There's only 2 genders!

>There's only 2 genders!
>Your whole body is still male retard
>You're just mentally ill and need help
Why do you keep rehashing these same three fucking excuses when you know you're just wrong?

Here's a cool video to watch if you still believe anything mentioned up there

Disprove anything in that, I dare you

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Other urls found in this thread:

You are a crossdressing gay man.

are you trying to prove that black women are not femine? you're right, they are not

>that thumbnail
No thanks. Some Youtuber making a video doesn't change reality or biology. I feel bad for people with gender dysphoria, but I will be a terf for life

>Literally judging a book by it's cover
Ok so what's reality and biology got to say about it then, if you're so educated on the subject that you don't even need to watch an educational video.
If you're a terf you're at least a bit better than your average transphobe, maybe one day we can be feminists together

It's a no from me dawg

>A video that presents arguments that disagree with me?
That's a no from me dawg
If your beliefs are founded in reality then watching a video shouldn't change them right?

100 monkies, covers exist for a reason, and this is all shitty bait, so don't forget to sage.

Don't try to change people that have already made up their mind it's not worth it.
Go somewhere else.

>that video thumbnail

Attached: yikes2.gif (500x287, 549K)

Can you produce ova? If yes, then you are female
Can you produce sperm? If yes, then you are male
What gametes you produce is your primary sex characteristic, this is what determines your sex. If you produce sperm and you pump yourself full of estrogen, turn your dick inside out or even go so far as writing a retrovirus to replace your Y chromosome with an X. You will still be biologically male, same goes if you produce ova. But you will use every mental gymnastic to ignore this reality, just stop trying to poison the minds of vulnerable people to satiate your unfulfilled desires

>guy shaves his beard, straightens his hair and combs it over, and puts on makeup
Wow that really changed my perception of gender and sexuality thanks user holy fuck

Don't bump the thread, underages.

>being a feminist at all

And you're not using "every mental gymnastic" to get to that reality?
Are you aware that sex and gender are
Damn it's almost like it's not hard to present as either gender and her dick has nothing to do with it but whatever
This time for sitting idly by has far passed, if you want progress to be made you have to at least put in effort to change a few minds.

Yo pro-tip, try to widen the media you consume, it does wonders.
Even if you don't agree with it, hearing their points presented should give you better ground to build arguments on! If you just stay subscribed to the same few anti sjw skeptic fence sitting cucks then you'll never progress politically.

The same people will tell you that gender or sex are not determined by such trivial generalizations of gender pushed on as "social constructs", as you said:
short hair, make up, etc, but they will use those social constructs to "change" a man to a woman and vice versa. Literally BMI higher than IQ cases.

we get it, OP. your real message is that nigger women are dumb, manly, ugly gorilla bitches

Without watching the video, prove that gender exists and give a definition of it.

>Are you aware that sex and gender are
They are not, if they differ, then the problem is with someone's chemistry in the brain and instead of messing it up by pushing it further,
cutting dick and balls, etc. they should get treated with hormones that their physical sex should produce. PERIOD.
Also in most languages you don't have separate terms for "gender" and "sex" even. The separation of these terms came very late.

So what do gender and sex mean to you then?
Again the video in the first post will explain it all, or I can do it for you

I dont recycle the opinions of e-celebs
just because you do, you shouldnt assume everyone else does

>there's not only two genders
This is only possible if you use the post mordernist and Marxist definition f the word whichever is so broad there is no reason to have it applied in any legal framework. It's literally as arbitrary as a constellation identity and even that has something to do with the day you are born. Gender used to mean sex until it was altered in feminist writings. Now it just means personality.
Fun Fact: With the new meaning of gender something like gender fluidity would be classified as DID.
>our body is female now
Maybe someday but not yet. You lack wombs and reproductive organs and the best you can do at this point is take HRT and tear of your penis
>we're not mentally ill
Yes you are. Just because it has been removed from WHOs guidelines doesn't change its symptoms. Without the scientific advancements of today transgender people are essentially schizophrenics who believe they are something they simply can't be. Without these extreme surgeries and extreme care taken to maintain their illusion of reality they are extremely likely to kill themselves. Even with that they have some of the highest suicide rates out there. Tell me how this isn't a disorder.

>Again the video in the first post will explain it all, or I can do it for you

Ok first I'll start by saying this, there's literally no reason to not watch the video, if you don't like her explanation, point it out, prove her wrong, it's not hard.
Anyway the subject is very complicated, that's why watching the first 6 minutes will get you up to speed.
You want proof? How about actually watching/reading the things I provide as proof.

>Damn it's almost like it's not hard to present as either gender and her dick has nothing to do with it but whatever
Yeah it's easy to present as a woman when you cover all of your masculine features with makeup. It's also pretty easy to present as a demon when you're covering yourself with paint.

