How to tell if you are NPC read inside!

Ok guys everyone knows now NPC's are walking among us but no one knows how to truly tell if they are NPC or not.
>heres the secret user
If you fap to 3D porn you are NPC, only free thinkers break free of mental conditioning and fap to pure anime girls
So there you have it,
discuss below

Attached: bogface.jpg (682x1023, 121K)

Wrong, it's the opposite. Us thinking men enjoy fapping to REAL women getting fucked harder than we could ever fuck. Your animations are just a picture show for you thoughtless characters to ejaculate at.

>. Your animations are just a picture show for you thoughtless characters to ejaculate at.
funny how only free thinkers fap to 2D anime girls like OP said.
have fun with your roast beef hahah

Attached: tumblr_p8e0bhseau1uhj473o1_1280.jpg (1143x1920, 316K)

Enjoy your limp-wristed hand, virgin faggot.

Is that what you where pre programmed to say NPC?

Hahaha, I'm not the NPC, you are!

>hurr durr you are an NPC if you don't follow this rule
I'm sorry user but only NPCs play by the rules. True players do whatever the fuck they want

Player characters can fap to their imagination of their waifu's voice
if you cannot fap using only this then sorry but you are an NPC

Attached: 7ef.jpg (600x600, 29K)

>this NPC can't create vivid worlds of touch/taste/sight(subbed, of course)/smell/sound with his waifus in his mind and resorts to audio-only, as that's the highest his processing power goes
Absolutely based as fuck

NPC characters CANNOT fap to only 2D because pre programmed to like ugly 3D roasties.

Attached: 7d487af96703b74601852c6a7b6ff07a.jpg (1567x2358, 433K)

Either you're spamming multiple boards or you're one of the NPCs spewing this nonsense.

kek'd pretty hard origibubol

You sound like an NPC. oreg

Tfw no npc gf
I just want to reprogram her to love me


Attached: IMG_20180902_214217.png (940x1127, 191K)

>not fapping to both
I pity you mortals

fapping to only 2D is the best way user.
I pity you

>2DPD NPC tries to become conscious

I am conscious you are merely 3DPD faggot

Attached: 3dqcfos.jpg (2048x1160, 402K)

>Free thinkers only fap to Animu
Fapping to something that is non-existant beyond some autistic faggots drawing?
very smart logic 10/10

>Fapping to something that is non-existant beyond some autistic faggots drawing?
>very smart logic 10/10