the 'fembots dont exist' meme
Regret thread
What's a game that's:
2D & waifu general
This fucking bitch broke my heart :/
Waifu thread
Bros i need you
ITT: Music/Songs thread
Tfw no loli gf why live
What's the closest you've come to dying?
Me: 31 years old
Blackanon here, I had sex with this older friend of mine. It was OK nothing to write home about...
Why don't you play Dwarf Fortress, user? It's the perfect robot game
Born in a middle class family in a first world country
A study has shown that whites see blacks as superhuman or having superhuman strength
Woah, femoids are so small
This absolutely destroys the white woman
Your age
How am i supposed to believe black masculinity memes now that I've fucked black boipussy?
You do pay women for their emotional labor, right?
Why don't npcs like mayo on their fries?
I just had sex
What's your bmi user
Your government mandated boipussy has arrived
Whats the sexiest body type?
Glasses make everything better
So anons the eu meme ban is back... hand over all your rare maymays now
This hot blonde comes up to you and says:
NPC meme misconceptions
That kid who was smart but who never amounted to anything because he's empty inside and never socialized and crippled...
I looked into the eyes of a beautiful 12 year old today and she looked back and smiled and I felt warmth throughout all...
You cannot be a robot if you're white, especially if you're a white woman
Tfw no fembot gf
Hey anyone who has serious trauma
Stoner thread
Would you suck her clit and swallow her vaginal juice for $100?
Never had a bf
Be me
I could probably kick their asses
30+ Thread
Is it possible to recover from depersonalisation? Will I ever get my thoughts, feelings and desires back?
55 , hbu my normal friend?
Is there a term for being the one that's sane in a world that has gone insane...
Would you date a 19-year-old girl who had an abortion?
Is it okay to have sex with your own mum?
Happy 9/11 anons
This shit will kill you
Can you actually imagine yourself living with a girl long term? Be honest, user
Why do black guys have so much bigger dicks than whites?
Turning 33 in the next week
Dubs decides what image I get on my personalized credit card
NPC meme is fucking shit
Has anyone actually had a fembot gf...
Are women fucked in the head because weve given them too much freedom in society or is it a mostly genetic thing
17 years later
Why don't you just settle for a below average 4/10 asian girl like this?
Why do woman have such shit taste in men...
Which path will you choose femanon?
How do circumcised people masturbate?
New species
Paying for going to the toilet
Meeting boys is not as easy as you think
You jam out to any one of Spotify's premade playlists
Do pictures of 9/11 jumpers even exist?
Men only want to date you because you're rich
Go to bed
What is the main demographic of this board? I know that there are no girls. There are almost no (actually) ugly guys...
Is Sam Hyde over? After already being banned on youtube,twitter...
Has anything good come out of anything in your life this year at all?
Tfw born
Ideal GF
Why masculine guys are not wanted by girls anymore?
Cucking a Bro
I am a gastroenterologist. Ask me anything
Remembering the time I dated a guy for 6 months just because I could
I need answers
Mfw I just came out of a 15 year depression
Letter thread. You know what to do
/uni/ university thread
R9k has been full of normies for a long time now
Why doesn't he make Content Cops anymore?
/mbti/ general
Look how imperfect 3DPD is
Would you date a 6'9 girl?
"Tell me, user. Are you willing to spend $200 on a headset or not?"
Have you taken the Nigger Pill yet?
What do NPCs do in the shower?
Hi user, would you like to play with my Latina boobs?
Would you bang a pregnant woman?
Obligatory "where were you" thread
You missed out on being in love. You'll never be young again
How do you cope with the fact that you're going to die one day?
Wikipedia: Race to Hitler
Are women evil or are we just bitter resentful males like the mainstream says?
How bad did I blow her out
What does she mean anons?
Be fembot, well really more of a cyborg
Shitty and boring personality
How exactly did a racist, sexist, homophobic Cheeto become the President of the United States...
thinking of suicide 24/7 for the last few years
Green Boots is the name given to the unidentified corpse of a climber that became a landmark on the main Northeast...
At what point do you tell your gf that you are bisexual?
Give me a song you like please plos pdjfneu please
Name a fictional place you wish you could live in
Old School RuneScape
Amazon Warehouse
Anyone else prefer MILFs over girls their age or younger?
Damn i went downstairs to get my poison, come back upstairs and the omegle thread was gone! wtf
Does being 6ft+ automatically make you a 6/10?