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>there's not only two genders
>This is only possible if you use the post >mordernist and Marxist definition
this is why definitions are important, all words are social constructs they mean nothing until we put meaning to them, as such we have to agree on what these words mean or we end up talking about different things while using the same words

>>being a feminist at all
This gave me the impression that you probably only watch people like Sargon, bearing, etc.
Am I wrong?

>Jow Forums: the left hates to debate they would rather sit in their safe spaces
>also Jow Forums: I refuse to watch this youtube video because I already know I'm right

Can you teach me to reassign my chromosomes? These goddamn transphobes keep telling me i'm a dude but they don't understand i'm a woman just because i feel like one

You are wrong.
I just dont see any reason for being a feminist in todays world, unless you live in the middle east where women still need rights.

>doesn't read any of the responses in the thread
Sasuga leftist san

>anyone who doesn't believe there are more than 2 genders is from Jow Forums

>They are not
Watch the video. Disprove her.
>Also in most languages you don't have separate terms for "gender" and "sex" even. The separation of these terms came very late.
What languages are you talking about?
Oh and here's a bunch of cultures that lived without our Western gender roles

>look at these pseudo religious systems that believe in spirits they say it's true so it must be
Stop being retarded user.

We cant disprove her and she cannot disprove us
we are working on 2 different definitions of what gender is, we're essentially talking about different concepts and trying to say no im right/you're wrong

for example I would still gender a tom boy as a girl, despite her actively acting more masculine than feminine

You're also bumping the thread, underagefag
inbf >you're bumping it too
I don't care about this shitty thread so I don't care if I bump it

>posts on Jow Forums
>an anime imageboard
>started by a crossdresser who wanted to be the little girl
>where a lgbt board exists
>where niche porn like traps has always been accepted and normal

>This isn't re**it

Words change over time, this isn't new.
300 years ago black meant slave, now what does it mean? Did alt left progressivism work to change the meaning or did we get more accepting as a country.
Fun Fact: watch the video, it's educational

Are wombs and vaginas the only things that make women female? How often do you see your co-workers womb and vagina, but you're sure she's a girl.

>Just because doctors redacted bad studies and replaced them with credible ones doesn't mean they're right! Back in the 1960's when it was legal to beat the shit out of trans people in public they classified you as mentally ill so that's what you are!

Watch the video.
So you obviously don't consume any even remotely feminist media.
What are some big topics right now in modern feminism?

I dont consume feminist or anti feminist media, I have more important things to do.

can you tell me a valid reason for feminism in 2018, when women already have all the same legal rights as men?

Well if you make an appeal to our culture, but refuse to accept that our culture was invented and that others exist, you're the retard.
Nothing is biologically a "man" or a "woman" these are things that we invented ourself.
Yes I agree, you can't come to a reasonable conclusion when you have different definitions for the same word.
However, there is only 1 recognized definition for that word, and she's the one following it. She also works very hard to illustrate everything for you to make it easy to learn.

Oh wow he straightened his hair and shaved I guess he's a woman now just forget his anatomy and genes

>Ask people to counter my arguments
>I already know what you would say and literally every single "argument" sodomoites
>and those who promote it were already destroyed.
>Provides no arguments

Cool bait, won't work on me ;)

Negative, homeboy.

Ever heard of separate but equal?
Same "legal" rights doesn't mean anything when we live in a capitalist system controlled by biggots.
There is still rampant sexual assault that goes by daily not even recognized as sexual assault because of how conditioned we are to it.
What do you think about #metoo?

Aww shucks see you next time
Yeah go back to Jow Forums fascists

So what makes her different from any other woman?

Don't you get it bigot? If you think you are a woman then you are one!
Therefore if i believe i am a japanese cat then i am a japanese cat!
And if i think i am a doctor therefore i am one!

Fuck Darwin

ok, i'll indulge you. I'll assume there are more than two genders. how do you define what can become a new gender? Or are there no rules? Can i create one called idk "ihateniggers"? (before you try to say it is insulting, some people are insulted by trans people "making fun of their culture") If not, why? I identify with it. Not trying to be edgy or provoking, just trying to understand how it works? what are the rules? before you say "watch the video" I did, and it was not mentioned

>we live in a capitalist system
You're not anti capitalism are you?

sexism these days seems to be a problem of individuals and not of group dynamics
>not even recognized as sexual assault
why isnt it? what do you define sexual assault as that is different from what the law defines it as

#metoo is both positive and negative, due to human nature
some people lie, men and women do it
I think going to the police is much more helpful than just writing about it on twitter but I recognise rape is very hard to prove even when it actually happened.

