Do you have any hobbies?

Do you have any hobbies?
Or do you masturbate and browse this shit all day?

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On-line dominoes (PlayOK or PlayDrift).

I play a mean chess game and I'm really good at halo.

I read History and play those 'Excel spreadsheet' games

my hobby is: too exhausted from work, the 2 flights of stairs, running for the busses, the heat and people's bullshit in general.
compound that by i work graveyard.

i couldn't have a social life even if i wanted one and believe me, i tried.

i guess people like me just exist to serve our overlords and that's it. i certainly will not be reproducing or patenting anything.


>giving up just like that
doomed from the start

>Do you have any hobbies?
Not really, unless you count reading Manga a hobby. Work takes up too much of my time anyway.

>Or do you masturbate and browse this shit all day?
And yes.

if i was doomed from the start wouldn't that mean giving up wouldn't matter? lel

> hobbies
> video games

so no hobbies

I play vidya, and lift weights

i deleted my porn and am doing nofap I cannot endure women this hot fuck fuck fuck fuck tfw no stacie thicc 10/10 sfw board now

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I grow mushrooms but other than that no other hobbies

I'm interested in a lot of stuff, and want to do/start with a lot of stuff.
But crippling social anxiety keeps me inside so I just fap, fuck around on the internet and play games all day.

Hmu wheyfu

I'm a dude faggot


is a faggot

How do I get hobbies and stop masturbating and lurking all day? When I try to do a hobby I just get bored and want to cum again.

Are you canadian by chance? You seem familiar

>Quit fapping
>Realise i'm permanently horny and there are no women here, and i'm too broke for them to be interested

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Same here. I get literally the same amount of enjoyment from browsing Jow Forums and doing shit like playing guitar, drawing or vidya. The latter are way more involved activities too, which means I usually end up just lurking on here

Ladies and gentlemen, THIS is an NPC

do you remember when you started being like this?

>what is your hobby
>say hobby
>that's not a hobby

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mostly gardening. indoor and container stuff that I can keep going year round. soon I'll be able to have some space outside or a greenhouse. picking up sax lessons again next week, that's gonna be great.

gonna be too cold and snowy to hike until next spring soon so there goes that.

i still find time to masturbate like 10 times a day

Microkini Girls

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Im very good with traditional archery. Compound is for no skill normie.

I walk around trails a lot. I play games too. Oh and i like cooking. But even better than cooking is buying fresh made food

Calisthenics, cooking, history, folklore. Don't really like vidya or amines anymore dezu.

>Or do you masturbate and browse this shit all day?
This one it is.
Unless vidya counts, which it doesn't.

Robotics, making cheats for video games.
Also, I volunteer a lot in hope to find friends.

>Music (Actually playing instruments and collecting records)
>Vidya (Mostly retro game collecting and playing private wow servers)
>Reading (Currently reading Oscar Wilde)
>Pro Wrestling (Im not letting normies find out about that shit though)
>Used to watch a shit ton of anime but a lot of newer stuff doesn't interest me

Used to volunteer at a radio station but the boomer that runs it almost fucked me over and I haven't been there in months

It's pretty basic hobbies but I like it

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Just shooting guns and driving cars. Wish I was more interesting. Even the cute autist girls I come across do more shit than I do.

Definitely the latter, tbqh.

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used to play football but i quit
used to lift but i quit
now i just read books and listen to music desu

I just masturbate all day when I'm not working.

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i drink,play vidya,and jerk off to porn.

aren't you that one guy from /wooo/ that posted your fuckdoll with a Kevin Owen's shirt

i also enjoy video games and disappointing my parents.

>pro wrestling
How old are you? I stopped giving a fuck about what people thought of me loving pro wrestling back in 2011 when I was 23. Stop caring what people think of you. I have a few pro wrestling shirts, and more often than not, I get the normiest of normies, the Chadiest or Chads saying "cool shirt", or "i like your shirt", or they give me the Too Sweet if I have an NWO, or BC shirt on. Could they be fucking with me? Sure. But they're is no one with me to embarrass me in front of, and usually no one with them to try and look cool in front of.
I feel like even kids stop liking pro wrestling because society tells them to at a certain age. When in reality, a lot of grown up former wrestling fans probably either miss it, or secretly still keep up with it.

Nah. Wrong guy.

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Playing video games isnt a hobby.

>having time for hobbies
Must be nice

why not tho origilam

nah I still wear rasselin shirts in public (nwo wolfpack t shirt is full on streetwear tier rn), but almost every time someone finds out I like wrestling, they say something like "UHHHH, DONT YOU KNOW WRESTLING IS FAKE?!?!??" and that shit gets annoying. I have some dudes to talk about wrestling with thankfully but it just gets annoying to deal with dumbasses that get mad about someone enjoying something due to petty reasons.

Though it's getting better recently so I might stop being a bitch about it but idk

Not him, but I feel that way about exercising and movie/tv watching. If anyone can just get uo and do it, its not really a hobby. You can't be good at exercising, you cant be good at watching TV, or movies. I suppose you can be good at video games, but there is no pay off or end result.
Playing an instrument, building/creating things, learning things. Those are hobbies.

why does she have the 'nam flashback look on her face?

