The secret to happiness is ______________

The secret to happiness is ______________.

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unlimited anime titties

making everyone blind so we can get laid

to keep moving forward





Surviving past the Singularity, and living to when technology can re-engineer your brain to raise your hedonic set-point.

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confidence , only right answer

beeeeying yourself

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There isn't one.
Either you're happy or you're not.
If you're unhappy you can most likely become happy, including 90% of this board (yes that means YOU), but some can't.
Some just can't live.

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Cumming inside females

it is actually a mindset but it's hard to adopt

>Implying you can't feel ugliness

Good drops in WoW

a gf

pussy, and lots of it

Jesus Christ, the Root of David, the Lion of Judah, Emmanuel, the Lamb, the Good Shepard.

Appreciating the highs, accepting the lows as natural parts of life, and putting stock in the cyclical nature of hapiness and the universe as a whole

Her hands look like they would be soft

Love. The only time I truly was when I had a gf and I felt like she actually loved and accepted me. Life just made sense. Life felt like it was worth living. But then she left... and the emptiness was even worse than it started it. I've never felt so suicidal. If I didn't think about my family I might have gone through with it. I can't imagine what it would do to my mom

Money money money original money

everyone else is jsut wrong

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a girl who will unconditionally love you

Being dumb/deluded/retarded.

Realising that humans don't work like that, no one can ever be just happy, life is a mixture of emotions and no one emotion can ever dominate you forever, there will be ups and downs and if you're ignorant to that fact then you'll be unhappy because you think that you need to change shit to be happy.
Tldr:you can't be just happy, life doesn't work that way.

The secret to happiness is giving up hope entirely. Embrace that life is absolute garbage and will never let up; once you learn to be OK with being unhappy, you'll be happy.
Always expect the absolute worst. That way you won't be shocked or hurt when it happens.

>The secret to happiness is succeeding at life while those that fill you with contempt fail.

I'm but a simple man.

Not being a short guy.

Not doing things that make you hate yourself.

The secret to happiness is blank. Nice try If I told ya it wouldn't be a secret ;)

chronical depression

Anotha shoa

Worldwide liberalism



chronomancy AND depression? is that even legal

loli gfs for everyone

One off quads but still confirmed

being content with your current situation.

anal masturbation


Heroin unironically

Woodstock was 50+ years ago boomcuck

Genetics. The secret to happiness is genetics.

The secret of life is no secret at all
For secrets hold death and lies only build walls

If I knew I wouldn't want to commit suicide every minute of every hour of every day. I wish I could hire a hitman for myself.