>average people are freely enjoying their sex lives
>some are even able to please their deepest fantasies with no shame
>you can't even get a single girl to kiss you
How does that make you feel?
>average people are freely enjoying their sex lives
>some are even able to please their deepest fantasies with no shame
>you can't even get a single girl to kiss you
How does that make you feel?
like a losing dream I create but can't control
I wish I was able to freely enjoy my deepest fantasies with no shame but I have to hide it because it's really gay and dangerous. But if I ever stop giving a fuck I'll be sure to indulge fully.
Oh yeah sucks not being able to attract women I guess.
that's enough r9k for the day
the guys did, see how their bodies lean
is all they have is sex. no way someone with all those pleasures is going to be productive in their lives or binge watch anime and absorb interesting philosophies about life and the universe. they remain simple minded like rabbits fucking each others brains out until old age. die simple minded.
I stopped trying long ago. I don't give a shit about romance or sex anymore.
It makes me feel like you're projecting, my friend.
no thanks
Are you seriously trying to feel superior to people who have casual sex because you binge watch anime and browse the internet for long periods of time?
I mean it feels ok, because at this point I don't want to touch any woman, seeing as she'll have taken dick a lot. The way normies casually talk about sex like they aren't really disgusting is very off putting. I once had a oneitis, and after she mentioned she'd had cum on her face at one point, I never wanted to look at her again.
If you're a virgin into adulthood your options are to have used goods or remain alone and the choice is easy for me.
why was my post deleted I wonder
>facebook meme
More or less this. But brother, most males in this world feel that same tiredness
yes. that is exactly what i mean
>sits back on chair
i am better than all those bitches. primitive desires are triggered by the lizard brain. having my appendage massaged will never be the center of my life. i don't care what the lizard part of my brain tells me.
they don't actually have fantasies. what they consider "fantasies" is them desperately trying to fit in, mimicking real fetishists.
so they're basically NPCs
shut your fucking mouth already, this is just like every mgtow and incel piece of pseudoscience there ever was. you'll forget the meme in literal days, so why not speed up the process and annoy me less
>she mentioned she'd had cum on her face
don't act like you haven't masturbated while thinking about her with your cum on her face, you're just trying to cope user, it's alright
not him, but I didn't and cum is disgusting
>i am better than all those bitches. primitive desires are triggered by the lizard brain. having my appendage massaged will never be the center of my life. i don't care what the lizard part of my brain tells me.
I don't really care about sex, but I am sad I'll never have a family.
What you don't understand, since you've been locked away watching animu, is that real life teaches people even more than anime and the internet teach. These normies fucking like "simple minded rabbits" are largely made up of well-rounded people. They're probably gopd at their job, maybe great at it. They have friends. The friends respect them. They have stories to tell while you have a list of anime series that changed your life. And do you know the worst part user? A lot of them are even good at sex from all the practice they get.
Based, redpilled, truly original
Good thing showers exist you goddamn sperg
Modern women are disgusting.
Many if not most of those ''liberated'' people are depressed.
no shit. do you smear each other with piss or shit too just because showers exist?
Shit is gross, piss is fine. I've never used it in a sexual context but you can't get sick from it so yolo I'll piss on some poor girl if it's what she wants. I answered your riddle, now you answer mine: if you accidentally get shit on your hand do you actually think your hand is gross forever? Or in any way diminished?
I can't even jerk off to fantasies.
I agree with the guy, the thought of a cum covered woman completely puts me off the same way thinking of her taking a shit does. It's not just the cum it's everything though. I don't know how people have sex knowing the girl has had probably a long history of dick in the same hole and hands touching her. The whole thing just grosses me out to the extreme.
>if you accidentally get shit on your hand do you actually think your hand is gross forever? Or in any way diminished?
no, but I don't fantasize about getting shit on some girl's face just like the thought of seeing my cum there completely turns me off
My pee-pee is bigger than theirs...
cum on face is fucking disgusting.
I'd like to think even a neet virgin like me can be useful. though i'm not sure how.
Someone getting that much sex probably has a decent social life to boot, and by extension is probably fairly successful from people skills. Sitting on your ass watching anime in no way makes you superior to them.
btw anime contains no "interesting philosophies", it's all autistic jap garbage
>these curtains
Remember, amerifatts: this is how you can detect Slavs by photos.
Are you serious or trolling?
>the choice is easy for me.
