How to identify an NPC

How to identify an NPC
>Overly interested in politics
>Don't understand the concept of NPC
>Believe in a god past the point of 'just in case for good luck'
>Browses Reddit and Social media like:
I estimate at least 60% of the population is an NPC and they are getting more advanced and into the conversation as we speak, they are practically AI that use algorithms to fit in with non-NPCs.

Attached: NPC.GOv.jpg (259x194, 6K)

Boy, do I have the quest for you user!

All you have to do is leave this board and never come back, easy enough right big boy? Got a 50 silver reward as well!

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this is your brain on determinism and nihilism

That sounds like a good deal, I'd take it if I were you OP

No it's your brain when you're an edgy Discord kid who wants to try and cause a mass shooting by convincing robots they're the only real people in a simulation and that """NPCs""" don't feel pain

>Overly interested in politics
>Believe in a god past the point of 'just in case for good luck'
You're such a mindless faggot, it hurts even "processing" it. If you're not spiritual or legitimately religious or politically invested, there's no reason to assume that you're better than any plant.

Are you an NPC like us?

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thinks npc=normalfag

I really don't understand what's happening now.

I don't think normies are capable of handling internet irony and just started smearing shit all over the walls.

>isn't really passionate about his job or hate it to death and is just working to "pay the bills/put food on the table"
>doesn't have any creative hobbies and spends his free time watching Netflix
>loves his family not because they're decent people but because "they're muh family"
>only topics for small talk are the weather or "the big game"
>will dismiss philosophy or higher level math/science as nonsense inapplicable to his daily life

>If you're not spiritual or legitimately religious or politically invested, there's no reason to assume that you're better than any plant.
lmao, imagine unironically thinking like this. Maybe you really are an NPC after all

>lmao, imagine unironically thinking like this.

humans are political creatures. if you have no interest in the representation of your specific values and needs, you're voluntarily enabling the establishment to enslave you.

You're only an NPC if your political and religious beliefs are shit like this:

>God has to be real. The universe just didn't create itself.
>God can't be real because there's no proof.
>Who cares whether God is real or not. You should just live your life.
>I'm in this religion because I was raised to be in this religion.
>I'm in this political party because I was raised to be in this political party.
>I vote liberal because they believe in giving everyone an equal opportunity, ending unfair wealth disparity, and freedom.
>I vote conservative because they believe in strong traditional morals, fiscal responsibility, and freedom.
>Politics just divides everyone. Why can't we all just get along?

Most NPCs will end up being normalfags because the game demands so many of them in the area. Being a normalfag doesn't make you an NPC however.

NPC = Non-player Character

Robots are the opppsite of players. You are all NPCs. Except for Chad.

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>basic human intelligence, think about food and think about sex

>superior intelligence capable of developing mutliverse by simply thinking

Then do it. Develope your own multiverse that does not require you to post here.

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How to identify a retard
>Thinks anyone who is politically inclined is 'overly interested in politics'
>Feels smug when sane people don't understand his autistic vision of him being some sort of intellectually superior and anyone below him being an NPC
>Edgy atheist
>Browses Reddit, Twitter, Facebook and Snapchat but won't admit it on an anonymous Mongolian basket-weaving forum

It already exists. It always had.

Attached: [gg]_Zan_Sayonara_Zetsubou_sensei_-_12_[DB11D40F].mkv_snapshot_02.56_[2013.11.14_21.04.01].jpg (848x480, 47K)

>Overly interested in politics
top fucking kek, alrighty then

you probably believe in karma too, kys

dude lmao, what about souls HEHEHE

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THIS user understands what an npc is

yeah you probably have a soul because you dont have a personality that exists in your brain, or cant think for yourself

>you probably have a soul because you dont have a personality that exists in your brain
Your brain doesn't exist either, user

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>doesnt makes an argument
>thinks he fucked me up big time with ""muh brainlet wojak lmao XDD""
your post is useless

>Namecalling repeated and defeated
>Oh but muh argument!!!!!!!!!
>Look here, ehm...
Your opinions aren't arguments

you namecalled me too?
just look at your posts

Yeah, they don't suck like yours.

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>its a godless libfag heathen tries to shame White people into becoming cucks episode

that 30 year old conservative boomer who believes in god

Attached: 0cc.jpg (633x640, 47K)

Clearly the "real" people are the consummate consumers who spend all day on image boards, playing video games, watching anime, masturbating, regurgitating memes, and eating pre-packaged and fast food stuck in a routine day after day year after year never really changing themselves or their ways. Those fucking NPCs with their engaging and dynamic social lives amirite?

>that unironic libtard newfaggot

Attached: NPC_Wojak.jpg (670x725, 53K)

>that unironic boomer who uses memes and political views to insult others

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>perception: -1

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it was probably the jews am i rite?

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anyone who isn't an edgy athiest?
>inb4 muh npc

>da joos should stop brainwashing young white girls!!!
>yes i watch blacked, but only because i love the contrast! i hate niggers and joos!!!

opinion discarded

and also if you are not an atheist you are an npc but you dont need to be edgy

>yes i watch blacked
You really like strawmanning? Seems a bit far fetched.

>no argument required
>two seconds of critical thinking suffice

Attached: Typical_Atheist.jpg (600x480, 54K)

This meme is step 4 on the dehumanization process. They want us to think of ourselves as robots/programs.

>his believe is based on a meme that mocks atheists

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also this meme is basically you

Attached: 11111469.jpg (267x200, 24K)

>tfw player characters are being controlled by players
>they are bragging about their consciousness even though it's just the players
>tfw NPCs are the only ones with free will

>believe the world is a simulation with players
>don't believe in gods

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>has scripted dialogue
>runs on a loop, does the same thing every day
>if you follow them they drive in circles
>suspiciously has no aspirations to do anything

>not believing in God
npc detected. Atheism is literally NPC the belief

You fail to realize your own strawmanning, which is why you fail to understand the fedora meme.

>doesnt understands the meaning of npc
>posts brainlet wojak
how ironic

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just look at this christcucks

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>another namecalling /b/tard drone

Attached: Screen_Shot_20180909_at_11.44.38.png (443x335, 173K)

It's the beginning of Skynet

Skynet also means Hive

They operate like a hive

>u disagree with me so are Christ lover lolol
>NPC is actually a super scientific term that I found from that study on 30 people on

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i thought you were and the second line is correct it means that

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I thought you were a faggot too. I was proven right.

Needing others to program your values is a sign of being an NPC. You are not sentient.

fuck off faggot suck daddys dick

Attached: Squidward_Meme_-_Nobody_Cares.png (800x600, 350K)

When did Jow Forums become so creatively bankrupt? Why does every fucking meme have to use Pepe or Wojak? I recognize this site less and less every day

>Squidward meme

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i was too lazy, to search in my reactions folder, pls dont shoot me internet police

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It established traditions while throwing away necessary habits like saging, calling faggots and newfags out, giving the source and denying that there is a "we"

You've already been identified

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How to identify an NPC
>post about identifying npc on /r9k
>actual NPC bc user never leaves the house, actually therefore user is not an NPC for user fails to exist in our realm.

Fact-OP is just a bug in the beta version

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