
Hangover Sunday edition

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>It sounds evil because of your prejudice, the name is just a name
PAKI seething

I feel so cold. Sat with a blanket around me

57 minutes until this game finishes downloading now

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Where do you even buy those razors you cut with? I've never seen them sold before

>ban list

The ban list does not show a comprehensive list of all bans - only a selection at any given time. BritNormie definitely has access to data and site controls that only an ass licking moderator would. Let's face it the lad's never reached a position of power in his life - so he fulfils this requirement by moderating the saddest parts of the internet.

>Ill all weekend
>Got too much to do at work monday/ tuesday to take sick days

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Wishing for your death lad! X

do like a spot o bruce desu lads.

says the man who claims to have both a large net worth and "scamming bennies" at the same time

I noticed you skunked away when I brought that up.

going to go to the charity shops
hope i find something nice

Who here carries a knife? Post em.

Dont forget names and addresses also lads!

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am i gay if i wear skinny jeans?

Massive bender

Dad who I barely see shouted at me today, mad at me for having "anxiety" which I never said I had. He says you felt sick all the time at school, you felt sick at college, you feel sick whenever you have to do anything, you're just pathetic. Maybe if you hadn't beaten me as a kid I'd be a bit more mentally strong.

Yes you colossal faggot

stoopid polis man dunt efen no lor

me too lad, have a good rummage.

How many days of work do you have this week?

laptop just blue screened of death lads...all seems well now but that's a little concerning.

>see really nice trainers for a decent price
>last one in stock
>accidentally click off the page before payment
>your basket is empty.jpg
>these items are out of stock
i dont know if someone else bought them or they have been reserved because i put an order through earlier

My personal katana, noncebane, is fully legal under the law as it was a gift from the Japanese Emperor himself for services rendered to the eradication of the nonce menace

Nah lad its fine

thanks for da normie update fren

>How many days of work do you have this week?

I've taken the week off mate.

Just saw in the paper some lad is killing nonces with a samurai sword. Proper mental lads aha

wait a bit, online shops usually remove an item from stock when it's added to basket. had the same issue when ordering online didnt work so i phoned up to order and it said out of stock because the item was still in the basket online

wishing for your comfort lass! X

>still making excuses
Yer dad's right, you are fucking pathetic.

Everyone here is pathetic that's the point, but we're trying to better ourselves.

You mean there's no work. An autistic civil engineer is only needed to check off a box, you do no actual work. The other day you posted a picture of some offices, you didn't build them. You stood around doing nothing and being autistic.

What town best personifies NORF FC?

I know it's not norf but i live in Stoke and most of the people are exactly like that

>It sounds evil because of your prejudice, the name is just a name

barad-dur sounds evil cause of your prejudice against sauron

st helens
just a grim nowhere overshadowed by places like wigan that are still just as shit

is it possible to turn your life around lads?

im 25 but honestly it feels like it's just over for me

If you're consistently making excuses then you're not trying to better yourself.

How come some people can't bear to be a neet for more than a few weeks but others can go 10 years comfy and care free?

>You mean there's no work.

I turn work down mate.

>An autistic civil engineer is only needed to check off a box

I can't recall checking boxes in my entire career mate.

>you do no actual work.

I set line and level, survey grounds / structures and compile professional CAD drawings - unfortunately that means work.

>The other day you posted a picture of some offices, you didn't build them. You stood around doing nothing and being autistic.

No man gets paid 300 daily Elizabeth's to merely stand around - can you imagine that being tolerated? Secondly I've had jobs where there's little to do other than stand around and it's boring as fuck.

What's up with everybody being ill/sick lately?

That was me last year, throughout summer I had a near consant cold. My immune system must have rebuilt itself since then as I haven't been sick since February.

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identity thing i reckon me. Some people base their identity around their job so they feel lost with out one.

>I can't recall checking boxes in my entire career mate.
please make sure you tick the one that says 'do not resuscitate' in case you have a life threatening injury

Wrong, but who would come to you for advice? I'd bet money you're way older than me and have achieved even less.

tfw live in shitty Midlands city

wigan is full of retards

if it's birmingham do you wanna be my bf

Just bought a bichon frise. Gayest looking dog around. Can't wait to wall him about.

Isn't the sacked engineer from wigan?