Sounds like sour grapes. You have no choice.
I dunno maybe you're just a low T little beta, shit is shit and cum is cum I love spreading my seed all over a woman
>mass produced Japanese television turned me into the next Socrates!
>no really you guys!
I think this is insecurity desu. My first girlfriend fucked another guy before me and at first it bothered me but eventually I got gud enough that she had no reason to be thinking of other dicks and other hands, so it didn't matter. And past the first one, if you're not a virgin you can't expect her to be.
> And past the first one, if you're not a virgin you can't expect her to be.
This! I want to marry a virgin as a virgin. I've rejected many bitches who wanted sex right after we met and I'll continue to do so.
Pretty bad. I know what having a gf means and how it changes you. I am tense at all times, depressed, unmotivated, lack energy and I could go on for days, counting all the disadventages having no one brings.
I'm 27 and I've never so much as touched another girl.
I wanna fucking die. I wanna fucking kill myself. It hurts so fucking much. Never experiencing the closeness and intimacy of sex. Meanwhile your average woman in my age has literally experienced it all, the hormone fueled sex in her teens, the wild sex with experienced men that are very good in bed, the love making.
I have nothing. nothing. and I never will.
Fuck life.
What's originally stopping you from experiencing this part of life? As the incels say "fatcel=volcel"
My brain.
I wanna make it clear that I'm not the incel type that hates women. I blame solely myself for this, it is my fault.
incels don't hate women.
Some of them sure do
You can probably still scoop yourself up if you try man, 27 sounds old now buy it will sound young when you're 40. Second best time to plant a tree is today and all that.
Either way do you at least have other things that make you happy?
my sex drive is quickly disappearing, roasties are losing their power
I know how this guy feels. Consciousness was not a gift, but a curse.
>threesome with two guys
degenerate as fuck
>normies are having sex
>people have kinks and get to experiment
>robots never kiss anyone
>I don't have a husky
Life goes on.
Don't give him false hope. There's a reason why the 25+ (and 30+) threads start at 25.
>I'm not the incel type that hates women
Are you like me? Subconsciously I could never just hate women as a whole but there is a phenomenon that occurs which is interesting.
While I dont hate women, whenever I see an attractive woman, the immediate almost instant thought is, "fucking slut". It was confusing at first because I don't hate women. Years later I realized it was a coping mechanism. Seeing a woman that I'm attracted to is painful, for obvious reasons. My brain focuses this snap anger at the object of my desire, because if I had to think "I'm a fucking loser" whenever I saw a woman my fucking head would melt.
Worst part is that I'm suoer respectful of women and the majority of women I interact with find me, at worst, think I'm kinda a loser
>actually getting baited by this
reddit is over there my friend
feels bad. there's guys on Jow Forums bragging about cheating on gf's and having sex pet relationships. i honestly wish a plague would wipe out most men and then we could go back to caveman times
Apathy, I don't care about that sort of thing anymore.
>Worst part is that I'm suoer respectful of women and the majority of women I interact with find me, at worst, think I'm kinda a loser
women are perceptive thanks to thousands of years of being murdered/raped by men. they can pick up on your odd feelings towards them
You're shaming the normalfaggot scum, hypocrite! You want what the normies have? All that says is that you are just as shallow and vapid as the lot of society. You want promiscuous sex? You degenerate. You want to go to social clubs and bars? You pleb. You want to be a fake and gay asshole, always putting on an act, always looking over your shoulder, hoping and striving for the acceptance of the other profligates around you? Normies and their relationships are as natural as Styrofoam. It is all meaningless hogwash. In these times you better stick to your anime and vidya. Make some money too. Get out and go to reddit if you desire easy sex and being a cuck. How many times do I have to tell you niggers? women don't have hearts, they do not have feelings. Women Will never care about (you). They will always backstab you. They will ALWAYS leave you for chad. It is nothing but pain, shame, and heartbreak with females. You'll get there someday, I hope. You will see how worthless and useless women are.
let us avoid reddit bait, make a conversation out of this
>Worst part is that I'm suoer respectful of women and the majority of women I interact with find me, at worst, think I'm kinda a loser
Yeah they think I'm a loser also. I try keep it simple to avoid drama. I can tell though that with each passing day they are getting more evil on me. They get frustrated with my robot behavior and think it is intentional, now they seek revenge on me. They take a long time to accept my order and also a long time to give me my food. It is not fair and I can't fix the situation. A coincidence though. They are not owed a conversation when I make an order, but they treat it like I do owe them a conversation or an explanation. If we flip the genders, nobody thinks women owe me a conversation if I take their order. The world is filled with hypocrisy.
