Why do you guys try so hard to comform to traditional stereotypes about masculinity...

Why do you guys try so hard to comform to traditional stereotypes about masculinity? Why not just embrace being a softboy? Many girls are into effeminate guys who're more open about their emotions and mental health!

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>try so hard
It would take every fiber of my being to endure being that much of a faggot

I've been embracing the softboy aesthetic but hasn't really worked for me.

I want to punch that cunt straight in the glasses and pull his retarded hair out.

this isn't actually a thing, they're just doing what they think girls like

If I was going to be open about my emothions and mental health, why would I conform to some retarded aesthetic? Wouldn't that just be falling into the same kind of trap, just with a different label and fashion sense attached on top? I'd rather just continue marinating in my room, thank you very much.

>implying those retards in OP pic related are not tryhards and/or mentally challenged

>whats that, john? you want to take hormones and insist that people refer to you as female? of course! be true to yourself!!1
>say again rhonda? youre just as tough as any man with your buzzcut, backwards hat, and gym shorts? well of course you are! grrl power! dont let anyone tell you who you are!
>come again dave? you like physical competition? you dont like the new star wars? what do you mean you dont want to come to the pride parade??!! ugh youre just lying to yourself to conform. oh my god your masculinity is so fragile and toxic.

literally the average user here changes their views and tastes at the flip of a hat so they wont be called a basedboy

>implying I wouldn't wreck each and every soft twinks boipussy before they had a chance to appeal to women

I'm not young enough. Being a softboy has a low shelf life desu.
Already in my late 20's with a receding hairline, so it's too late for me.

i agree. but what does user bashing onions and pretending to hate rick and morty based on bullshit he's read on Jow Forums have to do with OPs post?

i don't do either i'm just trying to be an ordinary unremarkable guy

i would like to bludgeon those who look like this

People on Jow Forums try really hard to repress any feminine qualities they possess and become dumb caricature of what they consider traditionally masculine. Thing is the majority of them don't successfully pull it off and just end up looking more retarded than they were as girlybois

yummy yummy twinks... come to daddy

You can not be jacked and conform to softboy
Plus I like chicks like pic related and they honestly tend to prefer bear dudes.

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I'm older than you but still kinda soft. UwU

Yes, effeminate guys who are at a low bodyfat percentage with sunken cheeks and a wide jaw (signs of high testosterone levels in puberty)

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its called having normal test levels you massive faggot

But are you qt though?
I doubt you still have that boyish young look

Soft(soi)boys degenerate faggots who push their dildo cramming delusions onto impressionable white people.

I find the idea of rejecting your biological role as a male inherently repulsive. Call me a roastie if you want, I am a man. Only men can fully appreciate the egregious enormity of such a situation.
Also there's an extreme comorbidity with dysphoria, faggotry, and a variety of mental illnesses and paraphilias. No thanks. All-in-all soifags and trannies by far one of the most unpleasant groups of people to ever grace my presence. I'd be overjoyed if they were all swiftly executed.

Citation needed.

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I'm not skinny enough to be a softboy

>I find the idea of rejecting your biological role as a male inherently repulsive.
then why are you on Jow Forums.

To speak with other disillusioned males.

Kek, user read an article on Vice and has spent 2 weeks here. Get out Redditfag

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Idk, i think i would rather go full on tranny than be like those faggots.

What does a softboy even become when his neoteny leaves him with age? A soiboy or some other kind of ugly motherfucker?

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I'm ugly, OP. I have to be as discrete as I can

look at dicaprio or johnny depp


Dicaprio quit being a softboy and Johnny Depp was never a softboy to begin with. He was always a Chad.

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Most trannies aren't actually feminine. A feminine woman isn't out cruising to suck 20 guys off at the glory hole or have anal sex in the public bathroom with some trucker they don't know. They don't threaten to kill or torture or rape people for thinking there are 2 genders.

Too ugly for that
I'm waiting for a fucking response from you, op

I wear shirts with flowers and stuff on them. People 90% of the time just think you're gay

>Many girls are into effeminate guys who're more open about their emotions and mental health!
>Second point on pic related
Ummm, sorry sweetie, but no.

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