Pedophiles are the master race

Pedophiles are the master race.

We all share psychopathic tendencies thanks to society treating us like shit, so, we developed and elevated propensity for communication and generally being slick as fuck.

Also our inability to actually relate to any humans, because you're all pieces of shit, only validates our elevated levels of emotions that channel themselves out into the form of paedophilia. Unlike normies we actually feel shit.

It's your fault for forcing us underground anyways.

Paedophilic supremacy~

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pedos rise up

If this becomes a lowkey loli board, anxious faggots will stay outside

Someone call the county jail, one of the pedos got out again

not actually limited to pedos. libertine supremacy.

For the loliland!

This. It's like anti reddit spray.

One for each and every paedophile, Line up!

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>Lock all our problems away

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>We all share psychopathic tendencies thanks to society treating us like shit
Other way round desu

No no user, in chess the pawns go first. Just fan the flames of the beta uprisings and let them bleed fot our needs.

Do you say things like this to receive validation from your like minded peers? You obsequious sheep.

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hahahaha pedofags think they're wine sipping aristocrats or some shit hahaha like give me a break hahahahahaha that's a fancy way of coping with low iq and social deviancy hahahah wow!

sounds like we got a great idea

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Not really. We're just better than you be sure we aren't full of spooks. It's not hard to grasp: We do what we want and you do what you're told.

You're a normie.

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hm i wonder why peeds love stirner so much. is it because you have to dissociate that hard to cope?? i don't even think you actually understand him but i'll be damned if it doesn't give you a convenient justification for being defective humans hahahahahaha got em

I wonder why normies are so scared of him.

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Ok i just want to post the smuggie and the robot won't let me do it please ignore the text portion of this post

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In reality all the girls you are attracted to are unable yet to breed so your really just killing yourselves off. But pedos will always exist there will always be men to inferior they can't get action any other way

Not all pedos fuck only children, though.

The definition of pedophile is fucking someone before they hit puberty you dumbass

can hebephiles join the pedo uprising? normies and NPCs consider us the same anyways

>The definition of pedophile is fucking someone before they hit puberty you dumbass

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>Using definitions as an authority.

Paedophilia is a psychological phenomena in which individuals display a pathological attraction to prepubescent children. That doesn't that we can't fuck or don't fuck adults; or be attracted to non children.

Some Pedos don't even fuck children.

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Try reading that again. Just because you like one thing does not mean that you don't like anything else. It's not the same kind of sexuality as "gay". Someone who likes a character who happens to be loli usually will still really like her when she's an adult.

This is a weird mistake I see people make, that if someone likes a loli, they dislike everyone else of other ages and feel nothing for them. We're all just people, user, not some shallow machine designed to obsess one little trait.

why are normies so low iq and yet so smug?

>That doesn't that we can't fuck or don't fuck adults
Don't worry, nobody was planning to reproduce with you anyways.

>one day you wake up and realize you will probably be murdered and remembered as one of history's greatest monsters
Now I remember why I stay inside.

heh can always tell how hard someone is trying when their brainlet reaction images become progressively more abstract

It really couldn't be more obvious you're from Reddit

No one knows

Gas them, imo.

I don't go to reddit. Shut the fuck up you sugar addicted zoomer cocksucker!

wonder how it feels to be a real life brainlet

what if they say yes, then what?

>Children don't want to fuck u
Who made you the expert on that?

3 (THREE) loli threads in place of the usual 15 Fembot threads

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psychopaths are far superior to you in almost everyway, you're just obese neckbeards with degenerate fetishes.

More like 5, pretty based if you ask me

Cute lolis give me life.

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