The Beatles

What are Jow Forums thoughts on The Beatles?

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normies say they're good but haven't listened to any of their albums lol

theyre overrated



pic related their best album

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Overrated faggots, Limp biskit keep rolling was miles ahead of them

george is /ourguy/

Uhhhh sorry sweetie, but THIS is actually their best album

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Literally flawless.
Listening to You Wont See Me right now.

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Pink Floyd is overrated too

>Beats white women
>Yerrow fever
>Hates religion
Was he a proto-incel?

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based and beatpilled

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Nowhere man is good.

Theyre great, my favorite song being Helter Skelter

everything since rubber soul was pure gold, people dont like them because they think its not cool to like popular bands

They were mediocre musicians, but absolutely amazing songwriters that forever changed popular music.

Back before pop music was exclusively product-like in its production, creativity was rewarded and they had it in spades.

None of them were mediocre in the slightest.
Even Ringo. Who gets the most shit for some reason.

Loveable mop tops from Liverpool

I like some of the their songs. Other songs are meh. Basically the songs they made are either Meh or totally amazing. No in between.

Yeah, their first few albums before Rubber Soul were eh cause every fucking song was them singing about how much they love some girl. Rubber Soul and onwards are all pure gold.

Robots are no different than contrarian normalfags, pretty sure the guys you replied to are contrarian normalfags themselves
Anyway, I agree that everything from Rubber Soul and after is amazing, but their earlier stuff has some hidden gems that I still can't listen to properly because their sound makes my head hurt (I'm not overreacting). Hopefully one day I'll be able to listen to their earlier albums without being in pain

they're fantastic. My favorite album of theirs is Revolver

Amazing musicians and my favorite band. It's hip to think they're overrated now.

Favorite album is White Album

I don't know them very well but from what I have listened to they seem alright. The whole hysteria about them being the best band ever makes no sense to me

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I love them, but unlike others I prefer their earlier stuff, and their later stuff. So from 1963-65 and 68-1970. I don't care for their more psychedelic music. So Magical Mystery Tour, Revolver, Rubber Soul and Yellow Submarine are albums I skip. To say "lel overrated" would be stupid.

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I love them - although I'm from Liverpool, so it's just a natural thing.

Bruh yo teeth theyyyyy dumb

>White Album
Unironically patrician and god-tier. I wish I'd been alive just to witness firsthand how all the young boomers reacted to them going from this
to this

I don't like their music very much, and the things their band members did, I find questionable.