Woman straight up admits to being a gold nigger

>woman straight up admits to being a gold nigger
>i dindu nothing tho lol?

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Other urls found in this thread:


and a second part too

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This is a good story neat. I've read it a thousand times at this point.
I don't believe most reddit things but this is possible. I don't expect it happened. Besides the real thing that matters is the reaction.

This bitch has to be tortured everyday for the rest of her life, she probably has such a disgusting roast. Fucking dumb whore. I hope she cuts herself

I kinda understand the situation if the women wanted a family and stuff, but why the fuck didn't she just talk to him about it lmao.

>i dated him for 10 months when he was penniless, proof im not a golddigger
>originally broke up with him for being poor

Yep, stacy npcs are literally more autistic than autistic people. Literally zero self awareness whatsoever, just instincts driven in securing a wealthy breeding partner.

>bawwwww I want him back because I know he has money now waaaaaaaaaah

Fucking awful bitch, I hope she dies in a car fire.
The average roastie is too dumb to actually try and talk things out, she expects the world to cater to her, just like she expected this guy to cater to her and generally be a goddamn money tree for her to pluck leaves from.

Oh yeah there was also this final part to it.

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They sound incompatible, she is just blinded by the money right now. Even if he told her about it he would have continued being a cheap ass- she would have been doomed to a life of free dates, pre-drinking and netflix binging if she stayed with him. Sounds like he had no work ethic either, no ambition to invest or build a life with her, probably wasn't that into her and just saw her as a for-now-gf. I feel for her, it sucks feeling like the only one that wants to go out and do stuff especially when you are the only one willing to spend money and your bf complains about it every fucking time when you just want to go to a goddamned movie for once instead of watching The Office on repeat.

This shit is why I prefer 2D. Fucking retard whore ass roastie bitch. She requires an african necklase asap.

So transparently fake

Lmao her post has negative karma what apiece of shit.

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guess what you cuck


He was working, running websites and doing session guitaring. His friend said he gets huge checks every few months that are fuckhuge, he probably -is- investing and saving it up to do what he wants later in life while he fucks about in his 20s and 30s. Who said he's not investing it in something? Letting it sit and build interest while living frugally is fine too. The dude is probably a millionaire. And they did do stuff, it's right there in the frist paragraph. Just because he didn't want to spend money on 'fancy dinners' ie: fifty dollar a plate meals at some new-age faggot place isn't a bad thing. Shit is a waste of money for a few bites of food so she could brag to her friends about where they went and how much he spends on her. Face it, she saw her friends being 'successful' by getting married, having kids, and buying houses/property or whatever and got super jealous and felt her bio-clock starting to tick-tock.

mega cuck. this is really old reddit and was verified

>women literally cannot comprehend the concept of saving money
How the fuck does she think he's gonna stay rich if she's spending all the money?

>I feel for her
yeah same
this is why you should only date successful smart girls. dating poor girls is how you get a gold digger

since she wasn't successful, he hid everything from her in fear of being mined

Yeah, I'm probably just projecting my couch-bum-cheapass-ex on this guy, I mostly skimmed it. The reason I felt reluctant to call the OP woman is a gold digger is that she broke up with him before she even knew about the money- she just thought he was a cheap loser going nowhere. Giving it a reread you seem to be partially right, she seemed to get hyperfocused on the lives/status of her friends and seemed more butthurt about how their relationship was percieved than a lack of experiences. Nothing wrong with living frugally.. if you want to

Oh shit, I didn't know there was a second part to this. Please tell me she got BTFO in the comments

i actually feel good for that guy. he dodged a bullet. if he married to this roastie npc, the roastie would divorce for some shitty reason and take half of his wealth

She did I think, I remember someone saying that her post got negative karma, like it was on minus a thousand and something. I really don't know for sure anymore though, some mod just went on a complete rampage, removed her post's rating and then delete pretty much every single comment to her post.