Who is your skyrim waifu?

and why is it aela the huntress?

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Get cucked by skald. Lmao.

What are you, a fucking furry?

Muiri is the best Skyrim wiafu
>calls the fucking DB to kill the epitome of "asshole"
>also wants DB to kill the final daughter of a high class family in Windhelm causing the matriarch to lasso her neck into the wild west and thus pretty much removing the entire family from existence.
>gives you a ring that boosts alchemy, one of the rarer enchantments in the game and a key part of the OP as fuck potion glitch
>much more attractive voice

she cute

>drug dealer
>almost as much of a whore as Camilla

Only NPCs fall in love with non-humans.

>Muiri is the best Skyrim wiafu

Came here to post this

Muiri a cute

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>>drug dealer
money is good
>>almost as much of a whore as Camilla
what did you expect? if she breathes she's a thot


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It's serana, because she's voiced by laura bailey.

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>Muiri asks the player to kill her former lover and friend in this quest. She becomes a candidate for marriage if her contract is fully completed
>Muiri asks the player to kill her former lover and friend in this quest.
>Muiri asks the player to kill her former lover

The raostie waifu

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>dating Molag Bal's cock sleeve

Yeah she was raped by a demon but in skyrim I'm a lesbian.

I'm a connoisseur of strong orc waifus

Nice NPC thread

Jordis if she wasn't just a copy paste of Lydia

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However, you have to consider the fact she could literally never do that to you. Not only is she indebted because of the murder, you're both the leader and listener of the DB so if she wants to try that shit on you, she'd have to make the contract through you. Even if she didn't go through the DB, she'd have to find someone willing and able to kill you, the Dragonborn, a speculated shezarine. Basically she ain't doing shit to get away.

I remember killing everyone in the strongholds and raping Shel for an hour straight

Orcs are subhuman

Serana is cute, CUTE!

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Shahvee has the best personality in the entire game out of all the hoes.
"What's the point in being miserable all the time? I know life on the docks isn't easy. Sometimes life puts you in difficult circumstances you didn't choose. But being happy or unhappy is a choice you make, and I've chosen to make the best of things that I can."

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>red hair
She is perfect with black hair you fucking mong

Karliah has a pretty cute personality though

>Needing mods to justify your waifu.

Fuck that. If a waifu needs mods to be a good wiafu, she's automatically a shit waifu.

almost all skyrim waifus need mods. because skyrim itself needs mods.

Skyrim is shit for zoomers

Now Morrowind... That's a good game.

Dubs and based

I'd fuck Almalexia till my semen curdles in my balls

Fucking boomer. Oblivion is better than both m*rrowind and s*yrim

>tfw no qt dark elf magefu

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Morrowind > Oblivion > Daggerfall > Arena / Skyrim

And we don't talk about the other games like Redguard.

What tier will the new TESVI be put in?

Yeah but she probably gets barbed daily by khajiiti merchants.
Muiri is a bpd witch

It's gotta be Brelyna Maryon for me. Cute voice, dark elf, shy. Self conscious about her magical potency but is easily modded to be useful. Angi is my second choice, but she don't need no man so waifuing her is an exercise in futility.

Superior taste. I don't remember if she's a candidate for marriage after you find her amulet or whatever it/ was, but I'd wife her in a heartbeat. I bet those argonians in that bunk house had orgies'n shit.

I usually always marry someone who can train me in a skill though, so Aela is top tier waifu too. She likes to hunt, and something I just wander the wilderness shooting animals and collecting their pelts which I shove into a chest in one of my manor houses. Sometimes Breylina because shse just wants to learn and strengthen her magic and I dig a woman with resolve and ambition. Ysolda for the same reason.

We won't know until it comes out. Hopefully better than Daggerfall at least.

Only people who know how to install mods get to be her husbando

>only people who know how to install mods

So... Everyone? Hell if a person is actually inept enough that they'd need it, you can just throw Recorder in the NMM and boom she's in the game

I used to be a brainlet and have no idea how to install mods and never knew that NMM was a thing until January, brainlets exist after all

>he doesn't pray every night for a qt vampire gf
just hang up your manhood

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>tfw she shoots you down in a pretty gentle way

I still pray every night that a qt vampire will come to me in the night, use vampire seduction and feed on me, and after she's full, climbs into my bed and snuggles me while she takes a vampire-nap.

tfw i find argonians physically cute but their voices put me off

then every character in skyrim is a shitfu, because unmodded skyrim is hideous and bethesda's writers can't make good characters

high iq post, going in the museum

I totally agree user, Shavee best girl

I never said that wasn't the case. I said you shouldn't need to modify your waifu to make her a waifu. You should love a waifu for who they are rather than what some randy on the nexus makes them. If you can't pick a base waifu, get the fuck out.


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My player character.
I play a beefy orc sword and shield guy btw.

>your waifu has no romantic questline
>lets you down gently every time
>even in fiction, where you can slay dragons, climb mountains, and fight against the gods themselves, you cant have the woman you want

God damn this board is fucking legendary.

It's been years since I played skyrim but I remember there being a way to get her to imply she likes you, but she'll never enter the marriage temple because of ptsd.

>Ywn be a noob in Skyrim again
>Ywn fall in love with Aela again
>Ywn feel safe due Aela's presence in this cold alien world

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She's holding out for turbo-chad like the roastie she is, even the Dragonborn isn't enough for her.
Just kill yourself if you're a male in Tamriel in the fourth era.

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luckily I always play lesbians in rpgs. we can be in the gay together with a chad occasionally.

>Ywn abuse Aela when turning evil as an excuse to play the Dark Brotherhood questline.

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>implying I play the worst Elder Scrolls game
Shoo, normalfuck.

>user I really DO like you its just that...

The nightmare just gets worse

I don't see why robots can't play everything? just cause I have good taste does not mean I cannot also have shit taste at the same time.

I think it's kinda sorta human nature to want what you can't have.

What's the point of playing Skyrim when Morrowind exists? Or Fallout 4, when New Vegas and Fallout 2 exist?

>meet girl
>she's a thousand years old
>save her life
>she tells how she got to be a thousand
>raped by demon lord into undeath
>now afraid of religion forever
>can't handle religious wedding ceremony
>will still fuck you though and also give you her blood whenever you want so you can blow up the sun.
>you still qualify as a cuck though cause you can't get hitched.

TESVI will just be more dumbed down than Skyrim was, but it'll contain more badly implemented slice of life content.

Whats the point of playing the sims 4 when the sims 3 exists? better graphics and a modding community that is alive. I can still play the old shit along with the new shit.

You do you, my dude, but Morrowind's modding community is still pretty alive and it's actually getting more alive too

>Whats the point of playing the sims 4 when the sims 3 exists?
That's a good question.

Hroki gang get in here

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>marrying humans in fantasy games

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>you lay down
>she straddles on top of you
>rides your dick while sinking her fangs into your neck
>its amazing, like nothing youve ever felt before
>you gasp the words I love you right as youre about to come
>user, I love you t

You wake up

>Without the lovers embrace perk

Because Serena can never, and will never, give that to you

Damaged beyond repair, you cant fix her, and she will keep you at arms length forever

But hey, at least you can be with her in your dreams

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I wish Skyrim didnt go out of its way to make elves look like fucking goblins. There are mods that fix this of course but just knowing that the creators have canonically turned elves into a bunch of leathery cave rapists is such a letdown