haven't eaten in 14 hours
I can practicaIIy feeI my insuIin IeveIs receding and the gIucagon coursing through my veins
I refuse to be fat anymore
Nothing tastes better than skinny feeIs
Haven't eaten in 14 hours
Other urls found in this thread:
but what about these tasty burgers OP?
>14 hours
the absolute npc.
I fast for at least 58 continuous hours every week
>gIucagon coursing
are you kidding me that doesn't make you fat? for real? I'm shocked, I'm never gonna eat anymore.
>58 continuous hours
What a baby. I haven't eat anything in the last 10 years.
I see a loophole here and using it personally I once went 8 months without eating
Most I have done was 5 days. I could have gone longer but i smelled some thai food near my house and had to have some.
crash diets are bad for you, especially for you liver
I'm gonna eat something in the morning when it hits 24 hours
>Having eaten food in your lifetime
wha wait so long?
You'll be wolfing down regular Monster and Oreos in three days fatty, you don't know how skinny feels
Count your calories and healthy and low calorie foods. Intermittent fasting is one way to go and how I usually act but simply 'not eating' isn't how you lose weight. You'll lose what little willpower you're capable of and soon enough be fatter than you were in the first place.
Good luck tubby
Tomatoes are fucking disgusting dude, thanks for giving me the wiII power I needed to carry on with my fast
you are right pizza is better
Tomatoes are pretty fucking good and only 18 calories per 100 grams. They taste great with salt.
>14 hours
Do amerifats consider this a challenge. I often don't eat the whole day simply because I don't feel like cooking.
stop giving OP ideas - go without tomatos and have a burger
hell yeah let's set my body into shock like's it's dying what could possibly go wrong
Is this you OP? You're so used to eating garbage that you don't like healthy food? Try cherry Tomatoes.
>don't eat for 14 hours
The absolute state of NPCs. They literally can't fathom not eating their 3 square meals every day.
your body will just think you are staving and store it as fat chief
Good luck fampaitachi. Try to replace your drinks with 0 cal drinks or water.
Also savory > sweet once you get used to it. Godspeed.
No matter how much weight I lose, you will still feel fat.
t. A 6 foot tall skinny fat lanklet that is sub 150 lbs and I still feel fat
npc "logic".
Instead of being a lazy fat cunt and not eating a single day to make yourself feel better, calculate your metabolic baseline and eat 500 cal less than that daily.