How far did you fall?
This is a story about meeting a girl on Jow Forums and dating her for a week
Hikikomori General Thread
Do you consider your self a sexual beast?
Why are computer science majors such dicks?
Is he going to take us to Mars, or JUST himself?
Remember the moid who was confident enough to approach the Stacy TA? >>47975171
Were you primarily raised by your mother robots? Do you think that had a big influence on how you turned out?
How can anyone possibly be against letting refugees into our borders?
Reviewbrah aka John Jurasek Revelations
Hey friends. Want to talk about anything, like your day or what's on your mind? I'd be happy to talk with you about it
How many of you wish you had a harem?
Make thread
How bad is working at a store like kroger or walmart, if youre kinda a speeg...
Do you believe in toxic femininity?
Losing weight
So I won $500 on a scratch off lotto ticket. Instead of giving me $500 they gave me a check thing like in pic related...
Roosh V has been banned from amazon after just a couple of days after his most recent book release
Tfw no clingy gf
Honest thoughts on height increase insoles?
Who /alcoholic/ here...
My boyfriend was abused
Dad gets drunk
Texan Method
What do fembots think of bugmen? pic related
I found this monarch butterfly in my yard and it made me feel good. How are you?
Abused as a child
Why do NPCs get so mad when you point out they're NPCs? They literally chimp out in the most predictable manner
How would you use a clock that can stop time to better your life?
You're pathetic
How do I ask my gf how many dicks she's taken?
Would you date a 19-year-old girl who is had an abortion?
Degenerated omegle thread, i saw a qt grill on, she's hiding in a dimly lit red light! GRILL!
Date for 5 years
Truck driver actually seems like an incredibly comfy job
Why is suicide more prevalent amongst men?
Sticc thread
This NPC shit confuses the shit out of me.How does someone not have an internal monologue...
I will reply to everyone who posts in this thread
My country isn't full of Latinas
Yesterday was my birthday
The Virgin Diaries I
Proof that this board is mostly underage
Cuck Stories
This the future of all white men
Fucking incels
Any other actual girls here that only visit this shithole from time to time to laugh at all these pathetic incels and...
Daily reminder that NPCs (normies) can't feel depression because they can't introspect
Who here /hurricane/ and what are your plans for the storm?
Tfw observant pleb
Why do I like lolis so much
Name Thread
Tfw no friend to play rts games with
Was he a robot?
He hasnt awakened his kundalini energy
What happens when we die?
What's the point in self improvement if you have a dicklet
Tfw 5'8
Where were you when you heard Ciara had a second abortion?
Learn the material beforehand
Why are normies so F U C K I N G stupid that they do not understand that cannabis is a V A S T L Y better drug than...
Whats your excuse?
Angry Beta Still a virgin lmao
It feels weird being skinnier than most girls
ITT: Kinda weird hobbies that you have
Anyone can suggest offline hobbies? I literally have no clue what to do
Have you ever considered this
How do i deal with never having experienced pure teenage love
If I buy nice clothe will that make a difference...
Tfw some autist tries to talk to you in uni
How does this make you feel robots? Would you appreciate a girlfriend doing this for you?
The class clown in uni
Local girl, goth, kind of cute...
I discovered my problem in life. I hold life and myself to too high of standards...
Would you rather
Aesthetic birth year
Robots with rich or at least financially very comfortable parents: how did you end up here...
Femanons, if it became a trend or common to wear super skimpy and slutty outfits outside...
Tfw depressed
Ask an intersectional feminist casual kinky sex loving independent Amazon private label owner anything
For the last few months I have been going to little girl's bingo trournaments
Drained was only good roastie
This is NOT a /soc/ thread, it's for robots and fembots ONLY. DO NOT MOVE THIS THREAD
What is the list of the least NPC fetishes, as well as the list of the most NPC fetishes?
Dono botan o oshimasu ka?
Women don't live life on the e-
Got selected for jury duty
12 fruit roll ups, rolled up
Trying to stay a virgin for the right guy
Fucking christ this NPC bullshit is a new type of garbage that has found its way into r9k...
Why did white men let their repuation deteriorate by promoting cuck shit...
I'm applying for a discord GF
Why is Marky Iive streaming?