Walk him about, not bashing him into walls, honest

>waddles towards you


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>tfw even the little things in lotr bring a tear to my eye


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Is it gay behaviour to exchange jackets with a girl? She wears male jackets

mm fried bacon

It's not bham. It's not even nottingham

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No lad, work turns you down. Your name is sacked civil engineer user, you were fired for being so autistic. A civil engineer is ticking off a box for the company. Your job is to set up a tripod and make sure its level, walk around the site and have a look, and print out drawings. You've just admitted that you do in fact get paid to stand around doing nothing.

depends entirely on you lad

It's less about identity, more about purpose. What purpose does a NEET have to keep going, no wonder they're all depressed and miserable. Not 'comfy'

Yes, those are her ex boyfriend's jackets.

I'm 22 and haven't achieved much. But I don't blame my parents/teachers/friends for anything, all my shorcomings are either genetic or my own fuck ups

Sexual or Physical lad? My parents were abusive as well, you have to cut them completely off as soon as you can.

No its her jackets
when we meet up we switch jackets for the night
Is that gay

>the literalest physical representation of a man baby

Going back to uni in a couple of weeks for my third try doing my second year. Got told I've run out of second chances, so got to pass it this time.

looks like his whole face has been stung by a wasp

alright Coventry lad

God speed user. I hope you get it right this time round. I know uni is hard and it kills the soul.

imagine needing more than 1 try
there's a guy i went to high school with in the year above me who failed his 1st year of sixth form, so then we were in the same year

we go to uni and he does a foundation year first, so now im 2 years ahead of him. No doubt he fails his 3rd year now and i've heard he wants to do a master's so good luck to him, he's gonna be so far behind

I knew a girl at uni that had repeated her second year 5 times, she was like 28.

Uni's wont kick you out now, they will just keep taking the money and pretend to care.

Well if you know 100% that the jacket is not her ex boyfriend's then no it's not gay. Unless you are a female (female) then it's a bit gay.

My uni has a rule that when you start a course, you have to complete it in six years, otherwise they kick you out.

>failing at something 5 times
absolute dishonour

>third try doing my second year

Perhaps academia isn't for you laddie.

Not him but Coventry is such a grim shithole

If SCEA can get a degree, anyone can.

Tbh she was a massive roastie, had rich parents who didn't give a toss about her. She was doing some meme art history degree as well, she just pratted around in London half the time or was trying to keep up with the cool young freshers.

I remember seeing her a few years ago and she looked dreadful.

it's a vibrant and cultural shit hole lad

my mate got kicked out of uni because he failed his first year, resat it and then failed again so tried to jump shit to another course and they fobbed him off

How sad is it to try and interact with students in younger years as a older student?

Derby:( kill me

>my area was called the black country because of industrial shit
>now its just full of blacks and browns

I got a first as well lad. Imagine that?

Very, I remember I was introduced to her in my first year and she kept on going on what had happened or if I knew X or Y etc.

Someone then said those people had left 4 years ago, she always used to try and sing old drinking songs and had uni sports or social club clothing with 2005-2006 on.

It was cringe worthy, felt sorry for her really.

hey you must be pretty close to birmingham then, do you wanna be my bf?

One day Ebin will make new friends at his trucking job and stop coming here

Should I go back to College and uni lads? I'm 27. Been sitting on 22k/year since I was 25 now, just started working straight after school. Would rather be on at least 30k

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what did you get sacked for? blocked post goddammit

off to the gymmy gym lads

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How do i leave the uk?

Life is too fast, lads. Remember too slow down. Simple as.

have fun lad dont work too hard

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i'm not gay so only if you're a biological female

people often say something like
>yow dow sound yowm frum round ere
but it seems pronouncing words properly counts as posh

pic related

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by having enough money to move to another country

Please dont let the yanks see this lad

Is engineering a good job for being able to move country and get new job there?

>how do I leave the UK
Just hop on a plane you stupid wally poofta.

purpose is an identity though lad, because having purpose makes you feel worthy. depends on the neet, my next door neighbor has been neet his entire life and he spends his time playing football, playing guitar and doing stuff with his wife. the lads are all fucked because they are shut in neets.

probably tbqh lod
where would you want to go?

Didn't get on with my manager. They also didn't pay me enough so I gave then the appropriate quality and quantity of work that was reflective of my remuneration.

a rough translation is
>if you are saft enough to come down here while going home, your tea will be spoiled

You should swallow the appropriate quality and quantity of pills that would cause you to die