So, long story short, sister (11) wanted to play with my phone, I let her, but suddenly she went to gallery and saw all my recent downloaded files (most of them from here btw) and there was some loli images in there, sheeeee immediately told me about it and kind of laugh it off, she was all giggles and told me that she won't tell anybody, we always were real close, playing together vidya and what not, even did some slumber parties together, I'm really worried how this might taint our relationship but she don't seem to really mind and even asked me to play together and all like some minutes afterwards
Sister found my loli porn
99 % sure this is bait but it'll still answer on the off chance it isn't.
STOP. You need to distance yourself immediately before you do something that will fuck up your life forever.
Stop larping and get a job, David
he knows. he is a faggot.
If it's not bait, either she's too young to really understand what the pictures are in a genuinely sexual context (she just thinks you have "naughty pictures" that will get you in trouble if she tells, so she won't), or she's learned in sex ed at school that fapping to porn is normal. Just leave the matter alone, she'll forget in time. I suggest that you not try to fuck your 11 year old sister since even if you get away with it you'll probably mess her up for life.
What is the point of the thread?
>I suggest that you not try to fuck your 11 year old sister since even if you get away with it you'll probably mess her up for life.
This. Waiting until marriage is not a meme, look at the statistics.
user what exactly did she see, how explicit were they?
>I suggest that you not try to fuck your 11 year old sister
If she wants to what's the harm? at least it's with someone who actually loves her.
>t. retarded PC
thats why most of us have the common sense to get caught jerking off to a variety of normal and fetish stuff so it wont be awkward when people find the loli
learn to think ahead
11 is too young especially when Op implied age is 18+
Probably the first one, she already had sex ed tho
Like pic related, I have no nudes in my phone
I'm not trying to molest my sister btw
Thanks anons, I know I can always get good advice around here, I asked her again about the topic and she said she didn't care and didn't feel weird or anything
Taking your point seriously, the problem is that while she may or may not be up for it now, in time she will come to the realisation that her older brother, someone who she should have been able to trust and look to for protection, basically manipulated her for sex. The brother could have had the purest possible motives, but the sense of betrayal is pretty much inevitable. This affects all her future relationships with men, because she'll be convinced that all of them, no matter how much they profess their kindness and love, are simply after her for sex.
this is your brain on ancap
>taking your point seriously
Oh user
>manipulated her for sex
Even though pedophilia is a dangerous trait, this phrase alone is complete bs unless he actually manipulated her.
Just don't bring it up again. There's no need to, although if you do ever get a girlfriend (no comment on the likelihood of this) it might be a good way to show her what a healthy and loving relationship is like. If she ever brings up the topic of porn give her the big brother talk about healthy relationships, healthy porn usage (no it's not like the real thing, no you shouldn't feel obligated to do everything that you seen in porn), etc.
If she's 11 it won't feel like manipulation, but as she gets older it's quite likely that she will see it that way. I'm not disputing the possibility of an adult man having a loving and stable relationship with his 11 year old sister, I'm just saying that it often goes wrong and the reasons why.
>but as she gets older it's quite likely that she will see it that way
Yeah she'll twist the memories and make him look bad for personal gains or even the sake of pure drama.
Literally cannot refute this.
I can imagine your name is most definitely Dave and this is bait. On the off chance this is genuine then you are fucking stupid for now keeping it on a flashdrive. i have over 5GB of Loli and pics of girls from my college on a flashdrive and there is a 0.000% chance of anybody finding it or finding the files since i have added passwords upon passwords and encrypted them.
Stay safe or gtfo
what an ugly fucking flashdrive kill yourself holy shit
humanity has failed
>downloads drawings of buttraped kildren
you're asking for it, bud
To get to a point where we need to argue for what is natural? I agree. But do not despair, we are not beyond saving. Join the fight for what is right user.
>act like it never happened, don't talk about it, don't bring it up, if she does, change the subject or say they were viewed by accident
>delete all your loli shit before she talks and someone finds out, ruining you reputation with your family and maybe others forever.
>11yos more attractive than 29yos
You know what most 29yos look like
There's literally nothing wrong with loli catgirls.
>learning that masturbation is healthy
if this is in america that's not a thing
A combination of xenophobia and feminism has caused this cognitive dissonance. Its clear to anyone with eyes and an honest heart what is beautiful and what is not. What is healthy, and what is causing pain across the globe. Accept freedom of expression and what is natural in this world or watch the pain continue.
>white 29yos
that should explain it
>browsing Jow Forums on your phone
>downloading loli porn on your phone
holy fucking cancer batman
get the fuck out and never come back redditshit phoneposter
As long as you dont have any intentions of doing anything with her I would just pretend that it didnt happen.
Any other mention of it would just make things more awkward.
Sounds like she wants you to fuck her pure loli pussy
Wow, this board has really gone to shit, hasn't it?
I'm not master of data analytic but I read the abstract and I think that the sample size was too small (80 people) and using verge terms like "normal men" to describe the people who participated in the study was iffy. Lastly, some of the people even admitted to having experienced arousal from underage girls which makes me think that these people weren't even normal in the first place. Anyway, I might be wrong but these are some of the questions that arised just after reading the abstract.
>arousal from underage girls
>not normal
What are you on?
If you get turned on by a 11-14 year old, that's not normal my guy.
Your sister is an NPC, she obviously has no thoughts otherwise she would have told everyone.
Of course it is, my dude. Of course no one would admit it because everyone goes nuts if you say you're attracted to anyone under 18.
It's probably just as it seems; she doesn't care. Don't let this get to your head and let it rest.
Because someone arbitrarily set underage to be under 18? 14 is the age of consent of some european countries.
Just don't fuck her and you'll probably be fine dude.
