Anyone else here really loves this game? I can finally get outcast friends, go on exciting anime adventures with them, look at group chats without having constant anxiety all the time, date cute 2D girls, etc. It's heaven.
Anyone else here really loves this game? I can finally get outcast friends, go on exciting anime adventures with them...
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Futaba was the worst part of the game.
Futaba was best girl. But Ann and Haru were also nice.
I bet you like Makoto.
I like every other girl. Favourite is Haru.
Why do you dislike Futaba?
I don't like her personality and how entitled she seems. Also dislike her clothing choice.
I never really got an entitled from her personality. And you dont like her clothes, but Makotos biker dyke/prude outfits are okay?
Her clothes look dirty. Like a slutty British chick. Futaba is demanding very demanding. It's meant in a cute way but I didn't like it at all.
Maybe. But she clearly is not a slut. Of all the girls except maybe Haru, she is the biggest virgin. Being demanding is also okay as long as the girl returns some affection. As long as she is not a tsundere.
That's like your opinion.
But really I just don't think that way. She is too demanding in any sense.
Makoto and Hifumi are my favorites. But I don't dislike Futaba, I think she's cute too.
Does it have any actual qualities beyond pandering waifushit? Not coming off as very impressive going by the posts so far.
the combat is repetitive as fuck, the dialogue is repetitive as fuck, the level design sucks dick, and the controls suck dick. soundtrack is good though
>tfw no monitor, no video game console and no money to buy either
I'd really like to play persona and nier
The only vidya I have experience with is pokemon
this character was the worst part of the game, i forgot his faggot ass name though
Sounds like the plot of 4
The OST is jive tier:
I don't know what you consider "impressive", I just like it because it makes me happy. I don't mind otaku pandering or chuunishit tho, maybe you won't like it if you have a problem with those.
I mean, you don't need to play it all at once
Yeah, it's similar
That sucks, affording vidya is hard for me too. At least emulators exist, 3 and 4 are also good
>he doesn't realize her annoying little goblin with anxiety personality is literally Jow Forums incarnate
I like P4 better.
guys guys calm down. Takemi is best P5 girl.
i literally bought this game 3 days ago and have and have over 40 hours on it,its amazing
when I bought persona 4 I beat it 4 times in a row. persona is a god tier game series.
I want Tae to spank me and put me in a chastity cage for research purposes
I want her to examine me and take care of my medical needs and test drugs on me and take advantage of me while I'm drugged and I want her to gently dom me in bed.
Hifumi is my wife
Makoto > Takemi > Haru > Everyone else > Ann
That is all
It's honestly so addicting. What Dungeon are you playing atm? Did you already decide who you're going to date or are you a disgusting cheater?
>Ann below Ohya
>Not liking the dirty, alcoholic journalist ass
Her social link was good too.
but she sounds like yukiko.
Bullied bimbo > drunk slut
Please don't
I can't not. Persona is one of the only good dubs, and I'm not watching the shit anime just to here the jap dub.
Makoto is shit taste. Every girl is better than her.
>Christmas cake, dresses like she's 14
>Flirty alcoholic slut
What's not to love?
Unlike P3 and P4 this one actually has a jap option
Imagine having taste this bad, absolutely unbelievable.
Yeah I don't know how anyone could have taste so bad they think Makoto is an acceptable waifu
well I'm definitely not replaying the game in nihongo. Not after getting used to english.
w-why is she so angry while showing me her panties?
Come on, user, Hifumi and her are good friends
Yeah, I get you. I tried the eng dub for NG+ but it felt really weird and wrong after 100+ hours of hearing them with different voices
Regardless she is one of the worst written characters in the game and actively makes it less enjoyable.
Played the Eng dub for a couple of hours before I realised the Jap dub was available.
Eng dub was fucking bad
Nah, Makoto a cutie
>red eyes
>teal-silver hair
the only part of the entire english dub of persona that I dislike is labrys using a jersey accent to emulate Kansai.
>Mislabelling the goddess Sae
Sae's hair isn't tealish-silver. It's unsaturated brown
Will she ever be happy?
literally who-
cute robutt with sad backstory. Needs protection.
I wish the P4 spinoffs weren't shitty fighting games
what about pq and pq 2: the return of non-canon-chan?
What about p4 dancing all night and p3/p5 dancing electric boogaloo
Never played them, but they look like something that could make my peepee hard. Gotta try them sometime
Fite me, faggits.
they are all pretty high tier and pretty close together and the ranking is reliant on taste. but tartarus ain't fun and neither are strega. Does have the best wrap-up though if we ignore the answer. I prefer p4 and how it focuses on the party members. Also adachi is fun. we just need to ignore marie.
Persona 3 is best It's more psychologically complex.
Persona 4 is also better than 5.
Chie is an absolute and utter shit
Chie = best girl
w-who do I believe?
Me, of course! The other user is telling lies.
neither. chie isn't the best but she isn't the worst. Naoto is best, rise is worst.
>rise is worst
What did you say about my slut wife buddy boy
You can get a used PS3 for pennies, homebrew it (easier than ever now since recently ALL slim models are able to be homebrewed, I think the newer superslim ones too), pirate all the games you want, and plug it in any TV with an HDMI port. Might cost you what in total? $100?
She's the worst because she's a slut. if she wasn't a slut she would be high tier because of her v.a. But she's more of a slut than the devil nurse.
Oook i see some slut wars over here.
But can we all agree that Yusuke is the best boy?
Pic semi-related
Yosuke is better. Shinjiro is best.
based goroposter
Gayboy best boy
Wasn't he just afraid of women or something?
no he's clearly at least bi and definitely confused. But he ain't getting Naoto.
>he's clearly at least bi
I don't know, user, that seems a little like a headcanon
>but he ain't getting Naoto
Damn right, that faggot is not getting anywhere near Naoto