I suppose it depends how one would answer this question
Would you let 10 criminals go free, if it meant that 1 innocent wasnt procecuted? or would you procecute 1 innocent to make sure 10 guilty people where also caught?

>fapping to atrocities
>pushing the same atrocities as norm

Pick one and only one.

>Ask people to counter my arguments
Where the fuck did I state that I want people to counter my arguments? I already know my arguments (of a normal person) aren't counterable.

Nice slippery slope bud try again later.
How about you try actually watching the video, or are you too scared that you know you're wrong Cx
It's ok I accept all questions.
There's one small problem with your post tho, trans or other NB people don't just change their gender when they want to, in most cases they've lived most of their life identifing as their preferred gender on the inside, just having to repress it daily because of their circumstances. It may look to you like they just change their gender when they come out, but they are merely correcting their outward appearance, and sometimes personality to fit who they've always wanted to be.
All NB people are saying is that they don't feel right being labeled as a "man" or a "woman"
She has another video on genderfluidity that would do a better job explaining than me, as I've never identified as NB and mostly specialize in roasting transphobes.

>trans or other NB people don't just change their gender when they want to, in most cases they've lived most of their life identifing as their preferred gender on the inside
i understand that, but if i say that i feel like something completely new, never seen before how can you know if i'm trolling or real? and from a practical satnpoint, you have to have a finite amount of genders. How do you decide if my gender is real or not? What are the rules for all that?

what I was trying to say is that if i define my gender as "ihateniggers" people will say i'm just an awful degenerate trying to insult someone. It's because they never felt the way I have and can't comprehend what an "ihateniggers" would feel like so they assume it's just my attemt to provoke. (do you see how similar that is to the way some binary people percieve NB people). you can't really check that

"She" is a man, has a man's body, looks like a man, has a penis, he doesn't have a uterus, has male bone structure, has a Y chromosome, shit like that.

I wouldn't say I'm anti capitalism, as literally no one is arguing to go full communist. I am merely able to point out the flaws that our system has so deeply ingrained, no system is perfect and each country requires it own balance based on thousands of factors.

What we need to look at is corruption built into a system. It's important everyone has the same definitions and boundaries, but some people don't, usually the most powerful figures in an office setting.
There are literally thousands of cases of sexual harrasment recorded and reported merely to be ignored.

People can lie, but more often than not that isn't the case. The problem is that some celebrities literally think that they can do whatever the fuck they want, therefore don't see very destructive behavior for what it is.

Also you can prosecute as many innocent people as you want, if they're innocent a judge should be able to see that.

I asked people to counter my arguments, you responded with, "IM SO GOOD AT ARGUING THAT NO ONE CAN DISPROVE ME BUT I WONT PRESENT ANYTHING HERE" Then argue lmao.
Trans people are people.
Your westernized concept of gender isn't the only one, and it's actually a very toxic one.
Being a "man" or a "woman" has little to do with your chromosomes and sex organs.

fuck off SJW filth

Most NB genders are expansions on what we already have, not a complete fabrication.
Like I said this video explains it better than I can

We're merely suggesting that gender isn't as binary as you think it is

She was born male yes. This means she has a penis and a Y chromosome.
Women with Y chromosomes
Men with uteruses
Men with two x chromosomes
+Hundreds of other intersex variations
Looks like genitals and chromosomes really don't decide as much as you think they do.

>Bone structure meme


see ex blox

What are you talking about dumb racist?

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I have watched the video, but it doesn't really answer my question. The point is, if i'm non-binary it means i'm not man, or a woman. but there's a question what am i? Who gets to decide that? if it's me then my gender is "nigger" (since after all a nigger is just a social construct, meaning of a word can change). If it's not me, then who? Why can someone label me, but not a trans person? because they identify with a modern traditional gender? my only point is that there's a pragmatic problem involved in gender issue.

>Have a dick
>Have a male skeleton
>Get fake tits
>Get a face surgery to look more "feminine"
>Your chromosomes are still XY
>You can't menstruate
>You can't get pregnant
>You don't even have ovaries
>Still claim you're a woman

Are trannies genuinely retarded or are they playing dumb?

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Nothing is pragmatic about your post.
I shouldn't need to tell you why creating something an naming it nigger is a bad thing.
You get to decide your gender, and NB people have a few broad terms that cover pretty much anything you want to be, like if you actually watch and comprehend the video where she talks about that.

>B-But Buzzfeed told me gender is not realz!1


Attached: differences_between_male_and_female_skeleton.jpg (700x817, 148K)

trannies are so fucking gross. also i like how you posted that bootlip in OP as a passing example when he looks like a dude even from the thumbnail

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Many women don't menstruate properly, can't get pregnant, and sometimes are born without, or have to get their ovaries removed for medical reasons.
Do these women stop being women in your eyes?