I'm an NPC. I have no internal monologue
Blue pillers will want you to believe that pic related has any chance to get a gf who is not a 1/10 monster
2D pill
Help guys
Wagie get in your cagie
Got super horny and masturbated to pictures of real horse vaginas again
Have you ever talked to a manchild?
Whatchu waiting for white boy? Afraid once you go black you ain't goin' back?
Biggest red flags for men:
The future in one picture and it's beautiful
Chad BTFO by based and redpilled Islam
Why do "good girls" always go for the Chad bully type of dude...
How does this make you feel?
Will the age of consent ever be lowered to 15, or at least 16, in the US? Having it at 18 is completely insane...
There are currently around 3.800.000.000 women on earth
Okay lads i'm bored so lets try a game. Imagine i'm picrelated and we just matched on Tinder
What are you listening to user?
Post wisdom and personal epiphanies! Let's make this a great thread
Hi guys!
These two women are UFC fighters. They've trained for most of their lives to be at peak of their profession - fighting
Be me
How many here would get shot if a female cop tried to arrest them? I would rather die than submit to a foid
Normies flood this for months place to call everyone incels, see nothing wrong with it
I fucking hate my life
Be me
Spew bucket cockroach farm
Psychedelic feel
/r9gay/ - #442
How do you now look back at the year 1999?
I just realized i truly have no place to go in life. I do not fit in with the normies because they are shallow...
Its my birthday frens. please say happy birthday
Women can't be fu
Why the fuck must gamergirls be retarded
Tfw no psycho gf with mental issues
How do i ground myself back into reality?
Anime Merch thread
Hobbies: I really love to travel
How would you autists handle this girl at the naked bike ride?
30+ Thread
ITT post your youtubefu
How do people not kill themselves?
BOTH NPC and Non-NPC/PC seem terrible...
The NPC meme in a nutshell
*blocks your path*
What did you have for breakfast today, user?
They are programmed to go against it
When the hell are you getting your driver's licence, Jow Forums? it's been too long. you're too old. get it NOW
What are you afraid of
Why don't you have a gf, Jow Forums? it's not because you're a bigot is it?
Daily reminder that women peak at 30 and if you don't agree with that you're a fucking paedo
Comfy vidya
My grandmother has alzheimer's disease. She doesn't even remember who I am anymore...
At least a quarter of humanity is non-sentient, and experiences a radically different experience from the rest of us...
Ever try to make one of those youtube channels? If so, how did it go?
I can hear my neighbor having sex and it is exacerbating my depression to the point where I want to kill myself
I am a gastroenterologist. Ask me whatever you want
Do liberals really think niggers are on the same level as us?
28, female
Just finished writing my suicide note. In 12 hours, Ill have hanged myself...
This npc meme is telling us who the normies are
What do you find unattractive in women?
Why do you even want a woman ?
Who else faps to lolis?
Fallout ruined by normie demographic
ITT: people you hate
Whats the most degenerate porn you consistently masturbate to and why do you always find yourself fapping to it?
How am i suppose to live with out love and human affection...
Have you found someone yet on OKCUPID?
Female cousin I'm close with gets pregnant
What do you watch on youtube?
This is the most comfy picture I have EVER seen in my entire life
How do you like your girls?
Will women on tinder get offended if i ask them for sex?
Multiple Male Orgasms
Almost 23
I don't want to be alone. I hate being alone in my room. I hate this life so much
Hikikomori General Thread
If you could have expertise in one artistic talent, what would it be?
Racism is wrong, everyone deserves to be treated equally
User please adopt me my arm is broken
Why are women like this again bros?
How do you cope with knowing your true love didn't want you?
Why are sluts bad?
How do I get rid of forehead acne?
Did Gwyn do anything wrong?
Why Did He Have To Die?
Why don't you smoke? Too pussy?
Would you? Be 100% honest now
Normies think depression can be fixed
In about two hours I will be turning 30
L have a mouse in my room
Thread for lolicons
Are all women npcs
Does dick size matter
Tfw pajeet
A recent study has shown that whites see blacks as superhuman or having superhuman strength
Skinny dipping with girls
What would you do if you saw this sad, lonely, awkward girl at uni?
Nothing worth reading on the first two pages today. Sure is a lot more spam than normal!
ITT: Devilish Pranks to Pull on Normies
Why are you not fapping only to censored porn already?
