What are some of your red flags for womyn robots?

What are some of your red flags for womyn robots?

>Likes adventure time
>Likes Steven universe
>Likes the artist Eden
>Likes the artist Ariana Grande

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>hymen outtacted

I like SU and Adventure Time despite the SJW undertones. Same goes for Bojack Horseman. Dianne is a feminist cunt but it's still a good show. SU is actually shitty in hindsight but I don't really care.

Steven universe is literally a kids show, atlest adventure time trys to appeal to older people.
also I'm sorry the sjws hurt you fragile masculinity hopefully u can get that check out at your next penis examination

I don't have a sense of masculinity or a penis user. I just don't like how preachy SJWs are and the genuine harm they're doing to society.

Is a 3D female, taht is a huge red flag to avoid her.

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Bojack Horseman is a different tier show, its actually good and not aimed at kids.

>watches tv
>doesn't listen to 2hu

God damn, that girl is attractive. I sure am glad I chose 2D over 3D today.

>or a penis


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I'm well aware. I'm simply stating that there can be aspects of a show that I don't like but I may still enjoy it. Also, a show being for kids doesn't mean it can't be good. Avatar the Last Airbender is a great show that's "for kids."

its funny that u think these shows are "preaching" some agenda. you can look at older show like full house of fresh prince of bel air. they were "preaching" the idea of men as care givers, or the problem with manliness, like never asking for help or being afriad of your emotions.

>has guy friends
>does hard drugs
>listens to rap
>hates her parents
>has weird colored dyed hair
>drives a Jeep
>has waaay too many different handbags
>has degenerate friends

>likes star vs forces of evil

>is 3D

you're not taking my virginity, buster

some men dont have a penis user

It preaches badly because of how against reality it is.

>has no penis

Guy friends and drugs. Every time, guaranteed 100% she has fucked 20+ guys.

>shit ton of shoes
>shit ton of hand bags
>shit ton of make up
>average iq or below
>abuses the words "like" and "literally"
>not fit
>studies business

Steven Universe had an episode where there was a literal gay wedding and one of the characters trapped a guy on an island so they could be together then they treated him like the bad guy for being angry about it.
Adventure time has a whole thing between PB and Marceline.
In multiple episodes where Dianne goes on long feminist rants, and in one episodes they ban guns because "America hates women more than they love guns."
They just come on a little too strong at times. OK KO also had an anti-gun episode. I just don't like when cartoons try to push a political agenda. I watch them to get away from that shit.

good choice my friend.
2d all the way

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If I ever catch them in a lie.

I am sick and tired of this shitty argument. Whenever there's a fucking gay couple in a show, someone will try to say that it's pushing an agenda. It's just faggits marrying. They aren't saying that you have to support it or even tolerate it, they're just showing it. If Marceline was a guy and PB kissed her, would it be pushing a heterosexual agenda? Stop being an autistic faggit, faggit.

this is a good reason why 3D woman are cancer.

what the fuck did jeeps do to you

>bojack horseman
>actually good
how to spot a normie

Jeep girls are always the dumbest most basic uninteresting harlots you will meet. Usually failed or exiled Stacies who start shit too much.

>I just don't like when cartoons try to push a political agenda
this, so much of modern entertainment is utterly unwatchable because of all the implied sjw crap.

it wasnt bad, it had soem feels.
bojak is unrepeatable normie anyway

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I knew a very pleasant, intelligent normie girl who drove a jeep. In the end she was a stealth-stacy.

That's true. Some dudes lost theirs in some kind of horrible accident or something. That's the only way you can be a man and not have a penis.

Immediate nope for me right there.

sexy anime girl user.
thanks for posting

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>womyn robots
an oxymoron.
Women cannot, under any circumstance, be a robot. At most a lazy landwhale.

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I hate roasties but met ONE taht was robot due to mental health.
A jap hikki girl.
Although being wa woman she obviously had better opportunity's should she choose to take them up.
>camming ect

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i feel so bad now

sorry , didn't mean to belittle your situation

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>talks about dogs
>loves to TRAVEL
>jokes about alcoholism

I don't see what's wrong with adventure time, but I agree that the women that like it are insufferable. The show has good lore and character development, there are a few subtle sjw undertones but it's nowhere near as horrible as SU. idk who Eden is and I guess I agree with Ariana Grande, but only cause she's a pop artist and I think it says a lot about people when they listen to pop music from any era.


That's pretty much it.

>not virgin (tho if she had one guy and i cucked him it's alright)
>likes mainstream media
>uses social media
>brown eyes (asians don't count in this one)
>has stacy friends
>has male friends
>dyed hair
>too sexual
>too short (short girls are cute, midgets aren't)
>makeup in any shape or form
>wears skimpy clotches outside
>bad hygiene
>listens to pop music
>can't cook
>can't shoot a gun
>is interested in any other males beside me
And yes, this is my bare minimum

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kek its obvious its a troll on its first point

It's not a troll
I won't take anything less, i'm not a beta

>brags how much she can drink/take drugs
>horrible teeth
>constantly on the phone
Not really red flags but just my standards.

>doesnt do drugs
>likes bugman tv series and movies like star wars, game of thrones or capeshit
>identifies with the LGBTQ community
>is creeped out by foot fetishes
red flags all the way

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>does drugs
>goes clubbing on the regular
>follows celebrities
>wears a lot of makeup
>cares too much about clothing, status
>small brain