>letting anyone, let alone a little girl, play with your phone
this was your first mistake
11 is pretty old to find that innocent still - anyways your real worry is if she doesn't see it as a big issue and tells someone.
I guess but it's more of a criticism of the study. Why At you say might be true but I would like a bigger sample size before we start making any assumptions. Also, I believe that most people are hebes since I remember school teachers trying to get a look at girls breasts in school.
I'm more into 16-21 year olds myself.
I'm 20btw
if shes smart then she knows the situation shes in
Being at least somewhat attracted to 11-14 is normal if they're experiencing / have experienced puberty.
>because why pepo in yuroop do it, it good.
Also, there's a difference between something that is legal and something that is socially acceptable. Something can be legal but not socially acceptable. For example it's legal for a 40 year old man to have sex with a 16 year old girl but it's not socially acceptable. This is the same trick muzzies try to use to justify their pedo prophet's behaviour.
WOOAH settle down cowboy
That OKCupid study that came up a month or so back showed that men were most interested in 18-year-olds, but since the lowest age was 18 it's not unreasonable to suggest that the real maximum is between 14 and 17, with the taper-off encompassing girls as young as 11.
Attracted in the sense that you can see beauty. But if you wanna fuck them, you gotta chill my guy.
Wanting to fuck throws in societal factors and whatnot. I think "capable of getting turned on by" is a good enough measure, since it implies that in a dire enough situation you could fuck to rebuild the population or whatever.
He's right you know. I bet you don't even have a sister to love.
Bro.. you better hope she forgets. Imagine a few years down the line, when she is aware of what loli porn is and is weary of pedophilic tendencies. If by the time she has made such realisations, she remembers this, you are fucked. At best your relations will grow distant. At worst, your family will know and you will be fucked.
faggotry is acceptable according to your society so we can conclude it's not a good measure for anything.
but seriously i see where youre coming from but i feel like its fine as long u dont go through with anything. theyre literally prime since they just about finished puberty. youd be insane to not be attracted to the physical body taking away age and such
Either kill yourself or your sister OP. No other option
>implying 11 year olds don't have gfs and bfs nowadays
I don't think faggotry is quite socially acceptable yet, it's getting there but not yet. Is Is still a bit of force that is being used in order to push this on people. Most people would be pretty disappointed if they found out their son was gay but they act all tolerant when it's someone else.
16 and up is ok. Maybe even 15 and even that's pushing it.
yeah I've always heard that it fucks up their life forever. but how? if I had sex at 11 and wanted it I wouldn't mind. are girl's minds different? the only way I could see myself feeling bad is if everyone's telling me I got molested and that it's a bad thing.
So why 16? What makes it such a special number?
Theres a difference between an adolescent and a toddler though.
>it fucks up their life forever
>if everyone's telling me I got molested and that it's a bad thing
Answered your own question.
That's when women start to get their "figure." They big boobs, butts and start getting conscious of sex and their sexual value.
Like some other user mentioned above, it's a matter of trust. The girl will grow up in a society where pedophilia is unacceptable in every way so she will not trust men because she will have been implanted with the idea that men would go beyond any moral and law to get sex. Also, she will probably start losing self confidence considering someone was only attracted to her when she was a child + victim complex. In the off chance that she actually doesn't mind what happened she will probably turn into a massive slut because she will think sex is above everything, even the law. So, she will be mentally unable to remain faithful.
tl;dr too many ways to fuck her up
Who the fuck is talking about toddlers?
>That's when women start to get their "figure."
Right, sure. Have you actually been outside recently?
This. Attraction has nothing to do with numbers. It's about form. You like boobs and butt. Girl has developed boobs and butt. You like girl. The numbers have been arbitrarily assigned in order to protect girls that are physically but not mentally developed and to filter out actual pedos who are attracted to to actual childish looking children.
"Grown up" women are just children in adult bodies. They don't need to grow up considering how society treats them.
Yes, pic related is danielle bregoli and malu. Both underage instagram stars who have bodies to breed!!!!
I am sorry you are surrounded by retarded women. Have hope, user, there are actual functioning member of society that belong to the female gender.
>actual functioning member of society that belong to the female gender
They're 1 in a billion. You most likely won't meet any in your life.
Assuming you are not socially retarded. you either live in a shithole or you have no irl social interactions with women and believe what you read about them online. I have met several without being a super social person who meets people on a daily basis. Don't fall for the memes.
the number of moralfags on this site in recent months disgusts me.
Kill yourself you disgusting paedo.
fuck off you cunt bitch!
Earth is a shithole
>preschool swimsuit
imagine the smell user!
atm it's just your strange porn, soon she's going to have an actual opinion on pedos and loli and will hate you.
>soon she's going to have an actual opinion on pedos and loli and will hate you.
says the fag...
>2D loli
>not pizza masterrace
time to leave thread I guess, pizzafag will spam his shit
Chlorine and shame.
>being this much of a faggot
Wew lad, kill yourself
we don't need to hear about it just fuck off and shutup
Delete them, and replace them with normal age 2d girls. If she tells you can show the other 2d
yes but I will smell like it for days!
So, I went into /b/ the other day and there was a loli thread. A guy there insisted that he was permabanned for talking about lolis and had to "appeal the ban multiple times". So, did I get baited hard or there really are people absolutely stupid here who can't even change their ips?
I'm very ashamed of myself while we're on that topic. I started nofap september terribly and ended up busting a fat to loli and futa like four seven times now. In fact I've consistently masturbated every day for around a decade now. I need off this ride. I have nothing to do. Help.
mastodump 2
mastodump 3
yes they are, 29yos may as well be 55
saving the fucking thumbnail.
fuck you are retarded new fag.
komustapo mothafucka mierda bitch kuso
oooooOOOOOOHHHHH unoriginal dumperino pastapio miercoles babaganoush