Its Megumin Monday
I will be posting pics of her I like in this thread
Guess what day it is?
Other urls found in this thread:
meguagno 1
megugano 2
shes so cute.
I will try say something nice about her as I post.
well she is mai waifu
She is a good friend and I dont like to lewd her
This one is slightly lewd but please dont be rude to me, she is just really cute here so I posted it.
>State of the male gender in 2018
I found love in Megu.
she makes me feel better when I look at her
I have no feelings of love anymore.
Quality thread.
You need to go back.
Boring cardboard loli shit character. Get some better taste in waifus.
I am still wiating for my dakki cover but when I am watching anime or trying to sleep.
I cuddle my pillow and think of megu.
I like to think she is with me as it makes me feel a bit better.
this is deppresing to read
>I have no feelings of love anymore.
I quit taking my meds so I could feel again.
sounds weird but I really hope I cry tonight.
>Get some better taste in waifus.
You dont get it.
You do not CHOOSE your Waifu you choose each other.
my meds make me feel nothing other then the feeling like im empty
sometimes they make me angry and rageful but im ok with them sometimes
>this is deppresing to read
If only you knew how bad things where
I'll contribute a bit
Not my waifu but she's still lovely
/happening/ soon??
>my meds make me feel nothing other then the feeling like im empty
>sometimes they make me angry and rageful but im ok with them sometimes
I dont see the point, even if they made me feel better I dont deserve to feel better.
I hate feeling numb.
>megumin monday
>its sunday
all robots will an hero one day.
I promise when I do it I will live stream for everyone
>either laugh at me for failing life so hard
>or maybe choose to change their life to not end up like me
OP's Australian you silly billy.
>>its sunday
this is a nice gif, thanks user.
you fuckin cunts you better pretend its sunday or im telling your mom youre posting a loli on Jow Forums
Humanity is overrated, maybe if i kms i will cross over into the 2d world
Also, another one
Megu is really cute here.
I really like her personality I really want more of her in next season.
>maybe if i kms i will cross over into the 2d world
Hey maybe man.
If heaven exists I want to be with mai Waifu.
I dont see how anime heaven is more weird than any other afterlife.
The world is cruel, people are born and they cant fit in because they have autisim or some mental issue.
ot would just be a mean joke if we didnt have something nice happen after we die.
im actually crying and im so happy that I can feel again.
I am not taking antidepressants again.
I am hikikomori loser so even if I did take the meds I would still KMS eventually as it is the logical choice once you cant be comfy.
should i just kms or go out guns blazin
I have a poster similar to this one
dont hurt others user.
Tell me your feels.
who would you hurt if you could?
People, like my dad, my classmates, everyone that has wronged me in my life
The world has enough pain and misery you dont need to add to it.
also what if you cant KYS after you shoot people down?
fuck going to prison
>my dad, my classmates, everyone that has wronged me in my life
dont become like them.
dont show them that they where right to hate you and treat you wrong.
if you want to die do it by yourself dont hurt others please.
I dont want to die though, im terrified if its just nothing when we die also, i have people who love me like my mom, and i dont want to cause her pain, but i don't know.
don't do anything rash
if you wanna get better a good first step would be to just stay away from the computer for a whole day so that your mind isn't occupied, then just tassle with yourself
after like an hour you'll be sick of your depressed thoughts because they don't solve shit and you'll begin to think rationally again
i know it sounds dumb but that's what's getting me back on track
reading or making art and stuff also helps
godspeed user
>Megumin Monday
It's not Monday.
>have people who love me like my mom, and i dont want to cause her pain, but i don't know.
Yeah man IKTF.
I give 0 fucks if my dad is sad fuck him but my mum I dont wnat to hurt her even though she has hurt me.
>tassle with yourself
>after like an hour you'll be sick of your depressed thoughts because they don't solve shit and you'll begin to think rationally again
I feel that for some people it seems like suicide is rational and the only thing stopping us is the harm we will cause a loved one.
but yeah, that guy you replied to shouldnt kill himself.
thanks for being nice poster to him
>It's not Monday.
are yah winning son
so happy im off my meds.
my connection to megu will be strong as ever
yea i felt like that was a thing that might happen, but my recovery didn't include talking to others
just political stuff and reading and tea
Look how cute she is.
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>yea i felt like that was a thing that might happen, but my recovery didn't include talking to others
>just political stuff and reading and tea
Political stuff?
im burnt out on politics man.
I realized that I "have the potential to make the world better" but not as in leading shit
I just got into a party and then realized I'd be better by volunteering and teaching stuff like a smart human being
It really did help my depression lots, and made me do better in school as a result
I know what i can do to make the world better
what gun is that? looks sick
but for right now i just need you to sit down and stretch a little bit
turn on something nostalgic or something motivating
and just do that for a little while
whenever you're done you can go eat or sleep or fap
whatever takes an edge off
but you're going to need to relax and realize that it can and will get better
this might do better on discord or somewhere where we can chat live
hey great megu, saved.
that is nice to hear man, dont give up.
I gave up bro..
Remington 760 gamemaster 308, buddy, and alright we can talk on discord, sefus#2052
sorry 30-06 forgive the slip
Don't give up! There's so much to do and to see.
The world has so much in it that you're gonna love. Do you like astronomy? I have lots of pictures of galaxies and the like that make me feel better and generally inspire me to be better
If you are going to shoot yourself dont fuck up.
stream if you do it[/spoiler
I dont use discord since I had people sperg at me for telling someone to stream their suicide.
sorry dude , we can chat here if you want.
suck my dick you absolute gay people
sexy megu man.
are you sure about that now
i want megu to sit on my balls
pic related omg man, so many keks
can we not talk about her like that?
If I were you, you would ejaculate semen in chi-chi's bellybutton and vagina!!!!!
>megumin accidentally falling ass first on your precious reproductive seeds
>you pop a chub
>she feels and panics, getting up
>looking down at you you can see her black pantsu
>she notices
>she kicks you in the balls
>you moan a little
>she calls you disgusting and runs towards you to stomp on them again, and you can tell she's getting wet
> after a few stomps you push her over and rub your nuts all over her hands and arms
>she grabs them like you expected and squeezes hard
>you get her hands off and take off your pants
>you pull her up and lift her dress up
>you sit her on your lap
>she jumps up and back down again on your seeds
>you cum over her ass
>>she kicks you in the balls
stopped reading here user.
You had to ruin it
listen buddy my fetish is my fetish
i want Megumin tamakeri
Megumin = reddit mascot
go kys OP
>Megumin = Mai Waifu
I love her and hate reddit so fug off.
mega megumin posting
checking if I can be original
megamin megapunches my nuts
megumin with exaggerated lowcut and no cleavage is the best
>megumin with exaggerated lowcut and no cleavage is the best
Just as I like her.
I always like her but she is sexiest when she is the most loli looking
flat a besto
i know you are going away for a while but i just want you to know that we miss you
>i know you are going away for a while but i just want you to know that we miss you
hi megu poster.
No I quit discord I will never leave here until I die.
I hope I dont get V&, if I dont post for a while assume I am locked up. srs
Thanks for nice posting.
flat or a hnadful is nice.
I wouldnt mind if Megu had big boobs though
it's not possible to have a busty megu
I have a pic of her rival and megu switching bust sizes
show that shit
ill look for it in a moment
fuck off child diddler. go back and study.
>go back and study.
study what? I dont leave my home
sorry dude I just looked through like 3000 of my megu pics for you but didnt spot it, im tired.
ill make up a mega for you this week.
just post in one of my threads
ay thanks my man
have this as consolation for your efforts
I didnt have that one you posted thanks man.