I'd still hate the idea. But I never got into dating culture etc. and I don't want it to be normalized for me.
We always have a choice, user.
>btw anime contains no "interesting philosophies", it's all autistic jap garbage
watch better anime
>another girl
Lmao dyke. Nice meme sexuality.
Can you please not ruin that guy's feelings? He is a virgin and he is commenting on this thread on Jow Forums. Give this guy a break!
I phrased that weirdly, english is not my native language. I am a guy.
27 sounds and is old. I'm a broken animal, I'm not going to recover from this and suddenly fall into becoming a functional guy, it's over.
Lately I have started doing this a little bit and scares me. I'm growing actually bitter and I don't hate women and never have, but this self hatred and being constantly reminded of everything I'll never have is starting to break me.
I don't know how I'm supposed to come to terms with the life I've thrown away. If I ever meet a woman, I could never really blame her for finding sex with me boring, because she's already done all the exciting shit and no longer cares, but it'll eat me up inside and I'll get jealous because she got to experience something I never will.
I wish I had the courage to kill myself. Fuck this life honestly.
Do you have a hobby?
And dude you shouldn't feel bad about hating women. Plenty of men do. Personally I fucking despise them and I'd wipe them out with a push of a button if I could.
But yeah don't beat yourself up so much. You should be feeling about not improving yourself, if you haven't. Focus on your self development, it's much more important than any axe wound ever will be.
>blah blah you want the same thing
of course I do, better have lots of sex and feel a bit depressed about it sometimes than die virgin
>Personally I fucking despise them and I'd wipe them out with a push of a button if I could.
>Do you have a hobby?
No, I'm too depressed.
>And dude you shouldn't feel bad about hating women
Well, it's your prerogative to be that way. But I don't want to become that person. It is after all my own fault I ended up in this position.
I already feel inadequate and have no self-esteem, imagine if I met a woman? I would feel so worthless I would ruin things immediately. It's over, everything is over. I have no friends either, zero.
It's going to be a lonely and isolated life.
>in reality the hot chicks are having 100 anxiety attacks a week and on script pills AND drink on the weekends and are terrified to go out at night
could be true. i have never seen a hot girl out at night.
>A lot of them are even good at sex from all the practice they get
>tfw had sex twice some years ago and seemed to be naturally pretty good at making girls have a good time physically
>mfw jokes on me it is very unlikely that I'll have sex again
Not bad honestly, I can pleasure myself. It's not the same but it's enough altough I want sex just to experience it
>imagine if I met a woman?
I've wondered this myself, on the off chance you meet someone but you're so hideously socially retarded you fuck it up anyway.
>found a somewhat feminine boy that shares the same interests as me and only lives ~30 minutes away
>fuck him semi regularly
>mfw having sex without having to deal with women
>but you're so hideously socially retarded you fuck it up anyway.
it's a certainty for me. I hate myself so much as it is, I'm so ridiculously self-conscious, if I met a woman and we actually had sex together, I would probably cry and kill myself afterwards because of all the feelings of inadequacies.
I'll never get to feel like a man. it'll be a travesty. I'm gonna rot from the inside knowing that I missed out on everything she got to experience, and I won't hate her for it, I'll just hate myself and feel like I'm not worth her time.
I decided a while back that I don't give a shit about romance anymore. Ever since, I've been happy. Let's get along with the feeling of hopelessness bros. It's great here.
Some people can't help it but feel lonely and all the symptoms of it. I belive most people have it this way.
And most people who say they are "okay alone", aren't really fine.
Wanting to kill myself for being a wagie, and still do.
This. Who the fuck in all honesty wants to be alone?
Fuck this piece of shit life. I have no friends and I'll never have anybody that loves me, that looks me in the eyes and you can just tell that they love you. How the fuck is that a good thing? Fuck this.
You have to experiment things, if it's for good.
It feels like shit but then again i don't try and seek human contact at all so it's not bad enough to make me want to do that
>you can't even get a single girl to kiss you
Only if you'd know...
>Not rejecting them.
This is your problem.
>Who the fuck in all honesty wants to be alone?
People that have actually dealt with horrible people and enjoy the pace of things when its just themselves? Just spit ballin'.
