Imagine getting that cucked

I only watched this series for like 20 episodes, but i remember the fact that finn had a crush on princess bubblegum and was with marceline as i remember.But the LGBT faggots cucked finn by ending the series with a kiss between the 2 girls that finn liked.Did this ever happen to you robots?(99% sure not, but hey)

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Absolutely. The main character got cucked out of his own show. It became Marceline's when she defeated the final boss.

Also most of these dykes/yuri-cucks they pander to don't even watch the show (as usual). 3.5 fucking million views on youtube for the dyke scene right away. The live broadcast got under a million.

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Yeah its unfortunate. The show began its downward spiral in season 5, quickly becoming an SU clone.
The finale was more like one last fuck you to the original fans of the show.
At least regular show stayed true to its audience.

I just pretend that AT ended at season 4. Just a nice comfy kids show that didnt overstay its welcome.

That's why I stopped watching it, sick of dykes, I don't care about gays but I really hate dykes as they lie that straight people like it too and try to get lgbt points.

Dude, they've been teasing this gay thing since season 2.

Season 3. The writers actually backpeddled on it immediatley after as well saying they got carried away.
The lesbian stuff on its own isnt really the problem though.

Damn, i didn't know that only watched a bit of the 1st season... That's sad.

I had a mff threesome with my gf but I ended up on the side of the bed just watching

>backpeddled on it
What, by writing several more episodes which heavily imply it?

Regular show is the fucking shit, such a good show.

They obviously backpeddled on their initial backpedal a couple seasons later.
If there was anything gay in s4 or the first half of s5 then let me know.
You wouldn't know the show as well as me. I was heavily invested in it some years back.

If only the comics were 'canon'.

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We went from literal buddy wizard comedy with ice king and gunter series 1-4 to lgbt bbq cucking of the main character.
Pendleton Ward lay off the fucking crack pipe and feminism/crtical theory.

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>Get tons of good one off adventure episodes combined with short multi episode arcs and long term builds
>Also get some the best character development from a children show
>Basically, all the best episodes come from the later seasons
*cricket noise*
>Show acknowledges that gay people exist
Fucking shit sjw cucks fucking social Marxism reeeeee

I watch shit to escape. I don't give a shit that they exist. They don't have to in the Adventure Time world.

>acknowledges gay people exist
>literally cucks the main character out of his romantic interest with muh lesbian

pick one

Pendleton Ward left his own series halfway. He had little part in it besides voicing LSP. Didn't even show up to the series wrapping-up party.

Did you not see any of the multiple episodes about Finn's other romantic interests? He stopped chasing PB by season 4. He didn't get cucked because there wasn't anything between them by the finale.

I've noticed a lot of cuckqueans on Jow Forums

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the whole finn/pb relationship wasnt meant to pan out shes like physically 5 years his senior and actually like hundreds of years older than him

>tfw no cuckquean miserable gf

would've been a better finale

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bubblegum never liked finn, finn eventually got fire princess never marceline, finn is a shit character and shouldn't be the protagonist and you shouldn't self insert as him because everyone else is more interesting than him, the best part of the show is the Lich stuff, and why do you care about this shit show?

They were worried about the fact that if they were going to introduce any of that gay shit, the show would get cancelled since it wouldn't be a ''kids'' cartoon anymore.
They put it all together in the final episode though since well, it's the final episode, they could do whatever the hell they wanted at that point.

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Guys bubblegum is the sakura haruno of western cartoons. she was never going to fall for finn.

just made this for this thread

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tfw cucked by a lesboo vampire

i suggest we pretend that anything beyond Islands didn't exist. Islands was a good ending in and of itself.

I only really watched seasons one and two.
Its sad to see how they push this dyke shit even on a broadcast network like CN. Its just a SU clone at this point

missed opportunity to give pb wojak face

cute!! fuck all women

If I remember correctly the marcelene VA or someone said they were a couple and the network made her bury it. Guess things changed quickly.

a few years ago that happened, that is

finn has had many girlfriends and the lesbians thing was established since season 2. also finn hasnt shown interest in pb since like season 4

OP here, yeah i remember that they denied that but i guess that they wanted to cuck finn.

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hmm, you're probably right. i still hate how the ending shoves him aside

lmao dead thread

not dead yet muthafukka

Dead because the premise is dumb. Finn didn't get cucked and AT was a good show with a decent ending.

just for you desu anone

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it began strong
then it forced philosophy every episode and had to much "random" shit shoved in
then it doubled down on the LGBTQ+ thing, not just implying it but full on making it canon and present

i don't know how many women watch AT but i'm sure not a lot of men (except dudebros who believe lesbians are actually straight women trying to turn them on) will be able to relate to this shit

>doubled down
>one kiss in the finale plus some romantic tension in very few episodes
Wow, sure hope my kid doesn't get indoctrinated.

do you think kids are fucking stupid?
kids understand this shit and they understand what the implications are

it's also not just one fucking show, it's everywhere from public schools to public utilities to family members, books and the media

when i was twelve i once called my friend who was annoying me a fag with no homophobic context and got a half hour lecture about how moroccan and turkish boys can be gay too and it's totally fine by my homeroom teacher

if the flood of lesbians and the invasion of traps and fags on this website isnt a telltale sign that this shit is oversaturated then i dont know what is

>Reeeeee I hate gay people in a society that doesn't hate gay people anymore
Sorry that you got left behind, buddy.



I think it really was. Islands has all the traits of the climax of a heroes journey and everything after never matched it, because it was mostly just falling action.

>Cuck Finn
Boy Finn is too fucking strong and just moved on. Something you cucks need to do.

>Less than 4% of the American population is gay
>Reeee I can't get a girl because they're all lesbos
>TV is gonna turn my son gay

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>implying this number won't rise exponentially with future studies
>implying only people who self identify are gay/lesbian

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>Finale pulls a spin, that being that Finn isn't the one who beats the final boss
>Series ends
>Gets cucked because of cartoon-wide yuri plague
Such fucking bullshit.

I love how finn is the perfect representation of a white knight

He saved those two lazy dykes so many times expecting one of them to become his gf only to see them fall in love with each other

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>Even high estimates put fucking Sanf Fran of all places at only 15%
This is literal InfoWars tier thinking. You're basically saying they're putting chemicals in the TV that make kids gay. In the same way that violence in TV and video games didn't make people more violent (crime is at an all time low), gay people on TV won't make more gay people. I've got to go to work soon so I can't keep humouring you, but just know that hateful thinking like this is really unattractive to women and is probably more of a contributor to your ongoing dry spell than "muh all woman are dykes".

yaaas slaaay queeeeeen

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whatever bitch hope you get raped in the eye socket in some dark wet alley