30+ advice for zoomerfags
ITT we judge anons based solely on:
Got rejected by a girl i liked
I banged a girl so hot that it drove me to insanity
Would you accept a non-virgin girlfriend?
This Is What Japan Will, Look Like in 2070, And It's Beautiful
RIP MLP FIM 2010-2019
Incel elimination squad! Prove to me you're not a virgin or I'll shoot!
Who else is excited for the new sports season?
Anyone here ever had sex?
What knowledge do you most desire?
Why not become a police officer, user?
PSA: White Women Actually Fuck Dogs
McDonalds fucked up my order again
Haha tonight i am going to fuck this kike. trips decide what i am going to do to her...
I want to be a 24/7 slave so bad aaaaaa
Why don't you try going on a diet? Or at the very least eat a little healthier? Not for thots, but for yourself
Well, Jow Forums, who do you choose? left or right?
Post your internal monologue for your last fap to prove you are not an NPC
What use does a female therapist have if they're not going to have sex with me to actually relieve my suffering?
Roastie Hate Thread
Why don't you just go get a black belt in BJJ so that you can break through the mire and finally feel something...
Why are women so obnoxious and irrational, throwing tantrums whenever they don't get their way...
Explain why veganism is not morally superior
Fall feels?
Please, can we just have a thread for posting anything on your mind or feels or things you want to discuss...
Be me, 18 y/o high school senior
Post the saddest picture you got
Why are white girls so fucking cute?
Born to a single-mother household
Why is the "NPC" thing so big now? I mean I like it, but it's been around for a fucking while...
I wonder if my ex-boyfriend will be okay with me moving into his house
What age did you realize you were living a completely different life from other people?
Hey friends. How has your day been so far? What's on your mind?
Like her?
Leave ass unshaven
But no really, why don't you just get a job?
Me worshiping my master's feet
Leave Jow Forums for 3 days
How do I stop experiencing rage over that I'm a nice guy incel?
Desperate NEET
Female Robots
Ive gotten laid 3 times in the past month, and im an autistic mentally ill poor neet
Autistic priest
At what age did you learn that winter is the devil's hour?
I'm a 19 year old who is voluntarily celibate. I attend one of the most, if not the most...
Any other low IQ robots out here? Post your IQ and struggles
Video games finally got fucking boring. What hobbies does Jow Forums like?
"Okay, user. I'm ready the dinner and movie date at your place like you promised."
Go to anime con
I'm an NPC, ask me anything you want or just post memes
How come breast sliders in games always max out so small? Sorry sweetie but DDD isn't 'big'
Letter thread. Write to someone special, or someone you hate, or someone in the middle
When was it too late for you to live a normal good life?
Be me
Give me one good reason you aren't following the official fembots instagram page
Consider the following
Are asian women slowly starting to come over to the dark side?
Has a girl that's not related to you genuinely hugged you because she's so happy to see you?
Tfw just turned 18 recently and already noticeably balding
ITT: positive experiences with females
So, why haven't you moved to Asia yet?
Anyone else do acid and wish they could stay in their trip 24/7...
Please take black women away from us
If you had a slave, would you have sex with her?
What is/are your:
You wake up to find yourself stranded on a deserted island with this girl. What do you do?
Customize your GF. You only have 50 points
I don't understand women. What the fuck do you want? Are you just like us? I'm 18 and male, why do i feel out of touch...
I got fired from my job, what do i do? can i become a camboy if i shave my balls?
Do you ever wake up early in the morning, sweating, gasping for breath and say to yourself: man...
Why are Hispanic girls so god tier?
Go on adv
QT (male) Thread
5779 Begins
Robots, whats the most disgusting thing youve done while horny? Do you regret it?
11 threads about this NPC bullshit
Getting out of the militafy
Why aren't you rescuing poor Venezuelan qt's from their socialist shitholes?
What user? Of course you're my first silly!
No fembot to discuss music with
Enough with the porn
Thoughts on psychedelic drugs?
Just finish watching this piece of shit. The ending sucks dick don't watch it. What a waste of fucking time
/r9gay/ - #441
Comfy thread
Where you live
How far are you guys?
You should be able to solves this
Are religious people the ultimate NPCs since they need outside programming in order to think and act?
Have you ever taken creepshots of family or stolen their underwear?
Why would you do this to your loving parents?
Here's your government-provided gf, user
Why do you guys try so hard to comform to traditional stereotypes about masculinity...