Also tits grown on HRT are the same as the grown naturally, as the estrogenic puberty is what causes this.

Gender dysphoria as any bodily dysphoria is a mentall illness.

>You get to decide your gender, and NB people have a few broad terms that cover pretty much anything you want to be
pretty much anything that anyone experienced until now. how can you know for certain that i feel like any of the existing genders? see, you can't. if you just say: use one of the existing ones, you're doing exactly what some binary people do to non-binary people. Can't you see that this is a problem from a practical point of view?
>I shouldn't need to tell you why creating something an naming it nigger is a bad thing.
you're missing the point, it was a hyperbole.

The year is 2018. The neo-liberal front has taken over urban centers and university campuses. The things they punp out to our streets, these "transgendered" are a sad mockery of the people they used to be. Science is receding in the wake of The Progressive Agenda, they didnt believe me at first but then they took the chromosomes. They made all truth subjective, except what they believed in. They made tolerance paramount, except the only thing they tolerated was those aligned to the furthering of The Progressive Agenda.

Theres fire in the streets of all western civilization, and itll consume us all if we let it. Some of us will fight, try and take back the authority of science and truth. The rest of us will just try to survive...

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Humans are sexually dimorphic.
Humans also vary drastically.
I'm sure there are plenty of women out there that are taller than you, have a higher bone density, maybe even a deeper voice.
Hell there's women out there with clits bigger than your micropenis.
Just as there are more feminine men.
Our sexuality is much better represented with a double bell curve like pic related

Attached: usmenandwomenheight.png (1022x599, 77K)

Gender dysphoria is the mental strain you feel when your gender doesn't align with your birth sex, it's classified as a mental illness the same way depression is, I guess we should round up everyone on SSRIs and put them in a loony bin

Some women can't get pregnant because they are sterile, trannies can't get pregnant because their body is not designed to get pregnant
You can remove your ovaries but you had them at first instance
And your chromosomes are still XX

Stop attempting to use retarded arguments to back up your retarded beliefs you fuckwit

are the "feet" in question same for men and women? because women have smaller feet, they probably are higher that that graph if you consider it a percentage of their feet!

All of your points have been covered in this thread already, watch the video in the first post, or read.
I'm not rehashing the same posts over and over again for every mouth breather that stumbles in here screaming the shit they just heard Ben Shapiro say

>Link video to a tranny talk about gender

The god of credibility everybody

Where have I heard the music playing before the intro in that video?

I don't have to know what you feel like, that's what you tell me. And for you to know what you feel like, you have to live your life.
Does thinking if growing up into a masculine body scare you, does your facial hair coming in make you feel sad for some reason, do you really not identify well with male role models society sets for you?
Things like that are how trans people come to the conclusion that they are trans

As opposed to a cis person with no experience talking about it?
The video has multiple cited sources for every claim it makes, how biased are you that this is made irrelevant by the fact that she is transgender?

It's in the description
"Lighter than air" by Wontolla

Because it's like listening to a pedophile talk about the age of consent you fucking dumbass, he will not be impartial, he will cherry pick different sources to support his degenerate claims, you have to be mentally retarded to believe someone like that has a certain degree of credibility

No, that's the intro song. I mean the one that plays for a few seconds before the intro.

you sure can miss a point. I KNOW THAT! The point is "what if i feel in a way no other people ever have? What if i can't identify with any existing genders. but am sure i have one?" What then? A new gender?

I suppose you're against black people talking on black issues right?
Leave everything to us cis white males guys were the only people capable of explaining anything
Oh sorry no idea good luck

Sure give a definition of something not covered in the terms already available.
Arguing extreme anecdotal outliers gets you nowhere.

I feel extremely uncomfortable in this skin i was born into. I feel like I can identify with machines more than with people. I feel like society is pressuring me to take up all these roles humans usually have. I feel suffocated in clothes. I think I was supposed to be a car. I hate peeing and prefer to take out the excess pee with a syringe like you would oil out of a car. That is cause i feel weird and unnatural while pee exits my body. I believe that's both a "woman" and a "man" thing since i don't want the male genitalia, but don't feel like something should go out of me. I feel like the amount of fluids in my body should not leak, but be mechanically removed. I feel like roles usually attributed to cars fit me best. I feel like driving is a big part of my gender identity. You see i like machinery, tipically a male thing, but i feel like i should always be at disposal of a family and serve which i see as my woman attribute. In other gender questions i don't really asociate with them since i'm a car so fucken respect my decision!

I'm like 90% sure I work with the nigger in OP. Retarded piece of shit who makes all of our employees and customers uncomfortable, especially with the super fake high pitched voice.