>I have no friends and I'll never have anybody that loves me, that looks me in the eyes and you can just tell that they love you. How the fuck is that a good thing? Fuck this.
Go make that shit happen then nigger. Nobody is stopping you from having this.
Yeah I know. I've been able to completely eliminate sexuality from my perceivable personality. I might mention sex, or share opinions about it, but there is never actually any sexual energy coming from me.
Also I never have those thoughts when interacting with a girl personally. Its only when I see a woman that is a stranger. Actually, I generally enjoy bring around women, I find something about them oddly settling.
>The world is filled with hypocrisy
There is so much truth like this in the world. Truth that if you knew, it would break your tunnel vision of life. Things like these are betrer left unknown, yet I'd still choose them.
Why dont you try to find somewhere to live that you dont have to see women all the time? I dream of a place like that, but for loads of reasons I likely never will.
But that doesn't have to be true for you user, aside from the cold, Alaska seems like a nice place.
>I wish I had the courage to kill myself. Fuck this life honestly
Fuck you seem similar to me. I'm 26 though.
I know that it will never be a problem for me beyond in my head. I have a very high empathy capacity, its one of the reasons I fail so bad with women.
This might not make you feel better, but life never had any real meaning to begin with. Whether you were a lonely loser or a popular winner. Nothing was supposed to turn out in any way. What happens is what's supposed to happen, and it happens simply because it will.
Being alone is cool until you reach old age, your mind and body are no longer usefull and you need help.
That's why I am hoping to die before getting old.
>People that have actually dealt with horrible people
Not him but I'll respond. If there's someone who knew a bunch of terrible people and had horrible experiences with people, it's me.
Bullying, terrible treatement in my youth both from outside my family and from my family, yet I still can't live normally RN, while having
no friends, no gf etc. We are literally constructed this way, to be social creatures. Even the introverts, who I also am.
>He still wants to have sex with 3D women.
>Nobody is stopping you from having this
People like you disgust me. There's no reason for you to give anybody hope other than self-fulfillment.
Why give out hope, which can be smashed to pieces? Hope can be useful, but not in certain hands. Kinda like if you gave a quadrapalegic a hammer.
Don't give hope asshole. While you go on about your merry business some poor schmuck might be grinding himself down to nothing for no reason other than you made him feel like things might be different.
And you made him feel this way without knowing ANYTHING about his life.
Even though this post sounded really SJW-ish, it's still 100% true.
>>you can't even get a single girl to kiss you
sounds like you're just projecting 2bh
>Why dont you try to find somewhere to live that you dont have to see women all the time?
good idea thx user. I will contemplate this when I can move.
I no longer fall in love, I haven't in 8 years.
I no longer watch straight porn because I can't relate to it, I just end up feeling bad
I have no ambition to even try getting a girlfriend because I know it'll never happen
Literally turned prison gay over this, all I watch is solo trap shit, that's the only thing I can get off to without getting depressed.
just sad.
Assume you finally get this hypothetical person that cares about you. Everything is great. Year five rolls around and they've become distant and aren't nearly as affectionate. Eventually, they just break it off and leave you in the dust. Now, you're ready to kill yourself.
>Why give out hope, which can be smashed to pieces? Hope can be useful, but not in certain hands. Kinda like if you gave a quadrapalegic a hammer.
Straw man.
>And you made him feel this way without knowing ANYTHING about his life.
>t. brainlet
I didn't make him feel shit. Only he controls the ability of whether or not someone makes him feel like shit. I'm not out here dealing hope in a vial to faggots like you two. Saying nobody is stopping you is completely different than saying, "You can do it!" I never said he'd be successful or that it would be easy. None of that was even implied. Get off whatever horse you rode in on, faggot.
I'm curious, how's it sound SJW? I fucking hate SJW
stalk their twitters, they all have anxiety problems.
This is the only factual answer.
Just in the sense that it sounded very pretentious. I was merely talking about the tone of it, not the actual message behind it.
>Assume you finally get this hypothetical person that cares about you. Everything is great. Year five rolls around and they've become distant and aren't nearly as affectionate.
Why would it have to happen? Plus I already had a gf, friends, etc. and no longer have them. I'd rather risk losing it all again for having
it all back again. Because when I had these few friends and a gf, my depression was literally cured.
As I said before, I was mistreated by people in my youth so I lack good interactions with people. So I need it even more than your average Joe.