Mom found the masturbation safety glasses
How to BE HAPPY with NO GF (and can't get one)
Comfy Games General
The secret to happiness is ______________
Unsymbolized Thinking
This is the top selling video on modelhub, can you guess why?
What is something you have realized about the world that few people seem able to understand?
Evil is free will
What are some NPC tells?
Guess what day it is?
Los Zetas take video of cartel beheading man with warehouse door before gutting the body
Death note falls down in front of you. What do you do with it? Remember...
My sister is having sex with her boyfriend in the next room and they're moaning really loudly what the fuck
Fapping to anime feet is one of the five pillars of robotdom
Correcting misinformation and stupidity
Are NPCs actually chads?
Anyone else here starting to hate vidya games? I just cant get in to them like I used to...
How could he have been forgotten so soon Jow Forums? Say something nice about this tragic figure
OP image is what an attractive Asian girl looks like
Fembots, what's your take on this?
Isn't this owl cute Jow Forums?
Learning Japanese is the single most difficult task that a human being can encounter in their life
Pedophiles are the master race
Do you have any hobbies?
The Beatles
You better have enough cum for all of us white boy
Would you want an intelligent wife?
Depression general
I've seen uglier guys than me get girls I could probably never get
Sister found my loli porn
How do you autistic faggots always manage to drive EVERY girl away from this board?Is it the orbiters desperation...
Anyone else here really loves this game? I can finally get outcast friends, go on exciting anime adventures with them...
You're given two choices
Post yours
I walked in on my roommate fucking his girl and I can't stop laughing at this size of his dick
Robot Survey
Why do I like lolis so much
How do you get neetbux in usa?
Are you particularly attracted to specific type of looks in girls?
Femanon, you are out walking with your husbando when this girl runs up and lifts him up and says he is hers now
How to identify an NPC
Is this the ultimate proof that a just god doesn't exist?
Your age
There's only 2 genders!
ITT: Post quintessential NPC things
If you really were the last person on earth, what would you do with your time?
Average people are freely enjoying their sex lives
Are you owed anything? Do you owe anyone anything?
Woman straight up admits to being a gold nigger
Npcs aren't re-
What do you zoomers think about this?
Do any other robots have a bull fetish...
Wtf is going on here
Prove you are not an NPC
Wake up
Who is your skyrim waifu?
Any other /squatshitters/ here?
Tfw no white nationalist gf
How to tell if you are NPC read inside!
Bust a huge nut
Being an ugly female is suicidefuel
Give me your most offensive/unpopular opinion about anything
Seven Deadly Sins Quiz Thread
Haven't eaten in 14 hours
Did I miss something? What is all this NPC shit?
Would you date a Stacie?
Imagine getting that cucked
ITT: Fembot feels
Alright, I know one of you virgin losers has one of these things
This is literally the solution to all your problems
I'm 5'4'' tall
Ciara orbiting took over my life. Now that she is kinda irrelevant and has a boyfriend, friends...
Thread for lolicons
How do I stop feeling?
September 9th, 2018
Ask an NPC anything
What are some of your red flags for womyn robots?
Go on plebbit
How do we equal the playing field with women?
How do I stop fapping to 3D?
How often is it acceptable to wet the bed as an adult...
Do you say hi to everyone at the office?
Tfw I will always be a virgin because im scared of sex and the pain that it comes with
Your opinion on the NPC meme
Do you have stacys or chad you hate, r9k?
Why should I support Capitalism when it's not working for me?
What was Elliot Rodgers IQ?
GTA V in a nutshell fuck GTA V
Any other maladaptive daydreamers here?
Never think in language, only in terms of feeling
Character fondles a woman's breasts
Would you date a chick who could kick your ass?
Tfw no trad white nationalist gf who wants to make babies with me to save the white race
Well I miss my ex-boyfriend and he's never texting back
How do I summon the antichrist into my body
Last threads
Sum up your country in one image
Why is open racism towards wmaf so accepted?
France has fallen
Brit/pol/ - Joris Bohnson edition
Why yes, my husband is Swede. What gave it away?
Battle of the Century
Ivanka wore this to the UN today
Poland need to pay us (me) reparations for their deathcamps
Is Jow Forums actually too stupid to understand the greenhouse effect?
Franco being removed from El Valle de los Caídos
How does it feel being on a sinking ship