Is this natural archievable?

Is this natural archievable?

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NO, anavar required.

Hell the fuck no. This bitch is roiding hard.

Has anyone here ever dated/fucked one of these girls?

Are they all sex crazed monsters?
I want a wholesome wheyfu

Her bf is some shlubby Oly lifter. It fills me with fucking rage.

I'm assuming she has the groin strength to literally rip my dick off

That's nice
He can have her when she's on heavy amounts of gear.
I'll be the well toned high endurance horse cocked side dick that fucks her retarded and raw when she goes full thicc instagram thot and lowers her anavar dosage.

>Implying I don't want a vascular, sex crazed roid gf to snap my dick off while grinding her enlarged clit against my soft body. All before she crushes my trachea.

trips confirm it
wheyfus have dick ripping groin strength

Prolly more than just anavar.

All of that just makes me want to either back away slowly or overpower her, put my hand around her throat and stare into her red crying eyes while I gently but thourougly rape her to put her in her place and cum in her spasming milking chanel to leave my mark on her.

>my fantasy includes another man’s sloppy seconds

Well she has at most an average face...

Yes, this is totally achievable without anavar. Some people on here have no idea what they are talking about

Every woman who's not a full on virgin who's never even been in the same room as an erect dick is sloppy seconds user.

I just want to fuck her brains out on the side when she's hot. Not be the guy she falls for or I her.

her abs, butt and legs are great, face is ok, but the chest and shoulder kinda kill it a bit. would still tap it to lick that belly and fuck that ass, though.

More like three or four different compounds.

Hey I don’t give a shit what you do user, if you want to drink another man’s cum from her pussy, go right ahead, I certainly don’t have the right to tell you otherwise!

Do you think that every time you get shit on your hands it never comes off?

jeezuz fuck, now going into scat?

>I am fighting you hard about my cuckold fantasy

Dude I don’t know what all the fuck you’re into, I’m just saying you do you!

no, do I care? no.

if she was like posting shit claiming she was natty it'd piss me off a bit though

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HHHNNNGGGG, those fucking hips

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>Are they all sex crazed monsters?

He cute