You're just mindlessly consuming entertainment with no real pay off.

You're the same as those people that think sitting on your ass all day watching television or browsing Jow Forums are hobbies.

Exercise kind of gets a pass since its highly constructive and your working towards a goal although if you stop, you lose everything you worked hard for.

I mean, not everyone has the willpower to become a bodybuilder or even get ripped, so unless you're a memer New Years lifter or something I think it counts.

I masturbate about 5 hours a day
Sleep around 12 hours
play vidya the rest of the time

>video games aren't a hobby
wrong, hobby =/= productive

video games

Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (I train with Gi)
Watching UFC.
Starting to learn some guitar.

inb4 Autism

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video games is a no brainer
I like to shuffle and play with cards alot.
Also tryo to write code once in a while.
Used to study russian but havent done it much lately.

typical NPC

yeah same here, but I must keep fighting

>Or do you masturbate and browse this shit all day?
Pretty much. I also read manga if I'm in the right mood.

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i research topics at levels so extreme i couldn't even talk to non-autists about it

or i shitpost in agony

neither is exercising desu

i lift and i don't like it, i just have to do exercise [well, to not get fat] and it's the most efficient

Learning japanese so i can read more visual novel and light novel.

I collect vinyl, cd's, and cassette tapes (music formats). I smoke cigars. Just passed my CCW class today and in the future looking at getting a gun. Also collect retro video games.

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what kind of topics lad?

mostly just the sciences and history

i tried talking to my old pre-med roomate about certain health topics (in this particular case, fructose and sodium), and he was visibly bored or annoyed by the discussion. well shit nigger

i think i am zinc deficient and ordered some zinc

>Cognitive function and hedonic tone
>Cognitive functions, such as learning and hedonic tone, are impaired with zinc deficiency.[3][24] Moderate and more severe zinc deficiencies are associated with behavioral abnormalities, such as irritability, lethargy, and depression (e.g., involving anhedonia).[25] Zinc supplementation produces a rapid and dramatic improvement in hedonic tone (i.e., general level of happiness or pleasure) under these circumstances.[25] Zinc supplementation has been reported to improve symptoms of ADHD and depression.[3][26][27]

you would get along fine with my grandma

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few people are well versed enough to have a good discussion with, especially in person where you can't google stuff quickly. it would take a person at least a few months of researching to get at a decent level to converse with

certain people enjoy the conversation and rejoice in their enlightenment. other people seem to get angry about it. dietary beliefs for some people are like a religion

Just Animation and art. Though fapping isn't out of the picture

Have sex with that girl having the cigarette!! LOL

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online dominoes, playdrift.
And real life dominoes woth freinds and randoms in the corner of the neighborhood.

comfy childhood.

>If anyone can just get uo and do it, its not really a hobby

Where the fuck did you get this idea from that a hobby has to be some sort of unique, challenging, life-defining activity? The definition of hobby is "an activity done regularly in one's leisure time for pleasure". Nothing about that means that it has to be unique or difficult.

>self defense
>playing guitar
>working out
>browsing this shit hole
>getting depressed
>cutting and hitting myself
>playing CSGO/Stellaris
>procrastinating while masturbating
>stressing over uni

No matter what I do I'll forever be uninteresting. Fuck my life

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also in combination with the other

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When I'm not playing games I usually do various arts and crafts.
Making jewelry is one of my favorite hobbies

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my answers to this important and pressing pair of question are expressed originally in my pic related

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Working on a startup to make it easier for Canadians to buy crypto currency.

It's my full time gig.

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I fucking love stellaris. The best thing is masturbating to the powertrip of exterminating those disgusting xenos vermin.

I play guitar and bass guitar I guess. Been practising different stuff, most recent being Under The Bridge and Golden Boy by Primus.

I have a youtube channel where I build stuff

>It's my full time gig
then it's a job, if it's your primary source of income then it's not a hobby


i wish, i really do

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I'm sorry. I thought OP meant REAL hobbies.

well I count 5 actual hobbies there, but they sound more like status hobbies so you can be cool rather than actual pursuits as you wouldn't really have time to pursue them all

I keep tarantulas

Watchmaking. Also my profession.
I enjoy baking bread. For some reason this is really satisfying.
Drawing and painting.
My cats.

I think that was it.

Started making youtube videos earlier this year. Even if the vids suck, it feels really good to have some sort of creative outlet. Plus I'm finally starting to make stuff that I wouldn't be embarrassed to show people I know irl, so that's nice.

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Mostly videogames and movies.

I am trying to find something to do outside, preferably with physical exercises, I would like to try bicycling, but the terrain here sucks.

What the fuck are you talking about.
Hobby is something you do for a pleasure, happiness or entertainment.
There doesnt have to be any fucking pay off, you being happy or satisfied is the pay off if want to look at it this way.

You're Globvids, aren't you?