Does this actually work? Can i get a good physique with this?
Does this actually work? Can i get a good physique with this?
>Basic bodyweight and some cardio
Better than sitting on your fat fucking ass.
you'd be aight a lot better with more calisthenics
only works without using ac
you're on a fast track to fucking up your joints and what not if you do this crap every goddamn day
but what if eat healthy + cold shower
How is any of that going to fuck up your joints?
10km run every fucking day? Enjoy your splintered leg bones.
>sit ups
Gay ab work imo. Would sooner do planks or twists. Also
>no chins or pull ups
Enjoy shit posture.
100 bw squats for a novice will fuck his knees. 10km of running per day, which he won't be able to do but will probably force himself to finish for the memes, will absolutely annihilate his shins
Guess with a damn good diet a year!, three years!!
With perfect form and proper supplements you'd be fine.
10 km run every day will fuck your knees. Should be every other day once you've worked up to it.
yeah if only every novice would have a perfect form and go ass to grass while using their muscles-groups properly to avoid taxing their knees too much. Sadly this literally never happens. And with the running form won't help shit, you will fuck up your legs if you start that fucking hard no matter what supplements you take or how cold your showers are
No, the joke is that the routine is fucking piss easy for anyone mildly in shape.
Is there a non retard version of this routine someone w/o a gym memebeeship could do to get in shape?
>10km run every day
>and an hour's worth of other shit
>no progression: do the same shit every day forever
horrible plan. Enjoy your blown-out knees and imperceptible gains.
couch to 5k; and Convict Conditioning
What about this bodyweights and walking with diet 1550k just for fat loss
Why do I never see any comments about rounded shoulders from doing 100 press ups daily without pulling?
there's your answer
Based and redpilled
Maybe if ankle weights are worn
Yeah, no, who am I kidding...
It's an anime like dragon ball z
I run 10km, do 100 pushups, 100 squats, 10 pull-ups and 10 chin-ups. And I'm a boomer. As long as you build up to it, it's fine. And to answer your question, you shread weight like crazy, and get a lot of functional strength (good for my hobby of boxing). But you don't look very big at all
>being this much of a pussy
Most of you guys don’t actually lift, right?
Not really.
That's like very good shape for basically everyone.
Even doing 100 good real pushups with no bullshit is tough for military recruits.
A simple calisthenics routine that can be done every day and slowly but surely build strength endurance flexibility and a decent looking body is needed.