Wake up

>wake up
>you are 12 years old again, everything is exactly how it was back then
Would you go back if you could? Do you miss the simplicity?

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No because I'd know its all fucking worthless and the worst years of my life are ahead of me. I only haven't killed myself because I hoping things somehow improve last thing I want is to go back through the shit I've went through

What if you could remain 12 years old forever? My life only really started to become unbearable when I had to go to high school. Until then I was homeschooled, and my life was made up of only cartoons and video games. It was really nice.

Yes if I get to keep my memories so I could do things differently.

Depends if I can change things. If so, yes. If not, fuck no.

My entire childhood was a misery. There were brief moments and outlets I enjoyed but for the most part I was barely better off than I am now and far more isolated

>only if could change things!!

Found the NPCs

No. Fuck being sick all the time. Fuck the shots all the time. Fuck always being in the hospital. Im glad I grew up.

>Fuck being sick all the time
>Fuck the shots all the time
Hmm, I wonder if these two things might be connected.

This. They don't have an appreciation for the comfiness of childhood, everything is a game to them that they have to win.

>another 11 years of waiting for avengers 4 and kh3.
>I'd have to try to keep my old long gone friends and remake my current friends even though I am incapable of acting like I did back then.
I'd kill myself

Why doesn't anyone ever talk about from russia with love for the gamecube? It's really good, oddly enough for a movie licensed game.

If I could take my knowledge with me then fuck yes. I could have fixed myself before HS, I would have understood the psychology behind why people acted the way they did, I would have gotten perfect grades and gone to a nice university, picked a major better than the shitty one I picked, etc. Also my brother died a couple years ago and I would get to see him again

Being a sheltered and homeschooled only child with lenient parents was the greatest.

Uhh yeah i had an immunodeficiency and had to have regular injections of medicine. Are you retarded or something?

Yes, I'd focus on another sport and who knows what I might have achieved?

>an actual anti-vac fag
oh my god my sides

>focusing on a sport
>not using your adult knowledge to do exceptionally well in school
You aren't going to make it in the NFL, NBA, whatever the fuck. it's an impossible dream designed to crush spirits

It wasnt even vaccinations it was because I had an immunodeficiency.

I've spent the last few hours thinking about it and I'd honestly say no. That Is unless I'm guaranteed to meet the same people I have. There's just a few people I met through such convoluted circumstances that I could never repeat who mean so much to me that I couldn't in good concious take the risk

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no i was laughing at the guy who thought you got sick because you got shots

>other people mean anything to him
disregard 3d

>12 years old again
>roughly a year or so after I was abused sexually and my brain got a little fucked over
In some ways I'd really want to go back to being 12 years old, because while i did get hurt, i could still feel good around my family and friends and still feel confident about my physical appearance and feel attractive for a time because certain girls gave me nice compliments over my looks

If I don't keep any knowledge, no. It would suck just as bad and I'd repeat the same shit.

Why not both? I already did well in school back then, plus I have more maturity in how I play so I can impress coaches and teams.

In his defense i did get sick a lot from the shots in the beginning because i am allergic to the medicine they started me out on, but its not like he ever could have known that so hes still retarded.

I would go back only to get all those years back so I could re-live my life with the self-understanding I have now.

I would gladly take it all again. ahh to be together with friends and family just one more time

i don't know. my childhood was kinda shitty. but i'd get back the years i've wasted as a neet.

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No, because life was fucking me over even back then

however, I would be okay with that if I got perfect childhood instead

Fuck, I used to get bullied a lot when I was 12

>be forced to live with Mom again
You fucking insane?

Hahaha no, I would prefer not to go back to a time when I was smothered by an overprotective mother and tormented by an emotionally abusive father. My mum just died a few days ago from her alcoholism and my dad is sad and alone. Fuck those cunts, feels good man.

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The ideal thing to do would probably be to study programming or some other shit while living life on easy mode in school.
But I probably wouldn't do that, I'd just live and be just as lazy as I was then, if not more.

I'd go back, not to make great changes (other than to stop being a fat ass), but do subtle ones that won't really change who I am or what I've done, just to make it a little better. Also the early 2000s were such a nice time, I miss the simplicity.